The yellow vest fell to the ground. Xia Feng squatted down and patted him on the face. He wanted to wake him up. His brain suddenly moved: "Hey, play with this."

This is another potential of magic eye: mind taking.

Similar to hypnosis, but much more advanced than hypnosis.

Xia Feng gently touched the eyebrows of the yellow vest with his fingers, input real Qi, and then made a flat voice in his mouth.

Huang vest woke up and looked straight at Xia Feng.

Xia Feng pronounced in a flat voice: "what's your name?"

The yellow vest murmured, "Li Wei."

Xia Feng asked, "what are you doing in the company?"

The yellow vest said, "I forgot the key of the oil truck. Come back and get it?"

"Oil truck?" Xia Feng was stunned and asked, "don't you drive a transport truck?"

Li Wei said, "I usually drive a transport truck. When the oil comes, I drive an oil truck."

What is oil? When he came to drive the oil truck, Xia Feng became suspicious and asked slowly. The yellow vest was controlled by the mind taking technique. He asked what to answer. After half an hour, Xia Feng finally asked clearly. For a time, he was surprised and happy.

It turned out that Xu Xiaowei was still a smuggler. He opened a transportation company in the open, but secretly smuggled oil products.

His motorcade has two light and dark teams. Mingli is a dozen large trucks transporting sand, cement and other building materials.

Secretly, there are ten refitted oil trucks and large trucks. Because the sanitation requirements are to cover the sand trucks, he makes use of this. On the surface, it is only a sand truck with a cover. In fact, there are large iron boxes welded inside the cover, which can be used to transport oil. A refitted large truck can load 20 tons of oil at a time.

Smugglers brought in oil from the river, and then Xu Xiaowei's oil transportation team transported the oil from the river to Linjiang City, and then sold it from some gas stations, forming an extremely hidden interest chain.

Many people are involved, and Xu Xiaowei is only one link in the middle.

The driver, Li Wei, is the confidant of Xu Xiaowei's transportation team. He usually drives large goods and drives an oil truck when he comes to the oil. When the oil comes that day, he forgot the key of the oil truck in the company and came back to get it, which happened to be met by Xia Feng.

"This is a big case." Xia Feng was surprised and happy for a moment: "if sister Yao solved this case, wouldn't she take off?"

Xia Feng thought so, then gently pressed the center of Li Wei's eyebrows, and then withdrew.

In another 20 minutes, Li Wei will wake up, but he will forget what happened just now.

Of course, Xia Feng won't just let Li Wei go. He goes outside and controls a group of bees. Following Li Wei, one bee can't do, but a group of bees can form a bee net.

Watching a group of bees leave with Li Wei, Xia Feng calls Yao Mengqi: "sister, are you there now?"

"What's the matter?" Yao Mengqi asked.

"Something." Xia Feng hurriedly shouted, "I'll give you a great credit. Do you want it?"

"Are you kidding?" Yao Mengqi didn't believe it. "Something's up."

Xia Feng can't laugh or cry. He doesn't care about other people, but Yao Mengqi is different. One is that Yao Mengqi is close to him, and the other is that he admires Yao Mengqi from the bottom of his heart.

This credit could have been given to Wang Tielin, but Wang Tielin lives much more natural and unrestrained than Yao Mengqi, and in the bottom of his heart, Xia Feng also thinks Yao Mengqi is closer.

So he dialed again. Yao Mengqi connected and was a little anxious: "what are you doing? Do you want me to kick you?"

"No, I want you to ride me." Xia Fengyou said, afraid that Yao Mengqi would hang up the phone, he hurriedly shouted, "it's really a great credit. You really don't want it. I gave it to Wang Tielin."

"Which Wang Tielin?" this really aroused Yao Mengqi's curiosity.

Xia Feng said, "that's Wang Tielin Luo. Who else is Wang Tielin?"

Although Wang Tielin is not a policeman, he has been a soldier and has a special relationship in the police station. Yao Mengqi, as a private detective, certainly knows this person.

"Do you know Wang Tielin?" Yao Mengqi is more curious. Of course she knows Wang Tielin.

"How fresh." Xia Feng blew: "I still know Shi Yundong. I tell you, sister, if you really don't want this credit, I'll just find them."

"Wait a minute, five minutes." when Wang Tielin and Shi Yundong were mentioned in succession, Yao Mengqi really couldn't sit still: "you wait for me in my office first."

Xia Feng found Yao Mengqi's office and locked the door. He waited. After a while, high heels rang.

Xia Feng closed his eyes and listened for a while.

Xia Feng looked back. Yao Mengqi came up from the corridor. Her upper body was a gray short sleeve, and below was a black short skirt with flesh colored silk stockings. High heels were not very high, about five inches.

But she was tall, with long legs and thin waist. When she hurried away, she had a strong heroic spirit. However, with the wonderful vibration, she had another kind of sexy.

"You don't want to go to work?" Yao Mengqi saw him, asked first, and then opened the door.

When Xia Feng went in, he closed the door. Yao Mengqi shouted, "don't close it."

Seeing that Xia Feng was still closed, she immediately stepped back, stared at Xia Feng and said, "don't mess around, otherwise I'm really angry."

Xia Feng suddenly smiled, looked at Yao Mengqi, shook his head and said, "sister Yao, you can't do this. Look in the mirror yourself. After kissing me last two times, you look radiant. You look at your appearance now and look haggard. Before you broke up with me last time, you saw 267 at most. Now, it's more than 30."

"I'm old. Don't remind me." Yao Mengqi gritted her teeth.

Xia Feng said with a smile, "not only does your face age, but also you have bad breath."

"You're talking nonsense." Yao Mengqi glared.

"You can't smell it yourself, others say." Xia Feng smiled: "then, there are oral ulcers, which have occurred repeatedly for at least more than ten days."

I can't smell bad breath. Yao Mengqi really didn't feel it, but the oral ulcer is true. It's been bad for more than ten days. It's very uncomfortable, but I'm not convinced: "how do you know."

"Alas." Xia Feng sighed, took a step closer and put his hand around Yao Mengqi's waist.

Yao Mengqi didn't refuse his action, but she stretched out her hand and slightly supported Xia Feng's chest. She had already had everything with Xia Feng, but she was still a little angry because she didn't contact him during this period of time.

Xia Feng didn't push her. She looked at her eyes and said, "sister, it's not a way for you to spell with your own health."

Looking at his eyes, Yao Mengqi suddenly felt a little palpitation in her heart. For how long, no one hugged her so closely and said intimate words.

Her nose was sour for a while, but she immediately converged, stared at Xia Feng and said, "don't worry."

Xia Feng said, "I don't care about you. Who cares about you?"

Xia Feng's words once again made Yao Mengqi palpitate in her heart and said, "in short, don't you care."

Xia Feng said, "sister, let me kiss you. Let me cure your bad breath and ulcer first."

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