Xia Feng and Wang Zihan sit at one end respectively. The rented room has no dining table. It's just a tea table. It's a little short. Wang Zihan is tall and has a pair of big long legs. She has to be askew. She wears flesh colored silk stockings. Her legs are askew together. It's beautiful and attractive.

Xia Feng felt that it was a very wise choice to come back for dinner. If she ate with such a beauty, she would have a big appetite.

"What did you take in the morning?" Xia Feng asked while eating, staring at Wang Zihan's legs.

"I didn't start work in the morning." Wang Zihan shook his head and said, "I came back after chatting with the company for a while."

Xia Feng said, "have a good rest."

"What's good?" Wang Zihan said, "if you don't start work, you won't have money."

"You should have a lot of work." Xia Feng wanted to come. For beautiful women like Wang Zihan and Hua Yuna, advertising should be endless.

"Not these years." Wang Zihan shook his head. "Sometimes I'm too busy to eat, but sometimes I don't start work for ten days and a half months."

Xia Feng said, "unstable."

"Yes." Wang Zihan seemed a little worried: "I want to find a company to work and live a nine to five day."

"That's OK," Xia Feng agreed.

Wang Zihan himself stopped talking.

She is beautiful and ambitious. She always wants to enter the film and television circle. She really wants to work outside the circle and live a nine to five life. She doesn't want to. On the other hand, her education is not good. Like Xia Feng, she has a high school diploma and an art school. It's useless. It's difficult to find a good job.

Chatting and having dinner, Wang Zihan squeezed juice again. He was squeezing it. His mobile phone rang.

Her cell phone was on the sofa. The screen lit up. She looked at it: "it's from Yuna."

She had juice in her hand. Xia Feng said, "I'll take it for you. Tell her."

Connect and put the mobile phone in Wang Zihan's ear.

From this angle, you can see Wang Zihan's collar. Inside the red skirt, there is a green shoulder belt and thin belt, which is so sexy.

Wang Zihan didn't pay attention to his eyes. When she called, she didn't speak, and her eyebrows suddenly coagulated.

"Zihan, help me." Hua Yuna's voice showed a weak anxiety.

"What's the matter, Yuna?" Wang Zihan asked urgently.

Hua Yuna said, "I gave medicine in my drink. I'm hiding in the toilet now."

"What?" Wang Zihan exclaimed, "where are you? I'll come right away."

Hua Yuna's voice was panting. It seemed that she spoke very hard and explained the place clearly.

"I'll come right away. Hold on." Wang Zihan screamed, turned to Xia Feng and said, "Yu Na has drugged someone in her drink. Now I'm hiding in the toilet. I'm going to save her."

"I'll go with you." Xia Feng heard it, surprised and angry.

Xia Feng gave the car key to Wang Zihan. Wang Zihan immediately started the car. She was anxious. The car sped out, but it was very stable. The technology was quite good, even better than Xia Feng. Xia Feng's driving skills were a little watery.

There are many red lights, but fortunately, it's a little faster after they eat. After work time, there are fewer cars. Xia Feng was anxious and said, "if you see a red light and there is no car, just run."

Compared with Hua Yuna's accident, he didn't care about the fine of a few yuan.

"OK." Wang Zihan was more anxious. Sure enough, he ran several red lights. After about 20 minutes, he arrived at the place and came to the box. The door was locked.

"Open the door." Wang Zihan hammered the door.

"I'll come." Xia Feng punched the door lock, and the door lock flew in.

They rushed in.

The boxes of many restaurants are equipped with suites. There are beds and toilets in the suites, which is convenient for customers to do some inconvenient things.

Xia Feng went in and looked. At the door of the suite, there was a fat middle-aged man who didn't see Hua Yuna.

When the middle-aged man saw Xia Feng break in, he was stunned and stared: "who are you? Get out."

"Yuna." Wang Zihan ignored him and shouted.

"It's in here." Xia Feng didn't look. Lingli could sense it. He rushed over and patted the door: "Yuna, open the door. I'm Xia Feng and Zihan is coming."

"Who are you?" looking at him knocking on the door, the middle-aged man was angry and came to pull Xia Feng.

Xia Feng was furious. He was not sure that Hua Yuna must be in the room. At this time, he was close and felt clearly. It was Hua Yuna in it. He was not polite. He slapped the middle-aged man with his backhand and knocked him to the ground.

At this time, the door opened, and Wang Zihan rushed in: "Yuna."

"Zihan." Hua Yuna was weak and leaned against the door. When she saw Wang Zihan, she jumped into Wang Zihan's arms.

"If you dare to hit someone, I'll kill you." the middle-aged man was still hard spoken.

Xia Feng was furious and kicked him in the face, which made his nose blood splash.

"Ah." the middle-aged man screamed. He didn't dare to be arrogant. He covered his nose and wanted to get up.

Xia Feng didn't let him run. He stepped on his ankle.

"Ah, it's broken. Loosen it." the middle-aged man screamed.

Wang Zihan was frightened and hurriedly pulled Xia Feng: "Xia Feng, forget it."

"Don't forget it." Xia Feng was furious and took out his mobile phone. Wang Zihan saw that he was going to call and hurriedly said, "what are you going to do?"

"Call the police, I want him to go to jail." Xia Feng said and dialed the phone.

"No." the middle-aged man was frightened and shouted, "just kidding. Don't call the police. I'm willing to compensate."

Xia Feng ignored him at all, but Wang Zihan stopped Xia Feng and asked the middle-aged man, "how are you going to compensate?"

"Two thousand, no, three thousand." the middle-aged man shouted when he saw a turn for the better.

"Ten thousand." Hua Yuna shouted, "I'll call the police if I lose one point. There's medicine in the drink and residual juice in the cup, which is the evidence."

Xia Feng was annoyed, but Wang Zihan grabbed his hand and winked at him. He had to stop. Seeing that the middle-aged man was still hesitant, he suddenly kicked: "hurry up."

"Don't call, don't call, I promise." the middle-aged man was frightened by Xia Feng's anger. He immediately took out his mobile phone and called Hua Yuna's account for 10000 yuan.

"Let's go." Wang Zihan held Hua Yuna. Hua Yuna had previously vomited in the toilet, and most of the medicine vomited out. At this time, she was just weak. Other aspects were OK, her brain was clear, and she took the half cup of drink with her, saying that she was leaving evidence.

Downstairs to the car, Xia Feng drove. He was a little depressed and didn't want to talk. When he got home, Wang Zihan poured boiled water for Hua Yuna. Xia Feng was a little unhappy. She said, "I know you are angry, but it's not that Yu Na is greedy for money, but that he really can't call the police."

"Why?" Xia Feng didn't understand.

"Because this circle is like this." Wang Zihan explained: "such things are too common in this circle, and we have to mix in the circle. If we call the police and spread it, it will not only affect us."

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