Xia Feng said, "actually, it's good to be a friend. You don't have to do anything."

After work, Xue Yue arrived first at the agreed restaurant. She wore a purple open neck shirt and white trousers. She was exquisite and elegant. At first glance, she was the kind of people of the elite class.

"Manager Xia, come here, please sit down." when she saw Xia Feng, she took the initiative to say hello, with a slight smile on her face, kind, but not exaggerated.

"Sorry, I'm a little late." Xia Feng sat down. The waiter came up and poured tea and then ordered dishes. Xue Yue said, "manager Xia, have a drink."

Ordered another bottle of red wine.

Xue Yue opened red wine and took the initiative to pour wine for Xia Feng. Her hands are slender, white and beautiful, which reminds people of four words: plain hands are like orchids.

Xue Yue raised her glass: "manager Xia, I respect you."

"Assistant Xue is polite." Xia Feng thought it was very interesting. He took a sip, but he didn't speak, waiting for Xue Yue to speak.

Xue Yue didn't say anything about endorsing stars. Instead, she asked Xia Feng's hometown: "manager Xia is not from the city."

"No." Xia Feng shook his head: "I'm from the suburbs."

Xue Yue nodded and said, "I have a very good classmate in the University, who is from the suburbs. Her mother will make excellent small fish Douchi, that is, when the small fish is dried, put it in Douchi and add a lot of pepper. It's very delicious. Every time I go back to school in winter and summer vacation, I have to bring a large bottle, and then we eat it up for her in three days." she said and giggled, and Xia Feng also laughed.

The topic spread out unconsciously.

For a woman like Xue Yue, being arrogant is one thing, but her communication ability is absolutely not bad. Unless she doesn't want to talk to you and wants to talk to you, she will be able to lead to a topic and won't be cold.

After drinking half the wine, the atmosphere was quite good. Xue Yuecai turned the topic to the star who spoke.

Xia Feng reported a female star. He likes beautiful women, but Xue Yue recommended a male star to him. What's his name, Hu Lei.

Xia Feng doesn't watch TV dramas and doesn't know much about stars. He doesn't know who Hu Lei is, but Xue Yue calls up photos on her mobile phone. He's a handsome man.

"It turns out that assistant Xue is still chasing stars." the atmosphere is good. Xia Feng can't refuse for a moment. He's joking.

"Of course, girls usually chase stars, and I'm no exception." Xue Yue smiled a little coquettish: "but the reason why I recommend Hu Lei is that his temperament is especially suitable for our drinks."

Xia Feng disagreed with her. He really didn't think Hu Lei's temperament was suitable for Yiduo drinks.

He thought in his heart: "it's not suitable for temperament, but the Commission is attractive."

The endorsement fee for such a big star costs millions at least. Xia Feng's plan is five to ten million, even a 20% commission, which is not a small sum of money. In fact, it is generally 30%, and some companies even half.

But of course this can't be said. It's not easy to refuse directly. He nodded: "I'll think about it later."

Xue yuedao didn't want him to promise on the spot. She was a proud and smart woman. She decided that the goal would not be let go easily, but she wouldn't be entangled.

After dinner, Xia Feng said he wanted to check out. Xue Yue said with a smile, "I asked you. If manager Xia wants to, you'd better invite me next time."

"I hope to have this honor." Xia Feng no longer insisted.

As for inviting Xue Yue, he didn't think about it.

When he arrived at the company in the afternoon, he thought about rejecting Xue Yue in two days. He didn't want tucker to call him in the afternoon and said to him, "assistant Xue said that male stars are more suitable for our drinks. What do you think, whether to change them."

The fire came up in an instant.

At noon, looking at Xue Yue's exquisite and elegant smiling face, he felt that he wanted to give her some face. As a result, the woman actually played Yin again and started directly from Tucker. It was unreasonable.

"I don't think so." Xia Feng shook his head flatly. "We have made a batch of microblog and wechat advertisements in front of us, including men and women, but the effect is obviously that the effect of female stars is better."

Tucker laughed: "yes, female stars have natural advantages in these aspects. It's up to you. As I said, it's up to you."

Then he talked about gambling on horses and talked until work.

When Xia Feng returned to the office, Zhou Ling was still there. Xia Feng said, "I've decided. You can make a plan and invite the sexy baby named Jiao."

Because Zhou Ling provided him with several famous stars, he didn't remember his name, only the one with the best figure.

"OK." Zhou Ling immediately agreed.

Thinking of Xue Yue, Xia Feng sneered: "you can't turn the sky."

He first asked Tucker. It turned out that the stars who spoke last year and the year before last were recommended by Xue Yue.

It seems that I'm addicted to taking a commission. I don't want to let go this year.

But Xia Feng will never let her do what she wants, especially when she is still playing Yin.

If Xue Yue is willing to say well and pay a price, Xia Feng may be able to talk to her about the terms in the face of Kong Fuzhi's saying that they used to be allies.

The star endorsement fee is high, and the Commission is also high. If the 5 million endorsement fee, even the 20% commission, is 1 million, 30% is 1.5 million, and if it is 10 million endorsement fee, it is 2 million to 3 million.

Xue Yue wants this money. She can't do it without paying a price.

"Even if you go to sleep with Tucker, I have the ability to let him listen to me." Xia Feng secretly made up his mind.

If Xue Yue really wants to sleep with Tucker and make Tucker change his mouth, he dares to resign. He believes that with Tucker's gambling addiction, he will never let Xia Feng, who has magical witchcraft and can make him win money, leave because of a woman.

"And tucker may not like you." Xia Feng sneered at Xue Yue's office.

Xia Feng didn't go to Ma Xueqin. Ma Xueqin called earlier. She has something to do today and is going to host a meeting in the following city.

In fact, Ma Xueqin was very busy. When she drove back, Hua Yuna chatted with Wang Zihan in the living room. When she saw Xia Feng coming back, Hua Yuna said, "I thought you wouldn't come back tonight. Zihan said to call first, but didn't call again."

"It's all right tonight." Xia Feng smiled.

He looked at Wang Zihan. Wang Zihan was also looking at him. He looked up. Wang Zihan's eyes flashed slightly and got up and said, "sit down for a while. The meal will be ready soon."

Xia Feng thought that Wang Zihan would not pay attention to him, and even worried that Wang Zihan would move away. Now it seems that there is still some hope.

But his mentality has changed.

If Wang Zihan is a kind of bold and unrestrained girl or greedy for wealth, he is willing to keep her, but Wang Zihan is obviously not, forget it. He doesn't want to play with a good girl.

Because he wants him to completely take his heart and only chase Wang Zihan. To tell the truth, let alone that he is reluctant to give up those women. The most important one is Guo Wenjia.

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