Hua Yuna giggled and said, "I think it's very nice."

She said and smiled askew at Wang Zihan. The girl was cheerful. Xia Feng had nothing to do with her and said, "who cares about the money? I'll pay for the food for a month first. If I don't come back to eat, I'll send a text message. If you're not free, I'll say it first so that I won't wait for an empty stomach at home."

"OK." Hua Yuna nodded and said, "Zihan can manage the money. I'm careless. I can't manage my own money."

"You'd better take care of it." Wang Zihan shook his head slightly.

"I manage, I was confused for three days." Hua Yuna took her mobile phone and reported the account of Alipay. Xia Feng went to the spot to get money. Hua Yuna looked up and called up: "ten thousand yuan, beat a zero."

Wang Zihan was also surprised and came over to have a look.

Xia Feng laughed: "ten thousand yuan is enough to eat. I said I'm a big eater, and I eat everything. Therefore, just buy what you want to eat, but when you make it, the amount should be large. I can really eat it."

Hua Yuna and Wang Zihan looked at each other. Hua Yuna looked at the clean bottom of the pot and sighed, "you can really eat."

Xia Feng laughed and opened another bottle of beer.

Drinking beer and talking and laughing, Xia Feng felt very comfortable. It was much better than staying at home alone.

Mainly because he felt that the two girls were good in character, cheerful and generous, easy to get along with, and he liked them very much.

Hua Yuna and Wang Zihan went to wash the dishes. Xia Feng took a bath first and went back to his room. Girls, there are always inconvenient places. He must make room.

The next morning, Xia Feng woke up and came out to see that the door of the two girls' room was half open, but they moved their bed. If Xia Feng didn't push the door to see it, they couldn't see their sleep.

Xia Feng was stunned and immediately understood that it was hot. There was basically no winter here. What he bought was a large vertical air conditioner. They put it in the living room and closed the door to sleep. They were afraid of heat, so they moved the bed and half hid the door, so that Xia Feng would not see it directly and could keep cool.

"Smart." Xia Feng praised it.

There was an impulse to open the door, but it was just a thought.

Just like outside the bank, I saw a pile of money in the counter and wanted to catch a bundle, but I just thought about it. There were few who dared to catch it.

It's not that Xia Feng didn't dare, but he had a good image of the two girls, so he didn't expect to control the bees last night.

After drinking a glass of water, changing clothes and going to the park for exercise, before long, Wang Zihan and Hua Yuna came together. Wang Zihan was white and Hua Yuna was red. They were all kinds of sportswear, with tight vests above and tight pants with legs exposed below.

Wang Zihan was OK. Hua Yuna was too full and ran. It was really tempting. She dropped countless eyes all the way.

"Xia Feng, good morning." seeing Xia Feng, Wang Zihan said hello first.

Hua Yuna snorted: "I didn't see this man. Hum, I have no loyalty. I didn't call us when I came running."

Xia Feng had to smile: "I thought you were going to sleep more."

"Run together." Hua Yuna said.

"OK." Xia Feng ran after them.

After three laps, Hua Yuna and Hua Yuna were doing soft sports and rhythmic exercises by the lake, and Xia Feng also showed her hand.

At the moment, he made a small attempt and immediately let Hua Yuna yell. Hua Yuna directly touched his waist: "are you a man or a woman? How can your waist be softer than our women?"

Xia Feng was proud: "this is snake soft skill. How about it? If you want to learn it or not, just call master."

"Shifu." Hua Yuna called in a charming voice, "teach us how to practice."

"Just press your legs, lower your waist and practice every day." Xia Feng laughed.

"Hum, cheat." Hua Yuna quit and shook his arm. "Teach us quickly, or you'll be expelled from the school."

Xia Feng said foolishly, "I'm the master. Hey, how to divide."

"Master can also be dismissed." Wang Zihan smiled.

"Yes, yes, teach us quickly, or master will be expelled." Hua Yuna Jiao called.

Xia Feng had no choice but to teach them a set of software skills.

The two girls are both models. They practice every day. They can start with any teaching. After practicing once, Hua Yuna said, "that's it."

Wang Zihan shook his head and said, "this is more systematic. If you practice every day, it's really good."

"Wang Zihan still knows the goods." Xia Feng praised: "you did well. That's good. I'll make you a big disciple and Hua Yuna a a second disciple."

"Yes, master." Wang Zihan smiled.

"No." Hua Yuna shouted, "I'm older than her."

Wang Zihan said with a smile, "master has said, I'm the eldest martial sister. Do you want to bully miezu?"

"No, I want to compete for relatives." Hua Yuna scolded, but stretched out her hand to Wang Zihan's chest.

"Ah." Wang Zihan screamed and dodged, then fought back, and Hua Yuna hurriedly ran away.

The two beautiful women laughed and made trouble, which not only attracted Xia Feng's eyes, but also attracted the eyes of many people who calcined.

Beauty is so pleasing to the eye.

After the calcination, Xia Feng took a bath first and came out and said, "we're in a hurry in the morning. Let's eat out. You worked hard last night. I'll treat you to breakfast."

"OK." Hua Yuna cheered.

The two girls also took a bath and tossed about. Fortunately, they only waited for half an hour.

We went to the breakfast stand below. As soon as the boss saw Xia Feng, he directly gave him a large bowl of noodles. Hua Yuna looked at Xia Feng, one bowl on the left and one bowl on the right, ate five bowls in a row, and added two eggs and a tablespoon of beef stove. She was shocked again.

Wang Zihan said, "I really need to buy more vegetables at noon."

Hua Yuna exaggerated shouted, "I think I can directly bring a cow back. As long as it is cooked, he will be able to eat."

"That's a good idea," Xia Feng said proudly.

Xia Feng took Wang Zihan to the company by the way, and then drove to the company by himself.

"It's so comfortable to have a ride." Wang Zihan thanked him when he got off the bus.

Hua Yuna said with a smile, "master, come back for lunch. I'll thank you for making delicious food. If you want to eat Zihan, I can make her cooked."

"Ah." Wang Zihan pinched her. "Cook her for Shifu."

They got out of the car laughing. Xia Feng shook his head and felt relaxed and happy.

To the company, nothing happened, but suddenly received a call from Liu Ruyan.

Liu ruyanjiao said drop by drop, "Xia Feng, why doesn't my frog move? Is it dead?"

"No." Xia Feng didn't understand: "didn't they breathe?"

"There seems to be, but it doesn't move and doesn't breathe. Is it going to die?" Liu Ruyan cried in his voice.

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