Xia Feng was strange: "it's really strange. This woman is obviously a romantic figure. How can she marry Xiao Yun's brother?"

But on the contrary, Wu Qian is not bad, but she wants to open up even if she doesn't marry Jiang Feng.

As Xia Feng expected, Xiao Yun's brother was silent, but Qin Lu put forward the conditions and said to Xia Feng, "Xiao Xia brother, you are a matchmaker, so I'll tell you straight, Xiao Yun, we are beautiful and clever, and do things in a reasonable way. We don't say one in a thousand, but at least it's no worse than the sister of others."

Xia Feng nodded. There was absolutely nothing wrong with this. Although he boasted, Xia Feng recognized such boasting.

Praise is only the surface, the key is the back.

The latter came immediately. Qin Lu said, "even though Xiaoyun likes Xiaowu, we will not object to being brother and sister-in-law, but even as brother and sister-in-law, her parents are not here, so we have to make an idea for her."

"Of course, the elder brother is like a father." Xia Feng smiled and nodded with a tone. He never spoke in tune, but he is a matchmaker. He must consider his words and sentences and can't talk nonsense.

Xia Feng said, "if you have any requirements, you can mention them. Xiao Yun is a good girl. We will never treat her badly."

"If only you said that." Qin Lu said, "our requirements are not high."

Qin Lu stops here and looks at Xia Feng: "I asked Xiao Wu. There is only one old house in his family. It's too bad to live in the countryside. His brother-in-law's family said there was a new house, but it's his brother-in-law's family. Therefore, we only put forward one basic requirement. Xiao Wu wants to give Xiao Yun a home. She has a good yellow flower girl. She is neither a second marriage nor a widow. She can't get married in a rented house."

Hearing this, Xia Feng's smile froze on her face.

Qin Lu's meaning is very clear. She wants Wu Chi to buy a house.

Is this too much? To be honest, it's not too much, especially when Wu Chi's hometown doesn't have a house.

But it's so easy to buy a house. Today, Xia Feng can barely buy a suite, but he can't buy a big one.

"Marriage should have a home. It's right." seeing Qin Lu staring at himself, Xia Feng had to nod with a stiff smile and consider the words: "but their registered permanent residence is in their hometown. It's more convenient to buy a house there."

"Yes," Qin Lu agreed: "Xiao Wu's hometown, I checked. The house price is about 35 to 4000. If it's big, at least three bedrooms and one living room. If she has a child, Xiao Yun's mother has to say hello. Her relatives usually need a place to live when they move around. Do you think so, the three bedrooms and one living room is about 100 square meters, that is, about 400000, plus decoration, it looks like 500000 。”

The algorithm didn't mix any water. It really wanted this number. Xia Feng nodded: "it's almost like this."

"That's why." Qin Lu said, "you're a matchmaker. I'll tell you the truth. Xiao Wu wants to marry Xiao Yun, go back and buy a suite, write the names of both sides, and get the certificate immediately. Then, give us a wedding gift of 18800, and we'll return a full set of household appliances and eight quilts. Brother Xia, you said, our request is not too much."

Xia Feng smiled like 502 glue on her face.

It's not too much to say, but Wu Chi didn't buy a house for 500000. He opened a shop for 400000, and Xia Feng helped with the loan. He has earned a little in recent months, which is far from enough to repay the loan.

Xia Feng had to pile up his smiling face a little thicker and nodded his head: "it's reasonable to have a home for marriage. However, they only come to Linjiang to open a shop now. The business has been quite good in the past two months. Now there are seven or eight thousand running water every day, more than ten thousand when there are more, more than three thousand net profits, and less than seven or eight thousand a month."

When he said this, he stopped and helped Wu Chi blow first, but after looking at the look on Qin Lu's face, the effect seemed general.

Generally, it also needs to be blown.

Xia Feng continued to blow: "I helped them calculate that at least 800000 will not be a problem in a year. If the momentum of these two months continues, it is also possible to pay off the loan and have another five or six million in hand."

Qin Lu still didn't move.

In fact, Xia Feng knows that for a person as powerful as Qin Lu, she must have asked Xiaoyun about the income in Wuqian's shop. That's why she agrees with Xiaoyun to marry Wuchi. If Wuchi really works and takes three or five thousand yuan a month, she will never agree.

Xia Feng continued: "young man, career oriented, Xiaowu is also determined to work hard. I talked to him and do it well. If the store has been open for three years, don't go back. Maybe you can buy a house directly in Linjiang city."

He was blowing into the big house. Unfortunately, who is Qin Lu? When he said this, he smiled faintly: "the shop is mainly her sister's, isn't it all for him? It's just his sister, not his mother."

This almost didn't swallow Xia Feng to death.

However, it can't be said that Qin Lu was wrong. For ordinary siblings, this account must be calculated clearly. At that time, the loan was also the name of Wu Qian and Jiang Feng, but there was nothing wrong with Wu Chi, but Wu Qian was in charge of their family, and Jiang Feng didn't have much status.

But it's absolutely impossible to say that all the money made in the store is to buy a house for Wu Chi. If you can divide it by half, it's your sister. Speaking of, it's one-third. No one can say that you treated Wu Chi badly.

"That, of course." Xia Feng can only nod with a stiff smile. NIMA, he has never said so in his life: "however, their store business is good and can be opened all the time. Besides, Xiaowu can also open another one with Xiaoyun."

"How many years will it take for Xiaoyun to follow Xiaowu? If you were her brother, would you agree?" Qin Lu asked Xia Feng directly: "we Xiaoyun, a yellow flower girl, follow him like this. What do others say? Besides, if we want to play for a few years and don't want it, how do you want Xiaoyun to be a man?"

Xia Feng had nothing to answer. At this moment, he completely understood that no matter how he thought about words, he could never say anything more than Qin Lu.

If you really want to have the confidence to take 500000 to buy a suite, it's easy to say. Otherwise, with his mouth, you'd better save it. You can't take advantage of Qin Lu.

I came back in the afternoon and told Wu Qian Qin Lu's request.

Jiang Feng is also here. Today is Thursday, but he has a one-day rotation break every month. While cutting vegetables, he listens. When he hears about buying a house, he gets married. He shouted: "Yo, who can afford to buy a house for 500000?"

Wuxi stared: "what are you howling about? Hurry up!"

The river wind stopped squeaking, and the head was buried, and the knife was hammering.

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