Qin Lu talked with Xia Feng earlier. Wu Chi, the party concerned, avoided it. At this moment, after listening to Xia Feng, he knew Qin Lu's conditions. He immediately turned red and said, "I won't ask for this wife."

"Fart." Wuxi slapped her hand on the table. It was too heavy and trembled in her hand.

Xia Feng sighed and said, "hold your hands."

As soon as he closed his hands, the void sandwiched Wu Qian's palms between his palms, 20 cm apart. Once he made a work, Wu Qian didn't hurt in a moment.

It's no use having a headache. After thinking for a long time, Wu Qian said to Xia Feng, "Xiao Xia, can you talk to Xiao Yun's sister-in-law tomorrow and get engaged first? We can give more betrothal gifts."

"OK." Xia Feng can only promise.

It's still early. Before five o'clock, Wu Chi took a bucket and went out to touch the snail. This is money. What he touches is money. Even if he can't get a wife, he still has to touch the snail.

Of course Xia Feng will follow.

Touching the snail, he took a break and touched the cigarette. Xia Feng said, "second, I still have some money. Do you want to lend it to you?"

"No." Wu Chi flatly refused.

"Why?" Xia Feng called.

"No is no." Wu Chi's voice was sullen.

Xia Feng sighed. He knew that Wu Chi would not want it. Some people in the world are afraid that they can't get the money, but some people will never take advantage of others. It doesn't matter if there are eight thousand children. Hundreds of thousands of children. Wu Chi will never take advantage of such a bargain.

Wu Chi is going to work the next day. The forklift team has 28 and a half days a month. Yesterday, it took a day off, and there are still one and a half days. But there is also overtime pay, and there is money to help people on duty.

Therefore, Wu Chi must go to work if he can go to work.

Xia Feng was free and called Qin Lu in the morning. Qin Lu said that she would go home at noon and invite Xia Feng to have a drink at noon.

Xia Feng actually doesn't want to drink her wine. He has lived for more than 20 years and has been a matchmaker. This time he talks very hard.

But you have to drink this wine without drinking it.

There's nothing I can do for my brother.

At noon, Zhou Jialong was at home. Unexpectedly, he also cooked and fried several dishes. Xia Feng said Wu Qian's meaning in a pinch.

Qin Lu blinked and immediately responded: "it's OK to get engaged first. The deposit is 108000. We should write a document. We should buy a house and get married two years later. The house should be at least 100 square meters in our hometown county. If we can't do it for two years, the deposit will not be refunded. In addition, don't say that we are greedy for bride price. When we get married, we will marry a car."

Xia Feng was stunned there again.

He was really angry when he heard that it would cost $188000 to order documents, but he was stupid again when he heard that behind him.

People don't want your money. If you get married, you'll have to pay tens of thousands. To put it bluntly, it's still the basic one: buy a house and get married.

That's right.

Xia Feng really didn't know what to say. He came back dizzy and said to Wu Qian. Wu Qian replied, "her sister-in-law is a powerful person."

She didn't say what happened. When Wu Chi came back in the afternoon, Xia Feng said, Wu Chi shouted at that time: "I don't want to marry a wife. I'll be a monk."

"You dare." Wuxi grabbed the calculator on the table and threw it.

Wu Chi neither hid nor answered. He hit him on the shoulder. He didn't care. He gambled angrily and shouted, "if you want to give a bride price, I'll run to Shaolin Temple."

Wu Qian was really anxious. She rushed over and beat him on his chest and back. Wu Chi didn't hide or flash, so Xia Feng had to pull away.

Jiang Feng also came back and looked at it. After a while, he said slowly, "if you can't afford a house for two years."

"What if I can afford it?" Wu Xi's eyes were red, and the river wind shrank and stopped making a noise.

Xia Feng sighed.

Wu Qian didn't make a decision for the moment. It's estimated that it's noisy. Xia Feng is an outsider in the end. She doesn't ask if it's bad to be mixed in.

The next day was Saturday. Xia Feng got up and was fine. He casually played the game. His mobile phone suddenly rang. Tucker called: "Yang, your witchcraft, oh, no, it's Qigong. It can cure people. Can you cure horses?"

"Horse?" Xia Feng wondered, "do you have a horse?"

Xia Feng used to think that only Hong Kong raised horses, ran horses and gambled on horses. Later, he learned that there were also horses in China, even in Linjiang city. He was just curious. Did Tucker also raise one.

"Yes." Tucker cried, "I have one, but it's about to race, but I hurt my leg. Can your Qigong cure it?"

Xia Feng said, "I want to see it."

"Then come and have a look." Tucker said the address. On this side of the West City, Xia Feng drove to the back of a town and built a racetrack between the two mountains.

Xia Feng found Tucker. Tucker said anxiously, "come and see my red rabbit."

"Red rabbit? I dare say you're Lv Bu." Xia Feng was amused. He went to a horse shed with Tucker and saw a red hair. There were two people busy, maybe veterinarians and riders. There was another person beside him, who seemed to be a staff member.

Xia Feng knew that the horse's leg was hurt and was not very heavy, but it was basically impossible to participate in the race.

"This leg." Tucker pointed to Xia Feng.

"I know." Xia Feng nodded and pretended to look at it.

"Well, if your Qigong can be cured, you will participate in the competition soon. If you can't run, it will be too tragic." Tucker looked anxious.

He spoke the Chinese language. The veterinarians and riders were all Chinese. When he talked about Qigong, they all looked at Xia Feng strangely.

Xia Feng understands that there are too many Qigong swindlers. Veterinarians and riders also regard him as a swindler.

Xia Feng didn't care about them, nodded and said, "I'll try."

Gently touched the horse's neck: "man, don't move. I'll cure you right away. It won't hurt any more soon."

The red horse was a little uneasy when he saw him. People couldn't feel the strange smell of the magic eye, but the horse could. When he heard his words, he was indeed quiet.

Red hair's injured left leg was falsely lifted and dared not fall to the ground. Xia Feng squatted down in front of it, pinched a sword finger and aimed at the red horse's leg joints.

The veterinarian was a strong middle-aged man and should be straight. Seeing Xia Feng like this, he couldn't see it anymore. He said to Tucker, "Mr. Tucker, please believe in medicine."

Tucker was also a funny man. He nodded, "I believe in medicine."

"But." the vet pointed to Xia Feng.

"Oh, this is Qigong. Don't you know Qigong? It's so magical. It's similar to ancient witchcraft."

Isn't it getting darker and darker? The vet's face was as black as the bottom of the pot: "Mr. Tucker, if you believe him, I don't care about your horse."

"Don't you care." before Tucker responded, Xia Feng answered back first.

The veterinarian could hold his anger against Tucker and was completely rude to Xia Feng. He immediately shouted angrily, "you can only cheat foreigners. Do you still want to cheat us?"

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