Zhou Ling was disappointed. She promised and went out.

Xia Feng stared, shook his head, took back his mind, thought for a moment, and went out of the company to the bookstore.

There seems to be everything on the Internet, but it's unreliable when it's really checked. You still have to read a book.

I went to the Xinhua Bookstore and bought some books and CDs. I didn't go back to the company in the afternoon. I went back to the rental house and read a book first, and then read several CDs. Until it was dark, my stomach growled, I went downstairs to get something to eat and came back to see again.

At more than seven o'clock, Kong Fuzhi came to wechat. It was dark here and dawn there. Kong Fuzhi arrived at the office early and sent him wechat.

Xia Feng looked at the CD and discussed with Kong Fuzhi what he didn't understand.

Kong Fuzhi's major is not advertising, but this kind of white-collar elites basically know a little in all aspects. Facing the CD, they discussed with Kong Fuzhi for half a night, and Xia Feng benefited a lot.

In the middle of the night, Kong Fuzhi was tired and let him sleep.

As soon as Xia Feng got up, he felt that his mind was full of self-confidence and that he had goods in his stomach.

Before yesterday, he had almost no understanding of the advertising industry. His biggest feeling was that advertising was annoying, and one day and one night, nothing else, at least he knew that advertising was a very profound knowledge. One advertising well was better than five teachers. Zhou Ling is extremely dedicated. In fact, this kind of white-collar workers are often better than the grass-roots level in terms of dedication. Whether it's a forklift group or a transportation team, the blue collar class often plays tricks, while the white-collar class basically doesn't.

Zhou Ling is wearing a blue business suit today. It is a white bottomed shirt with flesh colored silk stockings. It seems that she has also made her hair. Her hair hangs straight behind her head, black and bright as satin.

Overnight, her temperament seemed to have improved several levels.

Being a director and running errands are totally different psychologically.

"Manager, look at the plan I made." Zhou Ling handed the plan to Xia Feng.

"OK." Xia Feng took it over, took a look and said, "Minister Zhou, your desk is outside. We estimate that we need to recruit a few more people. You can discuss with the logistics and set up four more tables and four computers. Get ready first."

"OK." Zhou Ling promised and went out.

Watching Zhou Ling's back disappear, Xia Feng twisted his neck and shouted, "I seem to be able to play an official tune."

I thought it was funny, but how to be a leader was taught by Kong Fuzhi last night.

Kong Fuzhi told him that in the workplace, we should take it a little, not too cold, but especially not too enthusiastic. We should think about anything in advance, not rash. Even if we are not sure, we should pretend.

At any time, don't show your weak side. Others will not think you are honest and kind, but will only think you are bullied. If one person steps on you, the other foot will stretch out.

You can't be too close to your subordinates. The so-called getting together with your subordinates is actually a very stupid statement. Professor Kong once said that it is most difficult to raise villains and women. If you are far away, you will complain, and if you are near, you will not be inferior.

The villains here can be substituted as subordinates. If you are too close to him, he is not big or small with you. If you are too distant from him, he thinks you are inhuman. The degree in the middle depends on his own control.

Xia Feng taught Kong Fuzhi all night last night, and then recalled Kong Fuzhi's understanding of him that day.

However, such understanding is of little use. At most, he learned a little fur, and his behavior has a lot to do with his personal character.

Xia Feng's character is impulsive and hairy. To put it bluntly, he is not born to be a leader.

But at the moment, Xia Feng thought he was good. He poured a glass of water first, and then picked up Zhou Ling's plan.

Zhou Ling's plan is well-organized. If he couldn't read many places yesterday, he couldn't understand it. However, after reading books and CDs all day, Kong Fuzhi taught him. He can at least understand it without saying that she can find faults.

Watching, someone knocked at the door.

Xia Feng sat in the inner room. The door was not closed, but the outer door was closed. If it was Zhou Ling, she wouldn't knock.

"Who?" Xia Feng said and found that he was wrong. He hurriedly said, "come in."

The door opened and a woman came in. It was Qin Lu.

"Why did she come?" Xia Feng was stunned and suddenly remembered: "by the way, the second seems to have said that she is the business manager of an advertising company."

The so-called business manager is actually a salesman. It's good to pretend to be a manager. As Kong Fuzhi taught, the first thing for people in the workplace is to pretend.

Qin Lu also saw Xia Feng at this time. She blinked twice and shouted, "brother Xia, why are you here?"

Xia Feng stood up and said with a smile, "sister-in-law, I work here."

"Do you work here?" Qin Lu blinked again. Then she quit, looked outside, came in and said, "aren't you in the comprehensive liaison office? This is the advertising department."

"Oh, I'm transferred to the advertising department." at first, Xia Feng didn't respond. Now, Qin Lu should have heard the wind and pulled the advertisement.

At this moment, he suddenly remembered that he was holding Yiduo's advertising fee of 300 million next year. This was a big cake. Even if it was as tall as a provincial satellite station, it would slander three feet. As for ordinary small advertising companies, it was needless to say.

Xia Feng had stood up, bypassed the table and wanted to meet him. When he understood this, he stopped and smiled playfully on his face.

Qin Lu has all kinds of control over Wu Chi's marriage with Xiao Yun, and now she has sent it to him.

It's interesting, isn't it?

"Have you been transferred to the advertising department?" Qin Lu blinked again.

At this time, Zhou Ling's voice sounded behind her: "Hello, what can I do for you?"

Qin Lu immediately turned back and smiled: "Hello, I'm the business manager of Yunshe Advertising Co., Ltd. I'm here to pull advertising. Who are you?"

"I'm the director of the advertising department." Zhou Ling came in with a faint smile on her face, which was so faint that she could hardly see: "cloud society company, right? You hand me a plan for your company's qualification, performance and advertising planning. After our company's investigation, if you think your quality is qualified, your performance is bright and suitable for our company, I will inform you."

"OK, OK." Qin Lu nodded repeatedly, took out something similar to advertising from her bag and handed it to Zhou Ling.

"OK." Zhou Ling took it over and nodded, "I'll inform you in three working days at the latest."

"Thank you." Qin Lu repeatedly thanked him. The smile on his face was like a bubble in the beer cup, ready to spill over the rim of the cup.

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