Xia Feng really waited for Xue Yue, and then the two swam back to the shore together.

Xue Yue actually hung her heart and swam to the shore. She suddenly softened and almost sat on the beach.

Xia Feng also pretended to be frightened: "today is really a escape from death."

"Yes." Xue Yue nodded.

Xia Feng is pretending, but she feels it personally.

Xia Feng said with a smile, "when I come, I will tell my grandson that Grandpa caught a mermaid in the sea that day and met a shark. I was reluctant to give up the mermaid and afraid of the shark. It was tangled at that time."

His expression was funny. Xue Yue smiled weakly and said, "this time, thank you really. That bet..."

"Even if you bet." Xia Feng shook his head and pretended to be frightened. "I said assistant Xue, if you want to bet next time, find another way to play. Don't play this kind of shark mouth scare again, OK?"

Xue Yue was afraid that he insisted that he had won. Hearing that he gave up gambling drugs directly, she was immediately impressed. She really laughed, shook her head and said, "forget it, I won't gamble with you."

"Don't gamble?" Xia Feng was disappointed. "I want to win you twice more. I originally won this time. I want to see you in cheongsam. It seems that I don't have this eye blessing."

Xue Yue giggled: "I don't want to show you."

Last time Xia Feng forced her to wear mesh black silk, which made her feel humiliated, but now she suddenly felt that Xia Feng was actually very generous.

Because the other choice is one million. Xia Feng doesn't ask her for one million, but just asks her to wear black silk once. Few people in the world will give her such a choice.

What's more, Xia Feng saved her in the shark's mouth before.

Therefore, in her words, there was a little coquettish smell.

Xia Feng could hear the change of her tone and felt very good in her heart.

A beautiful woman like Xue Yue is much more interesting to be a friend than an enemy.

After a rest, she got up and took a bath in the bath center. When she came out, Xue Yue said to Xia Feng, "thank you very much today. I should have invited you to dinner, but I really have no strength now. I want to go back and have a rest. I'll invite you next time, OK?"

"I'll remember," Xia Feng said with a smile.

"OK." Xue Yue also laughed.

The first time I met her, she smiled in the crack of the elevator. Later, I didn't see her smile again. At this moment, looking at her smile like a flower, Xia Feng shouted, "she smiles so beautiful, almost like sister Kong."

Kong Fu's branches are cold and laugh like frosted chrysanthemums, with a cool temperament of Linghan alone.

Xue Yue is very similar to Kong Fu Zhi in this regard.

After breaking up, Xia Feng went back. When Hua Yuna saw him coming back, she was surprised and said, "I came back. I thought you were eating out."

"Didn't you cook my meal?" Xia Feng pretended to be poor: "I'm starving today."

Hua Yuna said contemptuously, "how about starving for a meal? We often eat only one meal a day. We don't see anyone starving."

Wang Zihan also smiled and said, "we haven't cooked yet. Now do it."

She said and got up to cook.

She wears cool clothes at home. The top is a pink suspender vest and the bottom is hot pants of the same color. Looking from the back, her two long legs move lightly, like a pink deer.

Xia Feng couldn't help swallowing.

Hua Yuna on the side giggled.

Xia Feng turned his head and pretended, "what's funny?"

"Nothing?" Hua Yuna shook her head, covered her face and smiled again.

Xia Feng smiled awkwardly at her, but then looked at her all the time.

Wang Zihan wears cool clothes, but Hua Yuna doesn't know what it is. When the girl is at home, she has a suspender skirt, and as long as she is at home, she is always hollow. Hua Yuna notices his eyes, presses her hand on her collar and waves her fist at him.

Xia Feng smiled awkwardly. There was a raisin on the tea table. He took one in his mouth and said, "this green raisin is good, sour and sweet."

Hua Yuna glanced at him, but suddenly turned her face and smiled. She got up and sat next to him and hit him with her shoulder: "Hey, do you like my Zihan?"

What does that mean?

Is it a pit or a trap?

However, Hua Yuna's temperament and the level of digging a pit seemed not high. Xia Feng said, "of course I like it."

But then he added, "I like you too."

"Hum." Hua Yuna beat him and said, "don't be greedy."

Xia Feng smiled and said, "that's what you're doing. It's too beautiful. No wonder I'm here!"

"Seriously." Hua Yuna said, "you like Zihan immediately. Why don't you take action?"

It didn't seem to be digging a pit. Xia Feng said, "what action?"

"Chase." Hua Yuna said with a stupid expression: "you like girls not to chase, thinking that others will take the initiative to go to your bed. Yes, most of the modeling industry is like this. As long as you have money, power and power, many will take the initiative to go to bed, but Zihan is by no means like this."

Listening to her, Xia Feng knew that she was not teasing him, but telling him the truth. He immediately smiled bitterly in his heart.

He didn't catch up. He and Wang Zihan were only one step away from each other, but Wang Zihan didn't want to because he was too playful and exposed his stuffing. What can he do? If he tried to find a way to catch a female model with loose trouser belts, he could at least taste it, but Wang Zihan was obviously a good girl, and he didn't want to hurt her.

Of course, I can't tell the truth at the moment. I can only pretend to be stupid: "how can I chase it, I won't."

"You're stupid." Hua Yuna was so angry that she stabbed him on the forehead with her sharp and slender fingers.

At this time, Wang Zihan just cooked and came out. When he saw Hua Yuna and Xia Feng crowded together, he poked him with his fingers and said with a smile, "what's the matter, what did you two say?"

"I said this man was a fool." Hua Yuna was so angry that she didn't sit with Xia Feng. She got up and sat on the opposite sofa, grabbed a handle, stuffed it into her mouth and chewed it.

"Xia Xia is stupid." Wang Zihan smiled.

Not stupid. " Hua Yuna said, "I just told him that when you fall asleep at night, I'll change a room with him. I'll sleep in his bed. He'll sleep in you and my bed. He actually asked me what to do with changing a bed. Do you say you're stupid?"

"Ah, dead Nana." Wang Zihan immediately screamed: "today I must deal with you, a dead traitor."

Wang Zihan rushed over and pinched Hua Yuna. Hua Yuna giggled and jumped barefoot onto Xia Feng's sofa. Wang Zihan chased after her. Hua Yuna hid behind Xia Feng and fled. She accidentally fell into Xia Feng's arms. She didn't feel it, but Wang Zihan was ashamed of her and bah: "dead girl."

Take a look at Xia Feng, turn around and walk into the kitchen.

Hua Yuna found out, but she didn't take it seriously. She just wiped the sling on.

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