"It's beautiful, isn't it?" Tucker seemed to sigh.

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded.

"But you have to have money to be beautiful." Tucker had an inexplicable thing in his eyes: "all this is a pile of money. Similarly, if the person looking has no money in the bag, no matter how beautiful the scenery is, he has no leisure to see it."

Xia Feng blinked. He couldn't understand Tucker's meaning and could only nod his head: "what you said, general manager, is very philosophical."

Tucker laughed and said, "thank you for helping me win 13 million."

Xia Feng understood this and smiled, "that's still the general manager. You're lucky."

"No, no, No." Tucker shook his head again and again. "It was your witchcraft. I felt it personally at that time. Later, my jockey gave me the data. That time, the red rabbit's performance was 7% faster than the best performance in the past. At that time, it was still when its leg was injured."

He said hey hey and smiled, his eyes were clear and slightly narrowed, with a little cunning smell: "afterwards, the jockey was stunned when he read the data. Even when he said miracles, I would never tell him that it was not a miracle of God, but an oriental witchcraft."

He looked like an urchin who succeeded in a prank, and Xia Feng couldn't help laughing.

"Feng, how about we work together?"

"What?" Tucker's words were a little abrupt, and Xia Feng looked at him inexplicably.

"There are a lot of horse racing in France, and the stakes are very high in the aristocratic circle. There will be a big gambling race next month, and I will participate." Tucker looked at Xia Feng with straight eyes: "If it's me, I'm not sure, but if I add you, I'm 100% sure. How about going with me, you can also participate in gambling. If there's no gambling money, I can lend it to you."

That's what I mean.

Xia Feng's heart pounded.

He has gambling money. Now he has more than three million in hand, which has been useless. The money for gambling on horses abroad is absolutely clean and there is no problem at all.

"But this side of the company." Xia Feng thought of another question.

"There's no problem here." Tucker shook his head. "You arrange professional people to do professional things. As for me, there's no problem at all. I've approved your case today."

It's a pity that he was worried when he came up.

In Xia Feng's heart, I didn't know what kind of feeling it was.

However, Tucker's sentence is still reliable: let professional people do professional things.

Xia Feng's level is really not enough, but Zhou Ling's level is enough. Sun Wenjing also graduated from this school. They are all professional. Xia Feng only needs to close it at last. In fact, don't care about others at all.

"How about it?" Tucker looked at him with bright eyes. "If we win, we can become billionaires."

"OK." Xia Feng hesitated and agreed.

He really wants to make money. He has a magic eye. Although he has made millions, he really hasn't made a fortune. Tucker's gambling is calculated in millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars and euros. As long as he wins one vote, he is really a billionaire. Why not.

"Then I'll start to prepare." when he promised, Tucker looked excited: "I'll choose a good horse, but not the best one. Then I'll bet heavily, they'll follow, and then borrow your magic to turn the table. We'll make a big profit at a time."

This is a very simple cheating. If you bet heavily on a horse that is not particularly excellent, the other party will follow up. Xia Feng has a magic eye, but he will win - no horse can resist the will of the magic eye.

Xia Feng's heart was also pounding for a moment.

He had magic eyes, but he couldn't find a way to make a fortune. At this moment, he seemed to see a glittering door standing in front.

All he had to do was walk over and push.

"Then I'll prepare some money. I'll get the light of the general manager and make some small money."

"Let's make a fortune together." Tucker raised his glass. "Come on, cheers."

"Cheers." Xia Feng touched him and drank it up. They looked at each other and laughed.

When he went up, Xia Feng was uneasy, but when he came down, he was floating in his heart.

Into the office, Zhou Ling also looked at him. Xia Fengqiang restrained his excitement and said, "your plan is very good. The general manager approved it directly."

"Really." Zhou Ling was also surprised and happy.

She graduated again. Although she was admitted to a foreign enterprise and looked tall on the surface, she actually worked hard and knew herself bitterly in her heart. Then she knew Xia Feng. Through Xia Feng's inexplicable flying, she also climbed up at once. These days, she still felt a little weak in her heart, and sometimes even thought it was a dream.

The outdoor advertising case is her first case, so she is particularly careful. Xia Feng is actually more nervous when she goes to see Tucker. For a while, she goes to the bathroom twice. This is an old problem of her. When she is nervous, she wants to go to the bathroom.

Now, with Xia Feng's decision, the general manager approved it at the first time.

This is an affirmation of her.

The position of director of the advertising department seems to be really stable.

Her face was flushed for a moment, and her eyes shone with joy. She said, "then I'll follow up today and inform Yunshe company to sign a contract and select an advertising design company for advertising design."

"OK." Xia Feng nodded.

He thought of Tucker's words again, let professional people do professional things.

But Kong Fu Zhi's words were forgotten.

Kong Fuzhi wants to control everything. Her subordinates are just her puppets. They can only play in her palm.

Xia Feng first thought it was reasonable. Now he thinks it's too tired.

Originally, as a worker, Kong Fuzhi was right. If she couldn't effectively control anything, she would be the manager first, so she could only strictly control her subordinates and wouldn't let them have the opportunity to make mistakes for her.

However, Xia Feng is different. He first helped Tucker win money, and now he has formed an alliance with Tucker. Tucker still wants to win money by his hand.

His relationship with Tucker is no longer a strict relationship between superiors and subordinates, but an alliance.

Then, business doesn't matter. Tucker doesn't care if there are some mistakes or omissions.

Advertising investment involves money, which is indeed a major event of a company, but who says that investing money must be effective? How do you say so many investment failures?

Therefore, Tucker will fully support Xia Feng's work. As long as Xia Feng frees up his hand to help him win money, it doesn't matter for the company - he doesn't make money alone, so does the loss.

Therefore, Xia Feng doesn't have to be so nervous. Just leave it to Zhou Ling. If it's done well, it's good, but if it's bad. Anyway, Tucker has a pocket, there's nothing to worry about.

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