Xue Yue saw that it was a shark, and there was more than one. In a moment, she panicked, screamed, and suddenly choked two salivas.

Fortunately, her swimming skills were really good. She turned around and swam back, but there were at least seven or eight sharks in the back. They showed sharp teeth and stared at ferocious eyes, as if they were going to tear her to pieces at any time.

Xue Yuena passed the scene. In a panic, she choked a few salivas. She suddenly felt soft and dizzy. She was completely flustered.

Just as she choked water one after another, she suddenly felt that she was held out of the water. She was a little nervous and saw that it was Xia Feng.

Xia Feng also pretended to be frightened: "there are sharks."

Xue Yue almost cried, "what should I do?"

"Let's swim to the reef." Xia Feng shouted, "assistant Xue, can you swim?"

Xue Yue had nothing to do with swimming back and forth, but she choked a few saliva just now. She only felt a breath blocking her chest and her limbs were soft and weak.

"I can't swim." she cried, "help me."

"Don't be afraid, I'll take you." Xia Feng looked brave, held Xue Yue in one hand and rowed in the other. The shark swam quickly in front and back, and jumped out of the water from time to time.

Xue Yue was pale with fear. She was an elite. Yes, but she was in the company. She was in the river. In the face of sharks, she was no different from ordinary girls. Her heart was flustered, her hair was dizzy, and her hands and feet were soft.

If Xia Feng didn't hold her, she would never float. If she choked two salivas, she would faint.

Xia Feng took her with his hands a little dishonest, because Xia Feng changed a backstroke position, put his hands around her and half supported her on his body. It's normal to hold her under his arms, but Xia Feng's hands stroke into the water from time to time, come back to hold her, and then he will catch her somewhere else.

But now Xue Yue has completely ignored these. What is taking advantage of Xia Feng? What's terrible is the sharks swimming around.

Sharks usually don't appear in the river. Xue Yue often swims here and has never met them. Unexpectedly, he met a group of sharks today.

Staring at those sharks, all she thought of in her brain were terrible scenes of sharks rushing up and biting her body. As for Xia Feng's claws touching her, she had no feeling at all.

At this time, it was still a kilometer away from the reef. Xia Feng swam fairly fast, but in Xue Yue's image, it seemed as if a century had passed. She didn't wake up until Xia Feng lifted her out of the water and let her sit on the reef. Her body softened at once. She fell on the reef and couldn't move for a long time.

"Assistant Xue, are you okay?" Xia Feng also went to the reef and pretended to be concerned. In fact, he was scolding the fool in his heart.

Previously, I only thought about getting addicted to it, but I didn't expect to untie the tie on Xue Yue's neck. If I untie the tie, it must be a big loss in Xue Yue's current situation, which would be wonderful.

"I'm fine." Xue Yue shook her head weakly: "thank you, manager Xia."

"You're welcome." Xia Feng said modestly, looked back and said, "where did those sharks come from? Sharks are usually from the sea."

Xue Yue's heart was still pounding and shook her head. She had no strength to answer him.

For a long time, Xue Yue barely recovered and looked at the river. It was calm and the sharks were gone.

"Assistant Xue, better." Xia Feng looked concerned.

Before entering the water, Xue Yue hated Xia Feng very much. This guy humiliated her twice, but at this moment, she was a little warm in her heart and said, "I'm better."

"What now?" Xia Feng asked.

Xue Yue had a little strength. She sat up straight and looked up to the other side.

There are not many swimmers in No. 3 swimming pool. Generally, they are experts or like swimming in the wild. At present, there is no one across the street.

And her mobile phone and so on were all put in the locker of sending things, and there was no way to ask for help through her mobile phone.

"Do you think those sharks are still there?" she asked, glancing at Xia Feng.

"I don't know." Xia Feng shook his head. "Maybe it's gone. There's river water here. Sharks can't stand fresh water, but I'm not sure. Do you mean to swim back?"

But Xue Yue was also afraid in her heart. She thought for a moment and said, "I'm afraid there are sharks."

"It's possible." Xia Feng nodded and looked at Xue Yue's face turning white. Her beautiful hair was wet and a little messy. This appearance was not as delicate and beautiful as usual, but it gave people another sense of excitement.

Xia Feng said: "not necessarily. Maybe we should go. Here is fresh water. They may be chasing fish. They have come in. It's time to go now."

His inference made some sense. Xue Yue nodded, thought for a moment and said, "let's wait a minute."

"OK." Xia Feng also sat down.

The reef is not big. He is almost sitting next to Xue Yue. His feet loosen and touch Xue Yue's knee. Xue Yue doesn't seem to feel anything.

After sitting for a while, Xue Yue couldn't sit still. She choked on the water before, coupled with the mental stimulation brought by shock, she just felt dry, astringent and bitter in her mouth.

But she first asked Xia Feng, "manager Xia, do you say the shark is still there?"

"It should be gone." Xia Feng also had a dry mouth and didn't want to sit down again. Although Xue Yue was a great beauty, she could only look at it and touch her knee. She couldn't do anything else. She felt boring after a long time.

"Then let's swim back?" Xue Yue looked at Xia Feng. She is the most confident in the workplace, but she has no confidence in the impenetrable river.

This is really not blindly confident. One bad thing is that it may be sent to the shark's mouth. Thinking about the sharp teeth of the shark's mouth, she feels soft all over.

No matter how usual, she is just a girl at the moment.

"OK." Xia Feng nodded, glanced at Xue Yue and said, "I'll go into the water first to see if there are sharks."

He said and went straight into the water.

Xue Yue didn't like Xia Feng at first. Later, when she gambled, she simply looked at the fire in his eyes. At this moment, she suddenly felt that Xia Feng was so pleasant to her eyes.

He went underwater first. If there were sharks in the water, it was him who bit him.

He is tantamount to helping her test the water, just like helping his comrades in arms through thunder on the battlefield.

However, she was moved. She didn't stop Xia Feng, nor did she immediately follow into the water. She just stood up and looked at it with her hands on her chest.

She doesn't believe in religion, but subconsciously helps Xia Feng pray.

Xia Feng swam to almost a third and waved to her, "assistant Xue, it's okay. The shark is gone."

Xue Yue's hanging heart just fell down. He waved to Xia Feng and shouted, "wait for me."

With that, she also went under the water.

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