Xia Feng couldn't help it and said, "how big is your bet this time?"

"A million euros." Tucker really said everything: "if you win, you can have 10 million euros."

"I go." Xia Feng could not help but make complaints about his heart.

Ten million euros, equivalent to almost 100 million Chinese dollars, and the money won is Tucker's private, but the advertising fee is public.


For the sake of private 100 million, he gave up the right to invest the public 300 million advertising expenses. Xia Feng has some faith now. He is willing to do it. Let alone 100 million, he also did it for 10 million.

"Feng, you must help me." Tucker saw that Xia Feng had not nodded. He was really anxious: "my investment this time is all my wealth. I borrowed a little. If I lose, I will go bankrupt."

He said, looking at both sides, there was no one on the left and right. It may be that the staff supervising the horse also stood far away. He said: "Feng, you may not know the importance of Guanggong's manager and advertising investment. In addition to some particularly good channels, ordinary channels, you have to give you a rebate if you want to take our advertising expenses. In this way, I assure you that the advertising department is entirely up to you. You set it. As long as it's not too excessive, I'll give it to you. As long as you help me win the competition, will you do it?"

This man really has no city government at all, and thanks to him as the general manager, but he has a good life and reincarnation, and there is no way at all.

Well, in fact, Xia Feng doesn't have a city government, so he likes Tucker's temperament.

However, he didn't nod immediately. After a few years with old worker Xiong, he would still be a little slippery sometimes.

"How many horses are there?" he asked.

"Seven," Tucker said. "If I win, at least 10 million euros, maybe they will add."

Xia Feng nodded: "can your red rabbit run over their horses at ordinary times?"

"Not necessarily." Tucker shook his head: "it's good to have one of the first or five games occasionally, but during this time, the red rabbit's state has been good, so I made a heavy bet. I only have this chance. If next year, I don't think I can have another chance."

"That's OK." after touching the bottom, Xia Feng nodded with emotion: "I'll guarantee you first this time."

"Great." Tucker looked excited. "As long as I win, I mean what I say."

"OK." Xia Feng said, "you lead the horse."

Tucker Yiyan led the horse to stand. The staff only looked at it and didn't stop it. This kind of supervision only prevented cheating. As long as he didn't feed or inject the horse, he wouldn't care.

Xia Feng stepped back a few steps, about three meters apart, then separated his hands, facing the red rabbit far away, and wrapped Tucker in.

Tucker immediately felt a cool breath wrapped around him, not only the horse, but also his people.

The weather is a little hot. There is basically no winter here in Linjiang city. Now it is autumn, which is not much different from summer, so Tucker is sweating.

This cool breath came in a package. He felt cool all over in a moment. The whole person was unspeakably comfortable from inside to outside.

"Oriental witchcraft is really magical." he was shocked and full of confidence in victory.

He was really gambling. The winning rate of the red rabbit was actually very low. He didn't have much chance of winning. He was just a gambler's heart, but at this moment, he suddenly felt that the winning rate had doubled.

He didn't know that Xia Feng was angry with him and the horse. He wanted him to have this psychology and determined that the reason why the red rabbit won was that Xia Feng practiced witchcraft. Then he wouldn't go back on his subsequent commitment.

Xia Feng was angry for three minutes and stopped. Tucker entered the air-conditioning room from the sun. He was too comfortable. Horses and red rabbits were almost the same.

"I will win this time." Tucker was confident before the game.

Next, Tucker gave the red rabbit to the rider. He kept the horse and rider for nearly one million a year. Of course, it was Chinese currency.

Tucker brought Xia Feng back to watch the war.

A total of seven horses participated in the competition. The horse owners are rich and powerful like Tucker, but not all are foreigners. There are also several Chinese.

Someone added, and finally Tucker told Xia Feng that if the red rabbit wins, he can win 13 million euros and convert it into Chinese currency, just 100 million euros.

Xia Feng tossed about for more than half a year with his magic eyes, but made millions. That's a very strange existence, but some people gamble a horse casually, which is hundreds of millions of in and out.

People die more than people. Ma Bima, you have to throw it.

Xia Feng took a look. Among the rich people who participated in the gambling competition, there was no little beauty in Liu Simin's harem. They were all men. They didn't bother to look. They turned to look at the track. Seven horses arrived together, and the track was less than 50 meters from the stand. This kind of private horse racing was very close to the stand.

In fact, it doesn't matter if it's far away. Even if it's not in the mountain area and within the visual range, Xia Feng's spiritual power is enough. He immediately discussed with seven horses. The red rabbit is the first, which is the second and which is the third. In short, the second is to lag behind the red rabbit by one horse.

The horses dare not disobey Xia Feng's orders. The Demon power of magic eye is too frightening. The horses feel the Demon power and are frightened. They dare not resist.

When the gun rang, the red rabbit rushed out first.

Tucker waved his arm and shouted, "first, first, first, win, win, win."

With Xia Feng's order, the other six horses didn't dare to compete with the red rabbit, so they just followed it closely. They said they were one horse behind. In the end, they were more than three horses behind.

"Victory." after getting the final data, Tucker jumped up wildly and jumped for a long time. The excitement passed. He patted Xia Feng on the shoulder and said, "Feng, thank you. I mean what I say. I'll announce the establishment of the advertising department at work tomorrow. You will be the manager of the advertising department, and the personnel will be selected by you. You can hire someone else."

The man was frivolous and fickle, but he kept his word. Sure enough, he announced the establishment of the advertising department as soon as he went to work the next day, and Xia Feng was the manager of the advertising department.

This appointment, like a huge bomb, lifted Yiduo up and down. Like a forklift transport team, the bottom is OK. The more you go to the top, the greater the vibration.

Xue Yue objected first and Du Mingzhu objected second. They both objected for the same reasons. Xia Fengjin company did not prove that it had the strength to control one soon, and the advertising department was unusual.

Advertising is not just about investing money. In other words, investing money is a very difficult thing. There is too much knowledge in it. Xia Feng can't prove that he can spend Yiduo's 300 million next year efficiently and effectively, whether from his qualifications or education. In fact, this is a more serious problem.

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