"I don't want it. Take it back." Wang Zihan's voice was cold: "don't come to me in the future."

Hua Yuna stood behind the kitchen door. When she heard this, she waved to Xia Feng. Xia Feng stood up and said, "who?"

Then he walked over.

At the door, I saw Mingzi standing outside the door.

Mingzai is about 1.85 meters tall, more than half a head higher than Xia Feng. He is also very fit and has a good face. It can be said that he is a real handsome man.

If he is 100 points better than his appearance, Xia Feng can give 60 points if he holds out.

But Wang Zihan turned a blind eye to the handsome man. When she saw Xia Feng coming, she gave Xia Feng a gentle look, which was like looking at her beloved lover.

Xia Feng was stunned for a moment and shouted, "this is acting. No wonder she said she wanted to be an actor. She really has good acting skills."

Wang Zihan also took the initiative to hug his waist, and then turned to look at Mingzi. His face immediately became cold: "I have a boyfriend. He is a real man. I like him. Please don't bother us again in the future. My boyfriend will be unhappy."

She said, turned her head to Xia Feng, immediately changed her extremely gentle smiling face and said, "Xia Xia, close the door, let's continue."

Continue what, she didn't say, but the two people dressed like this, don't guess, Mingzi's face suddenly darkened, and looking at Xia Feng was like looking at an enemy.

Xia Feng smiled to himself. Even though Wang Zihan was so devoted, he also cooperated with Wang Zihan in acting and said with a smile, "OK, it's annoying to be interrupted."

Glancing at Mingzi with disgust, he reached out and closed the door.

As soon as the door closed, Hua Yuna immediately rushed out and raised her thumbs with both hands.

Wang Zihan was holding Xia Feng tenderly and infinitely. At this time, she immediately loosened her arms, hit Hua Yuna, and then covered her mouth and smiled.

Xia Feng also felt funny.

At dinner, Xia Feng couldn't help asking, "that Mingzi is very handsome. Why doesn't Zihan like it?"

"What's the use of being handsome." Wang Zihan snorted, "scum."

"No." Xia Feng was curious.

"What a scum." Hua Yuna said, "this guy is very naughty. If he sees one and loves one, he won't play for a few days unless he is given money."

"Give him money?" Xia Feng opened his mouth.

"It's just such a thing." Hua Yuna nodded. "Just rely on one face and cheat women everywhere. If you cheat them, you'll throw them away. Some of them are fascinated by him. He wants money and let them keep him. Don't say that several women keep him."

"Wow." Xia Feng couldn't help admiring: "cow man."

"It's just rubbish." Wang Zihan looked disgusted: "don't talk about him. It's disgusting. By the way, Yuna, you really want to buy a car."

"Yes." Hua Yuna came down and said, "I want to buy a BMW." she put her arm around Wang Zihan: "you lend me 100000. I'll pay you back when I put up an advertisement next summer."

"Why do you have to buy a BMW?" Wang Zihan said, "don't you always say you want to save money to buy a house?"

"That was before, but now it's different. Now I have Xia Xia." Hua Yuna said, holding Xia Feng's arm and coquettishing, "is Xia Xia Xia?"

Wang Zihan laughed and pinched her: "you traitor."

Hua Yuna giggled and took Wang Zihan in her arm: "you can seduce male models by buying BMW. Don't worry. I'll play for a few days and let you play."

"No, it's disgusting." Wang Zihan hit her hand: "let go of me."

"Just don't let go." Hua Yuna jumped up and threw Wang Zihan down on the sofa: "only I understand your sultry. Don't worry, I'll pick some of the most lovely sweethearts for you."

"No, you hooligans." Wang Zihan screamed and they made a mess. Wang Zihan later changed his nightgown and wore hot pants. They were entangled with four long legs and couldn't see Xia Feng.

It seems that my nose is bleeding

The next weekend, Hua Yuna wanted to buy a car, and Xia Feng accompanied her. Hua Yuna had encouraged Wang Zihan to buy one, but Wang Zihan refused.

Xia Feng drove to a 4S store and saw a BMW of 500000, which was just within Hua Yuna's bearing range, but she was tangled about whether to choose red or white.

"Xia Xia, Zihan, you say, which one do I choose?" Hua Yuna is tired of playing coquettish with her nasal voice.

"I won't help you choose." Wang Zihan was angry: "shoes or clothes. Every time I help you choose, you must blame me afterwards."

"Well, pull." Hua Yuna shook her arm. "You know I'm such a person. I always don't choose the best pull, but I promise I won't do it this time."

"I don't believe you." Wang Zihan hummed, "you ask Xia Feng."

Hua Yuna asked Xia Feng, "Xia Xia, which one do you think is good?"

"My suggestion is..." before Xia Feng finished speaking, a few people came in at the door. In front of them was a tall and thin man of about 30, wearing a embroidered gold silk short sleeve, a pair of sunglasses and a childlike look. The back two seemed to be attendants.

When the sunglasses saw Hua Yuna, they immediately shouted, "Yo, isn't this Xiao Yuna? Look at the car here. Which one do you like? Say, I'll swipe your card."

Hua Yuna was struggling. When she heard the sound, she turned her head, frowned and said, "young master Zhao, don't dare."

"What's wrong?" the young master Zhao came near and glanced greedily at Hua Yuna: "I mean what I say. I'll match you with the young master and the villa BMW."

Then he took out a gold card from his coat bag: "as long as you nod your head and see which one you like, I'll brush it for you right away."

"Thank you, Mr. Zhao." Hua Yuna shook her head, took a step back, suddenly stretched out her hand and took Xia Feng's arm: "I have a boyfriend, he will buy it for me."

Xia Feng was surprised by her words. She pretended to be Wang Zihan's boyfriend yesterday. Will she pretend to be Hua Yuna's boyfriend again today?

However, it is not surprising that Wang Zihan and Hua Yuna are first-class beauties, especially their model figure. It is natural that any man will drool when he sees them. There are many suitors.

At this moment, Hua Yuna tightly hugged Xia Feng's arm and let him take out the card without any hesitation. The waiter on the other side said, "just this red one. You can swipe the card."

"Sure." the waiter took the card and said respectfully, "please follow me."

In fact, Hua Yuna just borrowed Xia Feng to resist the entanglement of Childe Zhao. She didn't expect Xia Feng to really take out her card, but she didn't refuse. Instead, she hugged Xia Feng more tightly.

Xia Feng took her and lost the password. Hua Yuna shouted excitedly, "let's test drive."

Mr. Zhao looked at it with a gloomy face, but suddenly laughed: "interesting, interesting."

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