Liu Ruyan said, her hands open and made a big gesture. She was wearing a white sweater and a small skirt. Below was flesh colored silk stockings with boots. She was young and beautiful. With her hands open, she was really sexy.

"Then I don't care." Xia Feng smiled.

"Don't you care." Liu Ruyan snorted proudly, but then he tooted his mouth and spoiled: "how can chrysanthemums thank you? What should I do, Xia Feng."

In fact, the chrysanthemums should have been thanked for a long time, but now the temperature is high and Xia Feng's spiritual power is added, so the chrysanthemums in his garden have been blooming for a long time, and those in other places have been thanked for a long time.

"Winter is coming, beauty." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "I can't help it, but there are several plum blossoms over there. They will open soon."

"Really." Liu Ruyan didn't notice before. Now he was happy and looked in front of the plum blossom.

"One, two, three, how come there are only three." the girl spoiled again: "well, why don't you plant more trees."

The flower was not planted by Xia Feng at all. Xia Feng had to smile and say, "do you see if there are any plum blossoms nearby? Buy some more to plant."

"Good idea." Liu Ruyan stroked his hands and looked at both sides: "there's still space in the corner over there. Aunt, we'll buy plum blossoms and get a plum forest right away, okay?"

"It's said that wind is rain. Where can I buy plum blossoms this half time?" Xiao Hong gave her a white eye: "and it's almost noon. You're not hungry."

"Ah, I'm really hungry." as soon as she said, Liu Ruyan remembered: "I only ate a glass of milk in the morning. Xia Feng, let's put the flower fertilizer away and go to dinner first, OK?"

You are a beauty, your boss. Just say yes. Xia Feng will not object.

Put the flower fertilizer in, then locked the door and went to dinner together. As soon as he sat down, Liu Ruyan was coquettish and greasy with a nasal voice: "Xia Feng."

Xia Feng was so funny that she had to order wine for her.

Xiao Hong poked Liu Ruyan with a finger: "you're really going to become an alcoholic."

Liu Ruyan giggled.

Xiao Hong peeked at Xia Feng and shook her head: "he is in a smoke like heart. He is really different from ordinary people."

Liu Ruyan doesn't drink every time she goes out to dinner. In fact, she only cries for drinking when she is with Xia Feng. She never drinks when she is with her girlfriends or company colleagues.

She is very delicate, but not indulgent. She has received a good education and good upbringing since childhood.

Every time she is with Xia Feng, she wants to drink because she is happy and wants to let go a little.

Just like most people want to drink wine during the holidays.

And she was very relieved of Xia Feng. She was not afraid of anything when she was drunk.

This state of mind was subconscious. She didn't notice it herself. On the contrary, Xiao Hong watched it with cold eyes.

As usual, more than half of the bottle of wine went into Liu Ruyan's belly. She drank smoked. Her little face was red and chattered, and she talked a lot. Then she began to lose her eyelids. Xiao Hong took her back, and Xia Feng went straight to the high-speed railway station.

The outdoor advertising company set here also has to sign a contract there. Xia Feng always stays here, but he can't.

But he didn't buy a ticket first. When he bought a ticket and got on the bus, it was more than three o'clock. When he returned to Linjiang City, it was already dark and he had to rent back his house first.

When I opened the door and entered the room, the light was on, but I didn't see anyone. Xia Feng changed his shoes. As soon as the bathroom door rang, a man came out.

Xia Feng looked around and his eyes almost fell out.

It's Hua Yuna. She just took a bath and was rubbing her hair with a towel.

Rubbing her hair is not uncommon. There is no need to drop her eyes. The key is that she has nothing but a pair of low waist underwear.

"Ah." Hua Yuna also suddenly saw Xia Feng, screamed, hurriedly protected her chest with both hands and ran into her own room.

"What's the matter? Ghosts cry and wolves howl." Wang Zihan's voice rang out. It turned out that she was also in the room. She curiously stretched out her head. She saw Xia Feng at the door. She suddenly understood and laughed.

"You're still laughing." Hua Yuna Jiao shouted.

"Who told you to form a bad habit of not wearing clothes after taking a bath." Wang Zihan giggled.

She came out and said to Xia Feng, "have you come back and eaten yet?"

"No, what about you?" Xia Feng was also embarrassed and shook his head with a smile.

"We've just come back. We're all sweaty. Nana said we should take a bath first, and then get food slowly. You're back, just right. I'll cook right away."

Wang Zihan said and went into the kitchen. Xia Feng was afraid of Hua Yuna's embarrassment, so he hid in his room. Without much meeting, Hua Yuna also came out to help. Xia Feng's door was not closed. Hua Yuna came out and looked into his room. She had four eyes and a pair of eyes. Hua Yuna blushed and ran into the kitchen without calling him.

Xia Feng was not amused, and Hua Yuna's previous figure seemed to reappear before her eyes.

"Nice figure." he couldn't help feeling.

Hua Yuna is tall. Models, whether Hua Yuna or Wang Zihan, are taller than Xia Feng.

Such a head, with such a thin waist and long legs, and that... Really left a deep image on Xia Feng.

The two girls were fast. They made three dishes and one soup in 20 minutes. Wang Zihan greeted Xia Feng: "Xia Feng, have dinner."

Xia Feng came out, smelled the fragrance and praised: "Wow, it's really fragrant."

"Try it first." Wang Zihan said with a smile, "I don't know if it's your appetite. The fried beef is a little spicy. The fried chicken wings are coated with ketchup without pepper. I don't know if you can eat spicy."

Both spicy and non spicy are ready. Girls are careful in this regard. Xia Feng said with a smile: "I can be both spicy and sweet."

He tasted the beef with chopsticks and praised it repeatedly: "tender, what do you put here? Why is it so tender?"

"This is Nana's craft. First put starch to thicken, add wine to make it, and it will be very tender when fried." Wang Zihan explained.

"High." Xia Feng gave Hua Yuna a thumbs up.

Hua Yuna's face was still a little red. When she heard his praise, she chuckled and said, "if you like it, I'm afraid you don't like it. We'll be fired. There's no place to find such a gold master."

"How could that be?" Xia Feng tasted another chicken wing and said involuntarily, "it's delicious and fragrant. Your workmanship is very good."

"It's made by Zihan. It's needless to say." when she was embarrassed, Hua Yuna came alive again: "Zihan in our house has to go up to the hall, down to the kitchen, and get in..."

"Eat yours." before she finished her last sentence, she put a mushroom in Wang Zihan's mouth.

Talk, laugh and eat. Xia Feng had a good meal. Wang Zihan knew that he ate a lot and cooked a lot. Most of them went into Xia Feng's stomach.

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