Ma Xueqin turns around when she hears the sound, and the car has come in front of her.

Her mind was blank and she didn't know what to do.

Just then, Xia Feng arrived, hugged her waist, lifted her feet and stepped on the front cover of the car.

The car sped forward. He took two steps. The first step was on the front cover, the second step was on the roof, and the third step was that the car had rushed out. He fell to the ground with Ma Xueqin in his arms.

The car rushed out of the parking lot and turned. When turning, the driver in the car looked here and looked surprised.

Obviously, Xia Feng's action, which was similar to the empty step in the air, surprised him, not to mention carrying a man. Ma Xueqin fell to the ground for a long time before she was startled. She suddenly grabbed Xia Feng's arm and shouted, "Xiaofeng."

"It's okay, it's okay." Ma Xueqin patted her hand.

"Xu Xiaowei sent him?" she was surprised and angry.

Xia Feng nodded, "maybe."

"I will never let him go." Ma Xueqin gritted her teeth.

When Xia Feng came back with her, Ma Xueqin began to call in the car to find a relationship and strengthen her efforts to deal with Xu Xiaowei.

Xia Feng shook his head secretly. When he got home, Ma Xueqin had recovered, got some dishes and opened wine. Xia Feng said, "sister Ma, you didn't say you talked to Ningjiang on the phone yesterday. Don't you trust him? Why don't you just rest for a few days and go to the United States."

"Do you want me to hide from Xu Xiaowei?" Ma Xueqin shook her head and said, "no, I'm not afraid of him, and with you, he can't hurt me."

"That won't work." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "only a thousand days to be a thief, not a thousand days to prevent thieves. It's too tired."

"What do you mean?" Ma Xueqin looked at him, puzzled.

"I mean, when you go to the United States for a few days, I'll kill Xu Xiaowei and finish it all, and then when you come back, there'll be nothing."

"What?" Ma Xueqin was surprised, and her eyes showed great joy: "you mean, you help me kill?"

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded without hesitation: "everything is rooted in Xu Xiaowei. If you don't kill him, he will never end. It's no use checking him and sealing him again."

"Xiaofeng." Ma Xueqin stood up, jumped directly into Xia Feng's arms and kissed him passionately: "are you really willing to kill for me?"

"It doesn't matter if you kill this kind of thing." Xia Feng was not as excited as she: "I've checked these two days. This guy has been in prison twice. He bumped into and killed people when he started a long-distance business in his early years, and it was intentional, but he argued that it was unintentional. Because there was no evidence, he gave money again. He was sentenced to only three years, and came out after less than two years. He also used this bad name to gather several prisoners to open a transportation company."

"That's not what I mean." Ma Xueqin shook her head and looked excited: "you are really willing to kill for me."

Xia Feng understood that Ma Xueqin was excited that Xia Feng was willing to kill for her.

"Of course." Xia Feng hugged her, nodded and said, "you are my dear sister ma. For you, don't say to kill someone or poke a hole in the sky. I'm not afraid."

"Xiaofeng." his words completely excited Ma Xueqin. She desperately kissed Xia Feng. It seems that this alone is not enough to express her passion. She actually knelt down

He said again: "brother Xiaofeng, good brother, I love you so much. I'm willing to die for you. Let me die..."

Xia Feng didn't expect that Ma Xueqin would be so excited.

Women are emotional. Ma Xueqin really listened to Xia Feng and asked for leave the next day and went to the United States.

Send Ma Xueqin on the plane. Xia Feng looks back and comes to find Xu Xiaowei.

Although it originated from Ningjiang, and Xia Feng really hated Ningjiang, he checked and found that Xu Xiaowei was not a good bird, so he killed him for Ma Xueqin.

I drove to Xu Xiaowei's house and controlled a bee. I explored Xu Xiaowei's house, but I didn't find Xu Xiaowei.

Then I went to Xu Xiaowei's company. The door of the company was closed and sealed. Sure enough, it was sealed.

There is no one in the company or at home. What should I do? Look all over the world?

Xia Feng's biggest headache now is to find someone. Last time, he really found out the psychological shadow.

There was no way. He wanted to ask Wang Tielin for help. He knew many people and thought about it, but he called Yao Mengqi.

The mobile phone rang three times, connected, and Yao Mengqi's voice rang out: "you still remember me."

"Always forget, sister Yao." Xia Feng said, "but it's no use remembering. Your old man is too busy. Answering the phone is like urging life."

"You dare call me old man. You want to die," said Yao Mengqi.

Xia Feng smiled and said, "eh, you seem to be relatively empty today. Why don't I come to you?"

"Why are you looking for me?" Xia Feng smiled. He couldn't say anything in his heart. He said, "I miss my good sister."

"Greasy mouth." Yao Mengqi said angrily, but she was obviously very happy. Then she said, "I'll have something to do later. If there's anything, say it quickly."

"I said, even if I called you, it would be as life-threatening." Xia Feng was discouraged.

Yao Mengqi snorted, "don't talk nonsense, talk quickly."

"Well, help me check my cell phone number. A guy owes me money and plays hide and seek with me." halfway through the conversation, he suddenly saw a man who seemed to be Xu Xiaowei's man who beat him that night. He immediately changed his mouth: "Oh, no, I found that guy."

He wanted to kill Xu Xiaowei, so if he didn't check, he wouldn't check. He didn't think about it before.

Yao Mengqi heard this and said, "you guy."

Then he hung up the phone.

"Sister, you're really busy. Aren't you a private detective? As for not?" Xia Feng shook his head while listening to the blind voice on the phone.

Xia Feng took his cell phone and saw Xu Xiaowei's man enter the company through the small door. The guy was wearing a yellow vest and muscular. He was more than 1.7 meters tall, but Xia Feng remembered that he kicked him away with one foot at that time.

In fact, it can't be said that Xia Feng's body is evil. Now in this world, there are not many people who can't give him a kick to fly.

Seeing that there was no one nearby, Xia Feng got out of the car and followed in.

The yellow vest seemed to come to the company to get something. When he heard the noise, he looked back and saw Xia Feng. He was a little flustered on his face and immediately wanted to run.

In Xia Feng's hand, where could he run? Xia Feng caught up with him with one step.

The yellow vest was kind. He couldn't escape. He turned back, roared and punched Xia Feng on the door.

Xia Feng did not hide or flash, but hit him in the face with the same punch.

The same move, the same distance, but his speed was too fast. Xia Feng's fist had arrived halfway through the yellow vest fist, and he knocked the yellow vest out with one punch.

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