Xia Feng has nothing to do for the time being. After looking at the company group, Tucker hasn't come back yet. The general manager is still more free. It's estimated that he can find an excuse to report at the headquarters. In fact, it should be wild. More than 40 million euros, anywhere in the world, is a huge sum of money.

Xia Feng can't take care of Tucker. Just take care of himself. Now he's fine and can't play games. The manager of the advertising company and the director of the comprehensive liaison office are different.

Xia Feng thought for a moment and thought about it. Qiao Jianyi gave him the list, which he still had in his hand.

Xia Feng took out his mobile phone and called Yu Xinyu.

After connecting, Xia Feng joked, "Miss Yu, you're going to invite me, aren't you?"

Yu Xinyu was a little confused over there and asked, "treat? What's up?"

"Ah?" Xia Feng also pretended to be a little confused: "I seem to remember you said you were going to treat. Oh, maybe I had a dream and got confused."

Yu Xinyu giggled over there and said, "just daydream all day."

Xia Feng also smiled and said, "Miss Yu, are you free, or I'll invite you to tea."

"OK." Yu Xinyu was obviously willing to have tea with him and happily agreed.

"My teacher Yu." Xia Feng was also very happy: "I'm happy to listen to her voice."

Hang up and come out. Sun Wenjing stands up: "manager Xia."

Xia Feng nodded and said, "don't be so polite in the future. They are all colleagues."

Seeing that sun Wenjing was a little shy, he said, "I'll go out. If anything happens, you can call me on my cell phone."

"OK." Sun Wenjing nodded.

Xia Feng went outside the door and thought, "am I a little overbearing of the manager? I'm scared of the little beauty of others."

But looking down at myself, I sweated again. I was still a T-shirt and jeans. I didn't look like a high-level white-collar worker in a foreign enterprise, but like a delivery man.

Obviously, the little beauty is not frightened by his momentum, just because he is a manager.

"OK." Xia Feng smiled at himself, threw it behind his head and drove to Yu Xinyu.

After waiting for a while at the appointed teahouse, Yu Xinyu's car came. Yu Xinyu actually wore a Republic of China style cheongsam with a perfect figure and trembling against her thin waist, just like a grapefruit in autumn, hanging on a thin branch. When the wind blows, people are worried that the thin branch will break.

"My dear teacher Yu." Xia Feng couldn't help shouting: "this is to reverse all sentient beings."

"Xia Feng." seeing Xia Feng, Yu Xinyu greeted her with a smile. In the warm winter sun, her smile was as bright as the sky.

"You've been waiting a long time," she asked with a smile.

"No." Xia Feng shook his head, "and a beauty like Miss Yu, as long as you have to wait, you can wait until the end of the world."

"Talk to the teacher." Yu Xinyu raised his white and tender fist and giggled happily.

After entering the teahouse, I found a seat by the window and sat down. Yu Xinyu said, "what's the matter? Do you have a list again?"

Xia Feng said strangely, "Miss Yu, you have changed your profession to calculate eight characters now?"

"I'm sure, aren't I?" Yu Xinyu smiled.

Xia Feng had to nod: "yes, there is a list."

Then he took out the list, handed it to Yu Xinyu and said, "I'll trouble you again."

"It was made by Tianyang." Yu Xinyu shouted in surprise and shook his head: "what's the trouble? Besides, you made us earn hundreds of thousands on the last list, so in fact, I want to thank you."

"Is that so?" Xia Feng cried, "well, please be bitter today."

"That's not good." Yu Xinyu immediately smiled: "one yard to one yard. Today it was agreed that it was your treat."

Joking, Yu Xinyu looked at the accessories on the list, took out his mobile phone and called the factory. After asking clearly, he said to Xia Feng: "this list can get 30% profit, but the old rule is to pay 70% of the loan in advance. The profit is low, and the manufacturer's advance is not worth it."

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded, "when it's settled, they give me the account number and I'll call."

"Well." Yu Xinyu nodded, "the list made by Tianyang has a high profit."

"Big enterprises." Xia Feng shook his head, but thought of the cement plant. The cement plant used to manage supply and marketing. They were not all fat and lack, but they were the same.

After paying the list and drinking tea, Yu Xinyu had something else to do in the factory. Xia Feng didn't invite her to lunch, and then broke up.

At more than five o'clock in the afternoon, Wuchi was still outside with Zhou Ling and hadn't come back. He went to touch the snail alone. Xia Feng wouldn't go, but there was nothing wrong. He was bored. Suddenly he remembered Ma Xuelian.

"Didn't sister Ma say she would come back on Monday?" as soon as she was hot in her heart, she immediately called ma Xuelian.

After two rings, Xia Feng said, "sister Ma, are you back?"

Ma Xuelian smiled over there: "I came back yesterday."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Xia Feng asked.

Ma Xuelian chuckled: "I dare not tell you. I'm tired after flying all day. I'll die if I tell you again."

Xia Feng was proud and said, "that won't happen. I can massage you."

"You say that every time." Ma Xuelian's laughter is charming and angry, like the hair flying in the wind.

Ma Xuelian said, "I'm almost off work. You go home first. I'll come back after I buy vegetables."

"OK." Xia Feng agreed, left the company and drove to the past, but he didn't go directly to the community, but turned to the nearby vegetable market.

There are no live chickens, ducks and other fresh vegetables in the supermarket, and there are no more varieties of vegetables than in the vegetable market, so Ma Xuelian usually buys vegetables in the vegetable market here.

Xia Feng stopped outside the vegetable market. Ma Xuelian hasn't come yet. He got off and lit a cigarette. Suddenly, a big wolf dog sprang out in front of him. He didn't tie a rope and ran around in the crowd. A child was frightened and ran back screaming.

The big wolf dog was excited when he saw the child running. He chased after the child. The child was even more frightened. Fortunately, there was an adult behind. She was a young woman in her thirties. She was picking goods at the stall next to her and was busy protecting the child. However, the young woman was afraid and retreated.

There was a water bank at the young woman's feet. She stepped on the water bank and tilted her body. She was about to fall when she saw it.

Xia Feng saw clearly. He hurried forward and crossed the road in one step. He stretched out his hands together, holding the child in one hand and the young woman's arm in the other.

The young woman stood firm, but she was still in shock. She didn't have time to thank Xia Feng. She just stared at the dog and exclaimed, "dog, dog bites."

The dog saw Xia Feng and was stunned there. Xia Feng waved his hand and said, "go."

The wolf dog immediately ran back with his tail between his legs and ran behind a middle-aged woman.

The middle-aged woman saw it and screamed, "why did you hit my dog, ah? Who are you? You dare to hit my dog. What a big dog courage."

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