"Yes," said Xia Feng. Hua Yuna suddenly understood and said excitedly to Wang Zihan, "let's help the fake monk pull the advertisement. He has to give a commission."

Wang Zihan also understood, some excited and some hesitant, looking at Xia Feng: "are you sure you will advertise in the red book?"

"You contacted, I'm sure." Xia Feng smiled.

"Great." Hua Yuna punched fiercely: "Zihan, hurry and ask the fake monk."

"Don't worry." Wang Zihan smiled: "get the food first."

"I'll get the food. First call the fake monks to see if they answer Yiduo's advertisement, and then what's the Commission."

Then he took Wang Zihan's mobile phone: "come on, come on."

Wang Zihan had no choice but to make a phone call. He really got in touch, got to know it, and said to Xia Feng, "the fake monk checked and said that Yiduo's beverage advertising red small book can be done, but the red small book is quite popular now. The price has increased. It costs 250000 to send a microblog."

"What's your commission?" Xia Feng only cares about this.

Wang Zihan said, "thirty percent."

"That's OK." Hua Yuna said, "you can get 70000 yuan for a phone call. What are you waiting for for for more than half a year? It's settled directly."

Wang Zihan hesitated and looked at Xia Feng: "do you think it's ok? If you're sure to put it there, I'll contact him and tell him more."

"No problem." Xia Feng nodded, thought for a moment and said, "Zihan and Yuna, I have an idea. You two, why don't you set up a studio."

"Studio?" Hua Yuna and Wang Zihan looked at him suspiciously.

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded: "Not to mention anything else, Yiduo's investment in new media next year is about 30 million, because the benefits of star soft advertising are very significant. We have invested less in this before. From next year, we should strengthen it. Maybe 30 million is more than 30 million. We mainly look at the data after the first round of investment and the input-output ratio, but at least, it will not be less than 20 million."

He said and looked at Wang Zihan: "if they are like red books, 30% commission and 20 million and 6 million, I will give you half of the amount and 3 million. As long as you collect the market heat of stars and do a simple data analysis, it will be much easier than you as a model."

Wang Zihan was stunned by his words. Hua Yuna first reacted and suddenly hugged Wang Zihan: "great, Zihan, we're going to be rich."

"You... Are you serious?" Wang Zihan looked at Xia Feng and was a little unbelievable.

"Of course it's true." Xia Feng said with a smile, "but on one condition, you can't move away when you get rich. I can't cook. If you move away, I'll starve to death."

"No." Hua Yuna shouted excitedly, "I'm willing to cook for you all my life."

Thinking about this, he blushed and added, "add purple Han."

But the words she added fell in Xia Feng's ears. In fact, the difference was greater, and she laughed for a moment.

Wang Zihan's pretty face was slightly red, but his eyes glowed with joy and said, "thank you, Xia Feng."

"Don't play empty." Xia Feng said with a smile, "have some dry goods. For example, cook two more dishes tonight."

"OK." Wang Zihan nodded and agreed immediately.

Hua Yuna also stroked her sleeve: "just look at it. Let's show our hands today."

She went down to the kitchen. In the middle, Wang Zihan also came out to make a cup of tea for Xia Feng. Xia Feng drank tea freely and brushed his mobile phone. He listened to the excited discussion of Wang Zihan and Hua Yuna in the kitchen. He was also very happy in his heart.

Together, Wang Zihan made a table of dishes and then opened red wine. On the table, they discussed to set up Ziyu studio to specialize in new media advertising. They found some popular stars suitable for Yiduo drinks and contacted them. They took a commission in the middle.

After dinner, Wang Zihan called the fake monk again, which was basically finalized, and then Hua Yuna kept calling.

Their circle originally had some contact with the film and television circle, and the channel was relatively smooth.

The two girls are quite responsible and dedicated. The advertising investment should be effective, not just any star. Although they have not studied advertising, they are still familiar with this industry in this circle. Therefore, every time they choose a star, they will do human spirit investigation and advertising heat analysis.

Generally speaking, the more stars do advertising, the more popular they are, so they can follow up. This is similar to the stock market and red top and white.

They pick the star and give data analysis. Xia Feng will take it and ask Zhou Ling to make another survey, and then get a plan.

Tucker completely delegated power, but Xia Feng wanted to do everything without leakage. Well, this was actually taught by Kong Fuzhi. He had a dry and careless temper. I didn't think of this.

During the last trip to Paris, Hermes scarves were added for two days. Kong Fuzhi was more satisfied with Xia Feng. Now he contacts almost every day.

One week, Wang Zihan and Hua Yuna picked six stars, all of whom were popular, especially those with heat among young people. After Zhou Ling made the planning case, Xia Feng approved it. Tucker's side was no problem at all.

By Friday, the money will go out. Because I haven't done new media advertising, I don't have to wait for next year. I'll go directly after I get in touch.

Wang Zihan and Hua Yuna immediately got the Commission.

For six stars, the investment is 3 million. Each star sends two microblogs. Of course, they are not sent every day, but every few days.

Xia Feng didn't know before. He also read the microblogs of some stars. He watched the stars write daily and drink a bottle of something. His body was hot and his heart was warm. He thought it was very life like at that time.

Now he knows, mom, it's all advertising, and it's paid advertising, and it's very expensive advertising.

For a line of twenty or thirty words, there is a charge of two or three hundred thousand, which is often the income of ordinary people for several years.

After work on Friday, Hua Yuna saw him and shouted happily, "we're rich."

Xia Feng said with a smile, "did you get the commission?"

"Yes." Hua Yuna was so excited that she jumped on the sofa: "there are 900000 in total. Zihan and I each have 200000. I want to buy a car and a house. I also want to buy two male models, one on the left and one on the right."

"Die shameless, stay away from me." Wang Zihan kicked her.

Xia Feng laughed and thought, "isn't it 900000? Why is there only 200000 for one person? Although my math is taught by my PE teacher, two plus two equals five, I still know."

Wang Zihan pounced on him and smiled. Hua Yuna looked at him on her hips: "two plus two equals six, fool."

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