Wang Zihan and Hua Yuna looked at Xia Feng's appetite and were surprised again. Hua Yuna couldn't help staring at his stomach: "why do you eat so much?"

Xia Feng patted his belly and said, "to tell you the truth, I'm not full yet. If I really want to be full, I need at least two bowls."

The two girls were stunned.

After dinner and chatting for a while, Wang Zihan's advertisement for Yiduo has been shot. Hua Yuna said, "it's so beautiful. You must pass it. If not, you won't have dinner tomorrow."

"It seems that we have to live through it." Xia Feng said bitterly, "I can't eat the food you cook. If I really don't care about the food, I have to starve to death."

This made Wang Zihan giggle.

The next day when she arrived at the company, Zhou Ling reported that the advertising company in Xiangjiang city had come and waited for Xia Feng to sign. Then the rain advertisement was shot and the sample film was sent.

"How did you see it?" Xia Feng asked Zhou Ling first.

"They shot several groups, and I think two groups are still satisfied." Zhou Ling didn't directly answer, "but you still need the manager to decide."

"Let's have a look." Xia Feng knows his own family affairs. In terms of art, he has no appreciation ability at all.

He called sun Wenjing Wuchi and watched it together. Finally, Zhou Ling chose two samples for Xia Feng to decide.

Xia Feng wanted to hand in both samples to Tucker, but suddenly thought of Kong Fuzhi's words.

Kong Fuzhi said that as the manager in charge of the Department, he should make his own decisions. Especially Tucker is the kind of childlike character. He likes to be the shopkeeper and has to decide everything. Tucker will not be happy, but will be annoyed.

Tucker is not Kong Fuzhi. Kong Fuzhi likes to have everything under control, but Tucker wants to let everything go, as long as the result is good.

So Xia Feng finally chose one of his own and couldn't make a decision. He tossed a coin and handed the winning one to Tucker. Sure enough, Tucker agreed with it at one glance: "are you sure? That's it."

Then he threw it aside and let Xia Feng pour the wine. The two began to talk about horse gambling.

Tucker was addicted to gambling. Now with Xia Feng as a cheating weapon, he is full of energy. However, the last time he won was too exaggerated. No one in his circle is willing to gamble with him for the time being. Therefore, he even has the idea of Arab rich and is contacting him.

"Those princes have money and bigger bets. Contact me and I'll call you."

"OK." seeing Tucker's eyes shining, Xia Feng was also a little enthusiastic. It's easy to get such money.

When Zhou Ling heard that the case was passed, she was very happy and said, "then other advertising companies can talk about it."

Xia Feng nodded and said, "choose some companies with excellent qualifications."

Of course, there are newspapers in Linjiang City, and because Linjiang city is economically developed, there are several magazines, which can be advertised.

But these are not big heads. The big heads are mainly television and new media.

Linjiang has a developed economy. In addition to satellite stations, there are several stations, such as urban channel, life channel and so on. Together, there are seven or eight channels, which can be launched.

However, Tucker's main investment last year and this year was TV advertising. The specific benefits of each channel or column need a data support. Xia Feng handed it to Zhou Ling.

Near noon, Wang Zihan called him: "Xia Feng, will you go home for lunch today?"

Xia Feng asked, "will you go back to eat?"

"I'm home already." Wang Zihan said with a smile, "she needs a while."

"You are not together?" Xia Feng asked.

Wang Zihan said, "well, she's shooting a fashion advertisement in another place."

Xia Feng said, "OK, I'll be back later."

"Then I'll cook your meal." Wang Zihan giggled, "cook a big pot."

"Good." Xia Feng also smiled.

At noon, Zhou Ling came in and said, "director Wang of the advertising department of Linjiang Taiwan cartoon channel wants to invite you to dinner. Manager, are you free?"

"Cartoon channel?" Xia Feng was stunned: "did children watch it?"

"Yes." Zhou Ling nodded, "it's OK. A friend of mine's children watch it every day."

"Our products mainly focus on youth drinks, but if there are many people watching, it's OK to invest at all." Xia Feng thought for a moment and said, "go and talk to him. Don't worry first."

"OK." Zhou Ling should come down.

Zhou Ling took Wu Chi. It's necessary. On this occasion, it's impossible not to drink. If you can't drive a car, you must have a driver, and Zhou Ling doesn't have a car.

Xia Feng knew that he was far from being compared with Zhou Ling in business, so he gave it all to her in the early stage. He only had the final right to choose, so he was too lazy to deal with those people.

Of course, it's also because Wang Zihan cooked at home and ate with two beautiful women. It's much more comfortable than eating with a fat advertising director.

When she got home, Wang Zihan was in the kitchen. When she heard the door ring, she looked out and saw Xia Feng. She showed a smiling face: "back."

She wore a red skirt, a white dotted apron with flowers, and a hat of the same color as the apron on her head, which was a bit like a housewife. Coupled with a sweet smiling face, she gave Xia Feng an extremely warm feeling.

"Back." Xia Feng nodded, "it's hard."

"There's nothing hard about it." Wang Zihan said with a smile, "you'll just sit down for a while."

"OK." Xia Feng put down his bag, went to the kitchen door to see Wang Zihan cooking, and asked, "Nana hasn't come back yet?"

Wang Zihan said, "she can't say it again. The boss wants to invite them to dinner."

"It's nice to be invited to dinner." Xia Feng smiled.

"Such a meal is generally not good." Wang Zihan shook her head. She turned off the fire and sandwiched a chicken claw: "try it. How does it taste."

"OK." Xia Feng reached out to catch it,.

Wang Zihan shrunk his hand and said, "you didn't wash your hands. Open your mouth."

Xia Feng smiled and opened his mouth. Wang Zihan put the chicken feet in his mouth.

"HMM." Xia Feng nodded while washing his hands. "Delicious, your craft is really this."

With his thumbs up in his hands, Wang Zihan smiled: "that towel is specially used to wipe his hands."

Xia Feng found that there was a towel rack and two towels in the kitchen.

He wiped his hands, grabbed the chicken feet, ate one, and grabbed another. Wang Zihan was very happy to see that he liked it. He said, "I didn't get any dishes at noon. I'll open another egg flower soup and eat it."

A chicken claw, a cabbage and an egg flower are quite good.

Xia Feng helped to take the vegetables out. Without much meeting, Wang Zihan took the egg flower soup out and said, "if Nana doesn't come back, we'll eat."

"Start." Xia Feng carries rice.

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