"This woman really doesn't know how to do things." Xia Feng scolded: "in order to be afraid of me winning, she secretly tipped off Shi Limin. It's not a gentleman."

But then he thought and smiled bitterly. He was a woman, not a gentleman.

"Yes." without hesitation, Xia Feng admitted directly.

He doesn't care about himself. He admits as soon as he admits, but it may drag Feng helun down. He wants to explain for Feng helun, but he finds that he can't speak. The more he describes, the darker he gets.

"I'll go." Xia Feng couldn't help but go crazy again in his heart.

When dealing with women like Du Mingzhu, if it's a little bad, it's going to be a pit.

Shi Limin looked at his face and said, "what are you thinking?"

It's strange that she didn't scold or at least tease him when she revealed his true face, but she was asking him what was in his mind?

Are women so strange?

But think about it, Shi Limin can be the largest wholesaler of drinks in Zhoucheng. Although she borrowed a little from her family, her mind and wrist must not be bad. That is, she knew his true face, and he beat her beloved man and let her lose points in front of Peng birthday. Her revenge is obviously more than scolding him for being shameless.

"I heard." Xia Feng raised his cup: "the best coffee is found in animal feces. I was thinking, which kind of animal feces does my cup of coffee come from, male or female?"

Shi Limin looked at him quietly. She didn't laugh or feel sick. After looking at him for a while, she bowed her head and drank again.

At the moment, she was a little scary, and she was completely different from the tearful and heartbroken woman in the morning.

"I can sign the bill for you." after a while, Shi Limin said, "one hundred million, and you are not required to do outdoor advertising."

Is there such a good thing?

Xia Feng was surprised.

He put the cup down. It was really bad to drink. He simply stopped drinking. Looking at Shi Limin, he asked, "what do you want?"

Shi Limin said, "it's very simple. Accompany me out to the sea?"

"Ah?" Shi Limin's request made Xia Feng's eyes stare.

Xue Yue asked him to accompany her to the sea in order to have fun in a place where no one can see.

But Shi Limin also asked him to accompany her to the sea. Why?

Xia Feng will never be narcissistic enough to think that Shi Limin also wants to have an affair at sea with him,.

"Don't think I'm calculating you." Shi Limin seemed to understand his doubts and explained. Then she looked out of the window. After a while, she said, "I'm unhappy. I want to go to a gambling boat on the high seas and gamble happily. Your Kung Fu is good, and the eldest martial brother can't take your move, so I want you to be my bodyguard."

Speaking of this, she turned to look at Xia Feng, with a trace of enthusiasm in her eyes and said, "I'm going to gamble. As long as you protect me and come back safely, I'll sign the list for you."

Xia Feng was skeptical, but seeing the fanaticism in Shi Limin's eyes, he believed.

At the same time, I also understand that Shi Limin has no medicine for emotional injury, so she gambles and releases herself.

"OK." he hesitated and nodded.

"Start early tomorrow morning." seeing his promise, the flame in Shi Limin's eyes was even more Wang, and the wings of her nose all played gently.

It's like a drug addict looking forward to a feast.

But Xia Feng suddenly felt a little sympathy for her.

There is no cure for a woman who has hurt her feelings.

Can gambling cure it?

The next day, Xia Feng and Shi Limin got on the plane and flew directly to Macao.

Outside Shi Limin is a green windbreaker, inside is a plain skirt with flowers. The skirt is longer than the windbreaker, revealing the thin edge dotted with small yellow flowers. The simple collocation gives her a very lady feeling.

But no one knows except Xia Feng that this beautiful looking lady is going to gamble on the sea - Macao is just her middle station. She doesn't think it's exciting enough to go to the sea.

How fanatical should a gambler who can't even see Macao?

Xia Feng couldn't help shaking his head and thought, "women are crazy and unreasonable."

When the plane took off, Yu Lian received a call from a hotel. She immediately called Du Mingzhu with a surprised look: "President Du, Xia Feng and Shi Limin have gone to Macao."

"Xia Feng and Shi Limin have gone to Macao?" Du Mingzhu said with a surprised face, "didn't you say that you told Shi Limin the real identity of Xia Feng through your assistant?"

"Yes?" Yu Lian nodded.

"Then why did Xia Feng approach Shi Limin? Instead of driving him away, Shi Limin took him to Macao?" Du Mingzhu wondered.

"I don't know either." Yu Lian was also confused.

Du Mingzhu didn't understand: "did you ask assistant Hong, what did Xia Feng and Shi Limin do in Macao?"

Yu Lian said, "assistant Hong said it might be gambling."

"Gambling?" Du Mingzhu exclaimed.

Yu Lian's answer also surprised her.

"Yes." Yu Lian nodded. "Shi Limin is addicted to gambling, and she is very big. She didn't do that before. It is said that it was because of a change of heart."

"Emotional change?" Du Mingzhu was an elite and a woman. She immediately had a strong interest in this emotional gossip.

"Yes." Yu Lian was obviously also in high spirits and told Du Mingzhu about Shi Limin's gossip heard from assistant Hong.

Peng Tan, Yin Xiaozhen and Shi Limin are brothers and sisters of the same school. Peng Tan is handsome and strong. Yin Xiaozhen and Shi Limin all fell in love with him. Shi Limin was the first to get started, but after Yin Xiaozhen got started, she resolutely joined the competition and entangled for several years. Finally, Peng Tan didn't marry anyone, but married another woman.

"The woman's name is Huo Yingmei, four years older than Peng's birthday, and she doesn't look as good as Shi Limin and Yin Xiaozhen." Yu Lian said and looked at Du Mingzhu with a smile: "Mr. Du, why do you think Peng's birthday married an ugly woman four years older than him instead of Shi Limin and Yin Xiaozhen?"

"Money, power, potential?" Du Mingzhu said three words.

"The first word is money." Yu Lian shows an expression of disdain and seems to be a little jealous: "the Huo family is a real estate family. The richest man in Zhoucheng has a family capital of tens of billions, but there is only Huo Yingmei's daughter. Peng birthday joins the Huo family and does nothing. Lying down is a 10 billion son-in-law."

She said, mobile phone, "photos," said, "they found the wedding day video, this scene is really big, but this Peng really good growth, I want to have money, can also keep him for three months."

She smiled and put her mobile phone in front of Du Mingzhu: "Mr. Du, look, handsome."

Du Mingzhu looked twice and hummed, "it's just a guy who eats soft rice."

Yu Lian giggled, "that guy is not soft."

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