Hua Yuna didn't know what he said. She turned to look at him. Mr. Zhao sneered: "Miss Hua, your boyfriend is interesting. He's a head shorter than you. If you wear a pair of high heels again, he wants to kiss you. Isn't he going to move a stool?"

Even though it was true that Xia Feng was short, Xia Feng's anger still rose.

However, without waiting for his action, Hua Yuna fought back first.

Hua Yuna looked at Mr. Zhao, smiled and said, "as long as it's the man I like, he can't kiss me, I can kiss him."

Then she bowed down, put one hand around Xia Feng's neck, bent her lips and kissed Xia Feng's lips.

Yes, she kissed her lips.

Xia Feng was angry and gave Hua Yuna a kiss, which stirred up the stars.

Hua Yuna kissed for a long time before releasing, and then looked at childe Zhao proudly.

Xia Feng also looked at childe Zhao proudly.

What's the matter with being short? Being short can get a beautiful kiss. You're tall and useless.

Childe Zhao didn't expect Hua Yuna to be like this. He looked angry and snorted, "let's go."

Turned and walked out.

Looking at Mr. Zhao going out, Wang Zihan said with a smile: "Mr. Zhao has never eaten such a flat. I'm so angry with you today."

"Hum." Hua Yuna snorted and said, "with two stinky money, I have to die. Which eye of mine can see him."

Then Jiao shouted, "no matter, let's test drive."

She tested with Wang Zihan, and Xia Feng drove behind. She was crazy for most of the day, and then went home.

At home, Hua Yuna said to Xia Feng, "Xia Xia, give me your account and I'll give you the money back, but I'll give you 400000 first. If I borrow the other 100000, I won't borrow it from Zihan. When there is a commission next week, I'll pay you back immediately."

"Are you sure you want to pay me back?" Xia Feng said with a smile, "then your kiss is not for nothing."

"Also." Hua Yuna touched her lips and said, "that's no good. I'll give you the money back. I have to give it back when I kiss you."

With that, he leaned over and hugged Xia Feng's neck and kissed again.

"All right, one kiss for another, and they don't owe each other." she waved her hand smartly, and Xia Feng was silly.

Xia Feng said for a long time, "well, can I lend you two more, or one will do."

"No." Hua Yuna giggled, "I can borrow money, but I never borrow kisses."

Wang Zihan laughed wildly.

In the afternoon, Xia Feng suddenly received a call from Tucker: "Feng, do you have time?"

"Yes." Xia Feng asked, "what's up?"

Tucker said, "then come to Tangya."

"OK." Xia Feng immediately went over and rang the doorbell. Tang Ya came to open the door. When she saw Xia Feng, her face was slightly red.

Last time Xia Feng gave her a USB flash disk. Later, she looked at it and took several videos. Xia Feng immediately found the USB flash disk. It must have seen the video.

That's why she blushed. She didn't know that Xia Feng did see it, but it was through the bee eye, not the videos. Xia Feng didn't actually see those videos.

Of course, neither side will mention it again. Tang Ya was shy in her heart, but said affectionately on her face, "manager Xia is coming. I haven't congratulated you yet. I'm a manager."

In fact, this is also a show of merit. Of course, Xia Feng appreciated it and said, "thank you, sister ya, for your kind words in front of the general manager."

"That's why I thank you." Tang Ya said this. On the surface, she thanked Xia Feng for massaging her waist. In fact, it was something else. Both sides knew it.

Then Tucker shouted inside, "Feng, come in quickly. I have something to tell you."

"General manager, what's the matter?" Xia Feng went in. Tucker sat in the living room, wearing only a pair of pajamas and bare arms. It's true that Dongcheng is hot. Xia Feng often bare arms at home, but Tucker, as the general manager, is also like this in front of his subordinates. It can only be said that he is really a little childe habit, goes his own way and doesn't care about other people's opinions.

"I've made an appointment and we'll win another game tomorrow." Tucker looked excited.

"OK." Xia Feng shouted, "are you going to France again?"

"No, it's on Dongcheng mountain." Tucker shook his head. "It's just that you bet a little less here. You may not win much, but it's good to have fun, isn't it?"

"Of course." Xia Feng nodded.

Tucker was very addicted to gambling. He had a lively discussion with Xia Feng for a long time. Until dinner, Tang Ya left Xia Feng for dinner. Tucker was in high spirits. Xia Feng sent a text message to Wang Zihan and asked them not to go back to dinner.

Tucker took out a bottle of wine, gave a light to Xia Feng and said, "we opened this bottle of wine today."

"What kind of wine?" because Liu Ruyan wanted to drink good wine, Xia Feng took a look and said, "Xiaoying Cabernet Sauvignon?"

"Yes." Tucker nodded proudly. "This is the best and most expensive wine in the world in 1992."

Xia Feng asked, "how much is a bottle of this wine?"

"This bottle costs more than $50000." Tucker was very proud: "its wine of the same year once sold at the highest price of $500000."

"Good guy." a bottle of wine costs 500000 dollars and drinks gold.

The bottle of wine in Tucker's hand is more than 50000 US dollars, which is also frightening. It is equivalent to more than 300000 Chinese dollars, which is more expensive than Liu Ruyan stole her father's Kangdi last time.

However, when he bought more than 40 silk scarves for the last time, he was not surprised. After tasting a bite, he really wanted to Tucao: really, he didn't use his own rice wine to make complaints about the bayberry wine.

There are many red bayberry on the mountain behind the cement plant. Red bayberry wine goes to the summer. Every year, his mother immerses a jar of red bayberry wine and puts rock sugar on it. It's sweet. It's really delicious. The so-called wine, whether Lafite, Kangdi or now Xiaoying, tastes astringent in his mouth.

"Foreigner." Xia Feng could only sigh in his heart.

When it comes to eating, my big food empire is the real number one in the world. It's the same whether it's food or wine.

Xia Feng didn't really want to drink. He said that he didn't drink much. He drank a glass of wine slowly, but Tucker was very interested. While drinking, he boasted about his various horse gambling experiences with Xia Feng. It turned out that when he was seven years old, he gambled with his grandfather and won the first pot of gold in his life. He hasn't stopped since.

It was only because he had lost several big games and couldn't stay in France that he came to China and became more and more general manager.

The general manager with more feelings is a lost gambler. Xia Feng shook his head.

Almost half a bottle of wine went into Tucker's mouth. Then he got drunk, threw his head back on the sofa and slept.

"Ah, he's drunk." Tang Ya called softly.

"Nothing." Xia Feng shook his head: "the general manager is rarely happy."

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