Wang Zihan also pretended not to notice and chatted with him.

After dinner and chatting for a while, Hua Yuna called Wang Zihan and said that they would play all night and would not come back.

"Yu Na has many friends." Xia Feng smiled when Wang Zihan said that Hua Yu Na would not come back.

"Yes, Yuna is lively and has many friends." when Hua Yuna didn't come back, Wang Zihan suddenly felt a little embarrassed. After sitting for a while, she said to go upstairs and have an early rest.

Xia Feng also went upstairs to his room. At about ten o'clock, he suddenly heard Wang Zihan scream.

Xia Feng hurried out and asked, "what's the matter, Zihan."

"There are mice." Wang Zihan's voice was frightened.

"Is there a mouse?" Xia Feng pushed the door in and flashed his eyes.

Wang Zihan stood on the bed, wearing only a green silk suspender nightdress. The hem of the nightdress was very short, almost covering the middle of her thighs.

"Where's the mouse?" Xia Feng asked, not looking much.

In fact, he knew where the mouse was when he swept it, but he asked deliberately.

"It seems to be under the bed." Wang Zihan looked frightened: "what a big one, black."

Just then, the mouse felt the breath of Xia Feng and suddenly jumped out.

"Ah." Wang Zihan screamed, jumped under the bed and jumped directly into Xia Feng's arms.

This kind of good thing, of course, Xia Feng would not hide. As soon as he stretched out his hands, he caught Wang Zihan.

Ruoyu Wenxiang is full of, and he is talking about the situation at this moment.

Xia Feng didn't instigate the mouse to come out. It was the mouse who sensed the magic eye of Xia Feng and wanted to escape. At this moment, he ran directly to the windowsill, and then ran out regardless.

"It escaped." Wang Zihan seemed to be very afraid of mice. She put her hands around Xia Feng's neck and stared at the mice all the time. When she saw the mice running out of the window, she gasped, and then found that her situation was bad.

Why not? It's very simple. Her nightdress is suspender type. There are two thin belts. They jumped down before. As soon as they were loosened, one side of the belt slipped down.

"Ah." Wang Zihan screamed in shame and hurriedly wanted to retreat, but Xia Feng could not let go at this moment, put his arm around her waist tightly, and then tiptoed on his heel and kissed Wang Zihan.

Wang Zihan was stunned. One hand pushed his chest, but she had no power. She kissed Xia Feng. Slowly, her hand was around Xia Feng's neck.

Wang Zihan broke open her lips, looked at Xia Feng and cried shyly, "Xia Xia, don't, it's too fast. Give me some time."

She always called Xia Feng's name. At this moment, she called Xia Xia.

I don't know how long, Xia Feng felt that he was going to explode. He loosened and looked at Wang Zihan.

Wang Zihan's star eyes are drunk and his red lips gasp slightly, just like a hibiscus flower blooming in the night.

Xia Feng said, "I don't know if there are any mice in the house?"

"There won't be any." Wang Zihan was frightened. She was dazed by Xia Feng's kiss. Now she stared at Qing.

"Why don't I sleep with you at night?" Xia Feng climbed along the pole.

Wang Zihan chuckled, "not good."

"Why?" Xia Feng pretended to be wronged: "would you rather have mice with you?"

His words made Wang Zihan giggle and said shyly, "the mouse just stays in the house. In fact, it doesn't bite, but if you sleep with me, you might eat people."

"I promise not to eat people." Xia Feng raised his hand to promise.

Wang Zihan smiled shyly and didn't believe him at all. He begged in a soft voice: "Xia Xia, we're really too fast. Give me some time, okay?"

She was so gentle and sincere that Xia Feng could say nothing but reluctantly agreed and said, "OK, but now I don't want to sleep. I'm scared to wake up the mouse. Why don't I stay with you for a while."

Wang Zihan didn't refuse his proposal. He just put on his nightdress. Although it's not very useful, it's better after all.

Then she hugged and talked. Wang Zihan didn't talk much at ordinary times, but she talked a lot at the moment. She asked about Xia Feng, her own family and fun stories as a child.

With these words, Xia Feng will kiss him. As long as Xia Feng's hand is not too much, he will follow Xia Feng.

Xia Feng was very impulsive, but he still didn't force Wang Zihan.

The two talked until more than one o'clock. Wang Zihan advised several times before Xia Feng returned to his room.

I went back to my room and took a cold bath, otherwise I couldn't calm down at all.

In fact, Wang Zihan over there also took a bath, and then changed her nightdress and underwear.

"He's really good." taking a bath, Wang Zihan commented on Xia Feng in her heart.

In the previous situation, Xia Feng could restrain himself, which showed that he was a good man and would respect and love people.

"If tomorrow night..." she thought so, she would be a little ashamed.

Tonight, Xia Feng's restraint and love for her greatly increased her favor. If there was such a situation tomorrow night, she wouldn't refuse.

It's a pity that although Xia Feng has magical eyes, he doesn't read his mind.

The next morning, Xia Feng was awakened by a knock on the door. As soon as it was dawn, Wang Zihan called outside: "Xia lazy turtle, get up and run."

Xia Feng just wanted to promise. He suddenly moved his heart and cried out in pain.

"What's the matter?" he won't lock the door. The door card opens. Wang Zihan probes in and asks worried.

"Ouch." Xia Feng shouted again. He covered his stomach with his hands and shrunk up like a cat.

"What's the matter, Xia Xia?" Wang Zihan was really frightened and hurriedly ran over: "do you have a stomachache."

The words didn't drop. Xia Feng suddenly laughed and grabbed her hand to the bed.

"Ah." Wang Zihan screamed and fell on the bed. Xia Feng pressed on her.

"Villain, lie to me." Wang Zihan beat Xia Feng with both hands, but Xia Feng kissed her mouth.

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