When Xia Feng arrived at the riverside wharf, Xue Yue had arrived. She was wearing a green T-shirt and a pair of white leggings. The river wind blew her hair like a hibiscus wading across the river.

Seeing Xia Feng, Xue Yue seemed embarrassed for a moment, but then she let go and said, "get on board."

Xia Feng was actually a little embarrassed, but he was thick skinned and practiced. He shouted, "ah, I haven't bought a ticket yet. Wait for me. I'll buy a ticket first."

His words amused Xue Yue and shouted, "come on, you can make up the ticket on the ship."

Ah, you sister, it's really good. You can make up your ticket on the ship. It's very convenient for passengers. " Xia Feng jumped into the boat and continued to play tricks: "I'll take your boat in the future."

"Welcome." Xue Yue giggled and said, "sit carefully. It's time to sail."

She drove the speedboat away from the dock and headed for the estuary.

Xia Feng can't sail. Although they experienced a speedboat escape with Lucy last time, Lucy is also sailing.

He took a small bag, bought two clothes to change, and took a look at the internal space of the speedboat. It is relatively narrow. It is rented by domestic tourism companies. Naturally, it can't be compared with foreign rich private speedboats.

In front of the speedboat is the cockpit, behind which there is a rest room and bathroom, and then there is a row of cabinets where you can put clothes, bags and other things, but fortunately, there is also a refrigerator, which is quite humanized.

Xia Feng put his bag in the wardrobe, went to the front and watched Xue Yue sail.

Xue Yue stood in front of the bridge with her feet slightly apart, with one palm on the steering wheel. From the back, her posture was very sexy.

Xue Yue felt him from behind and turned back and said, "have you ever been in a speedboat before?"

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded, "but not at home."

He went over and looked curiously at the cockpit. It seemed that the speedboat could also be piloted automatically, but he couldn't understand it.

"Oh?" hearing his words, Xue Yue looked at him curiously: "where did you sit?"

"In the Mediterranean," Xia Feng said and waved, "so I've seen the world. Don't try to scare me with this small wind and wave."

His action was exaggerated, and Xue yueluo smiled again.

The so-called man is not bad, women do not love, not that you want to become a bad guy, but that you want something to happen and attract the girl's mind.

Xue Yue took the initiative to make an appointment with Xia Feng. Although some things were almost clear, Xia Feng was a little embarrassed in face. But Xia Feng joked since she got on the boat, which made Xue Yue giggle and diluted this embarrassment.

Xue Yue looked into his eyes with joy.

"How long will it take to enter the sea?" Xia Feng asked.

"About an hour." Xue Yue has experience.

"Can't you drive faster?" Xia Feng was curious.

"The boat is small. It's too fast and bumps badly." Xue Yue looked at him: "will you get seasick?"

"Strange." Xia Feng looked at her and touched his forehead.

"What's the matter?" Xue Yue asked him.

Xia Feng said, "I didn't get seasick. I didn't get seasick ten times faster than this on the Mediterranean, but I seem to be a little dizzy today."

"Ten times faster, I don't believe it." Xue Yue smiled.

"It's true." Xia Feng also smiled: "compared with that time, your ship is really fast, but it's strange why you faint."

"Have you caught a cold?" Xue Yue wondered if he was going to make a mistake and asked with some worry.

"No, No." Xia Feng shook his head, looked left and right, finally stared at Xue Yue, and then said suddenly, "I see."

"What?" Xue Yue didn't understand.

"It's because you're so beautiful." Xia Feng said, "I'm not seasick, but I'm dizzy."

Xue yueluo smiled again and looked obliquely into his eyes, which was already full of water.

The biggest fear of dating is to meet a clumsy wooden man. Although Xia Feng looks average, something will happen. She has felt happy.

Talking and laughing, out of the mouth of the river and into the sea, the water surface suddenly widened.

At this time, it was already five o'clock. The sunset fell on the far sea, as if it stopped there. People felt that they could touch it as long as they worked harder.

After another half an hour or so, there was water on all sides, but it was not dark and half of the sunset remained on the sea. Xue Yue asked Xia Feng, "can you fish?"

"Sure." Xia Feng nodded. "You don't mean you didn't bring anything to eat. You're going to fish and cook in the evening."

Xue Yue giggled: "yes."

Xia Feng said bitterly, "what if you can't catch it?"

"Then throw you into the sea." Xue Yuexiao: "what's a man who can't catch fish for?"

"So cruel." Xia Feng exaggerated his face. Xue Yue smiled and fell on the steering wheel. At this moment, Xia Feng really wanted to turn into the steering wheel.

But it's not urgent. This moment will come. Xue Yue loves to laugh more and more, just like the lobster in the pot, getting more and more red and cooked.

Xia Feng said, "in fact, you don't have to fish to eat fish."

"What else can you do?" Xue Yue became curious.

Xia Feng said, "I've seen a video before. It seems to say that in the rivers of the Great Lakes of the United States, as long as the boat drives faster, the fish jump and jump, and some will jump directly onto the boat."

"That's because there are many fish in the Great Lakes." Xue Yue shook her head and said, "not here."

"Isn't there more fish in the sea than in the lake? I don't believe it." Xia Feng shook his head.

Xue Yue smiles and shakes her head. The atmosphere is very good. She doesn't want to argue with Xia Feng.

Xia Feng was reluctant: "drive the boat faster and raise it by two gears. I promise there will be fish jumping up. If you don't believe it, we'll make another bet."

Xue Yue really didn't believe it, but Xia Feng said to bet, but she was interested and said, "OK, what's the bet?"

"The bet is that in the next two days, the winner has absolute power. What he says is what he loses, and he must absolutely listen." this bet is interesting. If he is a stranger or a hostile person, of course not, but it is very interesting between lovers or prospective lovers. Xue Yue promised almost without hesitation: "it's a deal."

"Come on, pull the hook." Xia Feng stretched out his little finger. Xue Yue really smiled and pulled the hook with him. Xia Feng also had a similar reading: "pull the hook and hang it for a hundred years. Don't change."

Xue Yue giggled.

"Now, you're in the top grade." Xia Feng waved his hand like a general commanding thousands of troops.

Xue Yue giggled and really raised the speed, but she didn't adjust to the highest grade. The boat was small, too fast and bumped too badly.

But the speed was also very fast. Like a horse whipped, the speedboat roared out.

Then, just beside the speedboat, a fish jumped out of the water.

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