Wuchi Xiaoyun really first respects Xia Feng, and Xia Feng is not polite, because this is just a family gathering wine, not a formal wedding wine. Of course, we should respect our parents first.

Xia Feng stood up: "I wish you a happy marriage for a hundred years. I'll hold a big fat boy next year. It's agreed. Whether it's male or female, in short, I have to call me Godfather."

Xiao Yun blushed, but Wu Chi deserved to be frank: "sure."

After drinking and eating, Xia Feng left and said to Wu Chi, "you accompany your wife today and go to work tomorrow. Don't tell Zhou Ling. It's not a leave."

After explaining to Wuchi, Xia Feng was not easy to return to the company. He simply drove around and investigated outdoor advertising. He didn't understand it before. Now he looks carefully and feels that outdoor advertising has its own uniqueness.

TV advertisements and so on, you must at least turn on the TV to see them, and outdoor advertisements must be seen as long as you pass there, especially in the elevator room of the community. When you enter the elevator, you have to watch it if you don't want to. Moreover, the elevator is boring and often stares at it.

Xia Feng wrote these down. Although Zhou Ling will have a report, even if he is a manager, he can't let go completely.

Go all the way to dark and go back to Wuxi's shop for dinner.

Originally, Qin Lu also wanted to put wine and invite Wu Qian and Jiang Feng, but because Wu Qian wanted to open a shop, now the business is just right. Closing for one day can cause more than one day's loss, so the wine is exempted.

Wuchi actually touched the snail all afternoon and went with Xiaoyun. The harvest was quite good. Xia Feng smiled: "touch his wife's hand and touch the snail again. It's very yellow and violent."

Wu Chi laughed. This silly boy didn't know how good a woman was before. It always seems that he knows.

Xia Feng helped to close the door at more than one o'clock. Then he came back and suddenly remembered the horsetail girl in the morning. A bee took a look. The horsetail girl's house was dark and might have been asleep.

"See it tomorrow morning." Xia Feng took a bath, fell asleep, got up the next morning, opened his eyes and controlled the bees to look at the ponytail girl's house, but he didn't see anyone or hear a sound.

"Haven't got up yet, or have you got up early?" Xia Feng was so busy that he got up and ran to the park. He ran around the lake. He didn't see the horsetail girl. He thought it was still early. Before the horsetail girl came, he ran slowly along the lake.

But the ponytail girl never came.

Xia Feng's heart is shocked, Tucao: "calcining make complaints about three days, two days of drying nets, you will gain weight."

Go back and control the bees. Look at the ponytail girl's house. It's still quiet.

"Eh, didn't you come back from going out yesterday?" Xia Feng was confused.

After going downstairs for breakfast, Zhou Ling came to the company first, Wu Chi also came, and there was another girl. It should be Zhou Ling's new recruit.

The girl is twenty-three or four years old, medium-sized, slim and delicate. She wears a pair of glasses. She looks pretty good. Her skin is very white and gives people a very quiet feeling.

Seeing Xia Feng, Zhou Ling hurriedly got up and said hello: "manager, good morning."

"Good morning." Xia Feng nodded.

Zhou Ling said to the new girl, "this is manager Xia."

The girl also stood up and said, "manager Xia, good morning."

The face is a little red, giving people a feeling of youth and purity. It is estimated that it will not be long after graduating from college.

"Good morning." Xia Feng responded.

Zhou Ling said, "her name is sun Wenjing. She was recruited yesterday. She majored in advertising. She graduated for one year and has work experience."

"OK." Xia Feng looked at Sun Wenjing's information, thought for a moment and said, "that's it for the time being. Our advertising department is the four of us first. There are many projects to follow up later, and it's not too late to recruit again."

Then a small meeting was held to introduce each other and divide the work. Sun Wenjing was responsible for daily affairs and acted as a secretary.

Zhou Ling is responsible for screening projects. She selects qualified ones from the advertising companies she has applied for, and then reports them to Xia Feng to provide reference for Xia Feng to make a final decision.

Wuchi runs to commute.

The division of labor was clear. Xia Feng finally said to Zhou Ling, "there's no need to investigate outdoor advertising. I ran around yesterday. This can be done. You give me a plan. The first choice is Yunshe company."

"OK." Zhou Ling immediately agreed. Originally, she said she would investigate for a few days, but Xia Feng immediately decided, and she would never refute.

Zhou Ling had already prepared. An hour later, she brought a plan to Xia Feng. Xia Feng looked at it and there was nothing to add.

Kong Fuzhi said that even changing punctuation marks is good, but Xia Feng really can't change it. Unfortunately, he just graduated from high school, while Zhou Ling is an authentic key undergraduate.

His level really can't change other people's punctuation.

Xia Feng didn't tangle and sent the plan to Tucker by email.

Yiduo company emphasizes paperless office and copywriting, which are basically e-mail. Of course, it still needs to print some copywriting externally.

When it comes to money, Xia Feng thinks Tucker will give him the results in at least a few days. As a result, Tucker replied to his email: Feng, come to my office.

Xia Feng was curious: "so fast, is there a problem with this case?"

He felt uneasy for a moment. This was his first case. He thought he had used his heart. Yiduo had never done outdoor advertising before. This piece was vacant, and the effect of outdoor advertising was still obvious, so he thought there was no problem with this case.

But Tucker reacted so quickly that he couldn't tell.

When Wu Xin saw him at the general manager's office, he said hello to manager Xia first

Compared with the beginning, she has more smiles on her face.

"Hello, Miss Wu." Xia Feng responded politely. He used to be careless. It seems that there are some subconscious changes these days. This may be the atmosphere of the so-called big company: "the general manager asked me to come."

"OK." Wu Xin answered, but she went first and asked Xia Feng, "the general manager let you in."

"Thank you." Xia Feng thanked and went in. Tucker stood in front of the window with a glass of red wine in his hand. When he saw Xia Feng coming in, he said, "Feng, there's wine over there. Pour yourself a glass."

Xia Feng was a little uneasy. Seeing Tucker's situation, he put down his hanging heart. He had a private relationship with Tucker. Instead, he was not as polite as Wu Xin. He poured a glass of wine and walked to the window.

Tucker raised his glass and Xia Feng responded with a drink.

When drinking at this time, Xia Feng didn't know what Tucker meant and didn't make a noise. He looked out of the window.

Linjiang City under the winter sun has a very bright and beautiful feeling. Xia Feng suddenly found that he really didn't calm down to see the city from spring to winter. Even if he was free, he was playing games.

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