Hua Yuna sat up and said to Xia Feng, "Xia Xia, seriously, if you want to chase Zihan, you have to take the initiative."

Xia Feng can only smile bitterly.

After lunch and a rest, Xia Feng was fine. Hua Yuna said, "let's go out and play."

"OK." Xia Feng agreed: "where to play."

"Why don't we go to Dongshan to ride a horse." Hua Yuna thought: "last time I saw you gambling on horses, I wanted to ride a horse."

"Can you ride a horse?" Xia Feng asked.

"Hum, I'm a female rider." Hua Yuna said proudly, "Zihan can ride too."

It's strange that most people don't have the chance to ride a horse. The Mongols call on the Forum: we don't ride a horse at school.

Hua Yuna, how did they learn to ride horses?

"OK, then go and see your riding." Xia Feng called.

"It's called Shangwen." Hua Yuna is a crazy person. She never thinks of too few people, not too many people.

Wang Zihan said, "Wen Wen has to go to work."

"Let me ask." Hua Yuna called and said, "Wen Wen is fine today. Let's pick her up."

The three took Hua Yuna's BMW to Zhu Wenwen's rental office and picked up Zhu Wenwen.

Zhu Wenwen's upper body is a white sleeveless T-shirt with a green high waist pants and a delicate melon seed face, which is very bright.

Speaking of beauty, she is above Wang Zihan and Hua Yuna, but her figure is slightly worse, but she can also be compared with ordinary girls.

But Xia Feng felt that the girl was a little coquettish and had a deep plan.

Seeing Hua Yuna's car, Zhu Wenwen praised, "Nana, your car is so beautiful."

"Beautiful." Hua Yuna was proud: "Xia Xia gave me one, and Zihan one."

"Xia Xia is really generous." Zhu Wenwen looked envious.

"He's not at a loss." Hua Yuna giggled: "I'll sleep with him. BMW doesn't give one. What young model is it?"

What's that? Xia Feng was almost stunned and looked at Wang Zihan. Wang Zihan blushed, but he didn't deny it.

Xia Feng's heart jumped for a moment.

Laughing and joking, Xia Feng got on the bus. Xia Feng took the co pilot. Wang Zihan and Zhu Wenwen took the back and arrived at the racecourse. The racecourse here is large. There are horses raised by private tycoons and racecourses for people to ride.

Hua Yuna didn't lie. She really can ride a horse, so can Wang Zihan and Zhu Wenwen.

Of course, Xia Feng will, too. He wouldn't have. He never had a chance to ride a horse. It's just because of the magic eye, but why do Wang Zihan and them all?

Later, he asked Wang Zihan, and then he realized that once they had to ride a horse to shoot a war play and play a girl who played a female horn, so they happened to learn.

Xia Feng said unevenly, "you are so beautiful. What kind of girl are you?"

Wang Zihan didn't answer. Hua Yuna shouted, "it's because the dead text is too beautiful. As a result, the girls are not appropriate."

"Blame me again." Zhu Wenwen said.

"It's your fault." Hua Yuna shouted, "you're a fox without makeup. After makeup, the woman is not the woman, but your girl."

She said and turned to Xia Feng: "we didn't know before. We practiced horses for two months, fell several times, and the skin on our legs was worn out. As a result, the actress's schedule was empty and came to shoot. Once she made up and finished, all the girls were more beautiful than her."

Xia Feng understood that Wang Zihan was already beautiful. If she wanted to make up, ordinary female stars might not be better than them.

"Let's just watch the girl." Xia Feng smiled.

"Yes." Hua Yuna called, "so the actress stopped acting. Finally, she couldn't help driving us out of the crew and replacing us with some fat and ugly ones."

"Ha ha." Xia Feng said with a smile, "if I were the actress, I would have to replace you."

"So Luo." Hua Yuna pushed Zhu Wenwen: "it's your fault."

"Why only blame me." Zhu Wenwen said: "the actress actually hates you the most is whether you are good or not."

Then he suddenly reached out and pinched Hua Yuna's chest.

"Ah." Hua Yuna screamed, "dead Wen, you'll die today."

She rushed over and Zhu Wenwen ran away with a giggle.

Laugh for a while and ride a horse for a while. It's almost five o'clock. I'll come back and directly go back to Xia Feng's house, but first go to the supermarket to buy vegetables, and then come back to cook. Xia Feng is a man surrounded by three beautiful women, which is very eye-catching. However, while these eyes are envious, they are mixed with a lot of contempt and laughter, because the three girls are taller than Xia Feng.

In fact, Xia Feng is also 1.7 meters. Among ordinary people, it is not high, but it is not short.

But Wang Zihan and they are all models. Wang Zihan is also 1.76 meters, Hua Yuna is 1.78 meters, and Zhu Wenwen is almost the same. Fortunately, they didn't wear high heels when they went riding today, otherwise Xia Feng would look shorter in front of them.

It's difficult for Wang Zihan to pick up the play. In fact, being high is also a reason. It's too high to play.

But Xia Feng doesn't care. I'm short, but a bunch of tall girls surround me. You're tall, but the tall girls don't even look at you. It's useless.

After buying vegetables, the three girls all cooked. Xia Feng's kitchen is big, but Xia Feng spread out his hands and feet and sat on the sofa waiting to eat. He is pure food, so he can't help.

However, it's OK to let three beauties get him food.

The three girls started together and the dishes soon came up. Hua Yuna opened the wine. The girl had good wine. She didn't have much money before. Now she spends Xia Feng. She's not polite.

It's not that she likes to take advantage of small things. She is just like this. She spends her own money generously, so she often can't get up and down, and can't even afford to rent a room. She has to live with Wang Zihan.

She has more friends than Wang Zihan, which means she is generous and has no intention.

Xia Feng actually likes her character.

However, fortunately, she is not the daughter of Liu Ruyan. She needs to drink a few bottles in case of drinking. She can drink more than 100 yuan, and even dozens of yuan. If Liu Ruyan is really the same, Xia Feng can't afford to raise her now.

While eating, Zhu Wenwen's cell phone rang. She connected and gave a feed.

Xia Feng listened and found that what she really liked was her voice. It was very beautiful and beautiful.

But Zhu Wenwen's voice immediately changed and shouted, "I'll come right away."

Hua Yuna said, "what's up?"

"Jiajia, she wants to move back. The man doesn't allow her to move."

"That's unreasonable." Hua Yuna immediately shouted, "we'll go with you."

She stood up and said to Xia Feng, "Xia Xia, come with us."

Xia Feng nodded, "OK."

After getting on the bus, Hua Yuna explained that Xia Feng understood the causes and consequences.

The Jiajia in their mouth is also a model named min Jiajia. Some time ago, they took care of a man. After a while, they found that the man didn't have much money. He was just a bag company, moving around with a mouth.

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