The veterinarian continued, "those of you who practice Tai Chi have long smelled the street. Like that horse, what else can you do in addition to playing 110?"

Xia Feng almost wanted to cover his face.

"I don't practice Tai Chi." Xia Feng also had no intention to correct the name of Tai Chi. He took back his hand, loosened the reins of the red horse and said, "run a circle."

With this drink, Hongmao really ran out, and ran faster and faster, as if he hadn't been hurt at all.

Now the veterinarian and the rider were all stupid, and so was the staff next to them.

Tucker was so excited that he shouted and patted Xia Feng on the shoulder: "Feng, I knew you could do it. Tang Ya has always said that you are powerful, that you are a strange person, and that my eight characters are most suitable for you. She specially looked for someone to read it. She said that my career should go further and find a noble person, and you are my noble person."

It's all a mess, but Xia Feng immediately figured it out. Tang Ya thanked him and was afraid of him, so she tried her best to say good things in front of Tucker. It's estimated that she borrowed the mouth of those eight character gentlemen on the street. Tucker has soft ears and really believes in her pillow style.

Xia Feng could only smile and said to Tucker, "general manager, try riding around."

With a whistle in his mouth, the red horse immediately ran back to Xia Feng, snorted, and wiped his head on his chest, very affectionate.

The horse's legs were ready in an instant. The veterinarian was stunned, and the red horse was so intimate with Xia Feng that the rider was stupid again.

They all looked at Xia Feng with four eyes, and their hearts were full of one word: monster.

Xia Feng didn't care about their opinions. He watched Tucker Xing get on the horse in a hurry, ran around, ran back and asked, "how's it going?"

"I think so," Tucker said excitedly. "A little faster than usual."

He said and jumped off the horse. After all, the vet couldn't help but bend over to look at the horse's legs and pinch and touch them.

"How's it going?" Tucker asked.

The vet shook his head and said nothing.

Tucker said hurriedly, "any questions?"

"No." the vet shook his head again, looked at Xia Feng and said, "I must admit that it's really all right now. It's really strange."

His words made Tucker laugh and said, "I said, your Chinese Qigong is magical, even more magical than our ancient French witchcraft. Now you believe it."

The veterinarian's face is red, black and red. If you want to believe it or not, the facts are in front of you. If you want to believe it, Taiji's gang of swindlers made a big noise some time ago.

The rider is similar.

Xia Feng can understand their psychology and is secretly funny.

In fact, it's not Tai Chi. It's just those who practice Tai Chi now.

Just like traditional Chinese medicine, it's not traditional Chinese medicine, but many people who study traditional Chinese medicine can't.

At this time, another staff member came and said to Tucker, "Mr. Tucker, do you want to compete?"

"Sure," Tucker nodded immediately.

"OK, please sign." the staff handed Tucker a form and tucker signed it.

"The game will start in an hour. Please get ready." the staff took the watch and left.

Tucker said to the vet, "thank you. It's all right."

When the vet left, he pulled Xia Feng and said, "Feng, do you think I can win?"

"I don't know," Xia Feng said. "Your red rabbit race is no problem, but whether it can win depends on whether it can run over other horses."

"That..." Tucker grabbed his head, looked at the rider beside him and said, "go and have a rest first. I'll call you later."

Look at the rider walking away, but the staff is still there. Tucker pulled Xia Feng's arm to one side and said, "Feng, can you help me with your witchcraft?"

"Ah?" Xia Feng looked at him inexplicably.

Tucker explained: "the gamblers here are very strong. I want to make a heavy bet."

Sure enough, it is horse racing gambling, and it may be private gambling. In China, public horse racing is not allowed, but rich people get together to gamble privately, and there is no way to supervise it.

"This." Xia Feng didn't know how to respond to him.

Of course, it's easy for Tucker's horse to win. As soon as the race starts, Xia Feng can let other horses jog a little. He ordered that no horse dare not obey.

But it's a little weird. Qigong is open. Although most liars, at least everyone knows that they won't feel weird. But if he helps Tucker win the game, it's too weird. Those who know will doubt it.

He kept the magic eye secret very well. No one, including Guo Wenjia, knew about it except that he exposed it in front of Liu Simin.

He doesn't want to be exposed.

Especially for Tucker's exposure, he was even more reluctant. Why, the foreigner didn't give him any benefit. Even if he was made the director of the comprehensive liaison office, it was Kong Fuzhi's proposal at first, and he was a director of the comprehensive liaison office, which was worth a translation team. In short, he was at the loss.

Tucker seemed to see his hesitation and said, "Feng, Kong Fuzhi has always said that I want to reuse you. Tang Yaze said that you are my noble man. In this way, if you help me this time, I'll let you be the manager of the advertising department."

"Advertising manager?" Xia Feng exclaimed.

"Yes." Tucker nodded. "The head office has already decided. Next year, the advertising investment in the Chinese market is three hundred million. I was the manager of the advertising department. I want to divide it out, and you will be the manager. You has the final say in all advertising. How about that?"

Xia Feng looked at Tucker and was surprised for a moment.

Yiduo has developed well in recent years. Its profit this year is about 200 million. Now it is mainly about the market and scale. Whether it makes money or not is not considered by the head office, so the advertising fee is even more than the profit.

Many famous brands were made in this way in the early stage.

It's not easy to be a brand, and it's not easy to occupy the market.

But Xia Feng doesn't care about that. What he wants is 300 million advertising expenses. That's an astronomical figure, and it's investment. It's money. Is there anything better than spending money in this world?

And it's not just cool. It can make money and take kickbacks. Any advertising company must give a kickback to Xia Feng if it wants to take more advertising fees from Xia Feng.

Yiduo's $300 million advertising fee, even a point, is a rebate of $3 million. For ordinary people, it's money they can't earn in a lifetime.

This kind of money investment is usually in the hands of the general manager. Now Tucker wants to give this power to Xia Feng in order to win a horse race.

This is too exaggerated. Although Tucker had known that he was frivolous, it was too frivolous to give him 300 million.

Xia Feng really didn't believe it. He looked at Tucker in a daze. Tucker looked at him and said, "Feng, what do you think?"

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