Unconsciously, Yu Xinyu snuggled up in Xia Feng's arms. Xia Feng hugged her soft body and smelled the faint fragrance in her hair. She was peaceful and comfortable.

The impulse in the morning made a great breakthrough in their relationship. Without the scene in the morning, Yu Xinyu could not have done so anyway.

After two dances, Yu Xinyu said he couldn't dance. They came out. Just at the door, a group of people across the street rushed out. The leader was the red hair, pointing to Xia Feng and shouting, "that's the boy. Kill him."

There were at least twenty people in Hongmao group. Yu Xinyu cried out in fear. Xia Feng hugged her waist and said, "don't be afraid."

Hugging Yu Xinyu, he stepped back two steps, turned his back to the corner of the wall, protected Yu Xinyu behind him, looked cold, and waited for the red hair group to rush over.

Just then, a Mercedes Benz suddenly rushed over and almost hit the red hair group.

Red hair jumped to the side in fear, and the halberd finger scolded: "running for funeral, right? Believe it or not, I'll kill you."

The door opened and a man came out of the car. It was mo Cong. Then two young people came out of the car. They were all young people in their twenties, with small flat heads and a sharp face.

Mo Cong snorted coldly, "call me."

Two small flat heads ran up against red hair and a group of people rushed up, punched and kicked, and fell in an instant.

"Kung Fu is good." Xia Feng praised it.

Before magic eye, he should be able to win one by one, but if one to two, he will certainly lose. These two small flat heads have good Kung Fu. It is estimated that they are mo Cong's bodyguards.

Hongmao and his gang were beaten upside down and howled. Mo Cong scolded coldly, "get out."

Red hair and others got up and ran away.

Mo Cong not only has powerful bodyguards, but also uses local dialect. This kind of local people running with bodyguards usually tread on black and white. Small gangsters like red hair can bully outsiders. Meeting this kind of local tyrant is not a dish at all. Mo Cong turned around, put on a smiling face and said to Xia Feng, "manager Yu, this brother, I'm sorry, I didn't treat you well, which surprised you."

Seeing his smiling face, Xia Feng knew that Ma Xueqin was powerful. He smiled: "don't always come too fast, otherwise you can loosen your hands and feet."

He said, waving his fist gently.

The punch seemed casual, but it was unusually fast. There was a strange roar in the air.

Mo Cong's two small flat heads behind him changed color at the same time when they heard the boxing style.

Mo Cong also looked surprised. Although he didn't practice Kung Fu, he still had a little basic knowledge. He shouted, "good Kung Fu, Mo really has eyes and doesn't know Mount Tai."

No matter how good Kung Fu is, it's of little use to rich people. It's better to be a bodyguard. The so-called having eyes and not knowing Taishan is another point. Xia Feng naturally heard it and smiled.

Mo Cong said, "it's still early now. I'd like to invite you to have a supper and invite you to enjoy it."

He said politely, and the problem of raw materials must be solved. Xia Feng didn't refuse, nodded and said, "don't be polite."

He didn't ask Yu Xinyu's opinion, and Yu Xinyu didn't have any opinion. His performance made Yu Xinyu very relieved.

Mo Cong's dash leads the way to a restaurant.

"Two please." to the restaurant, Mo Cong got off, personally led Xia Feng up and sat down. Mo Cong said, "I haven't asked your name yet."

He didn't know Xia Feng's name. He didn't look at Xia Feng before. He didn't ask. He has to ask now.

Xia Feng said, "my surname is Xia. Summer is summer, Xia Feng."

"Good name." Mo Cong's thumb tilted. At this time, the wine came up. He poured the wine and took up the cup: "Mo was rude in the morning. My cup is an apology."

Then he dried his mouth, poured the wine, raised his glass and said, "brother Xia, it's fate to meet each other. I respect you for this cup."

Xia Feng refused to raise his glass and looked at him with a smile.

Mo Cong's eyes turned to Yu Xinyu's face, then turned back, looked at Xia Feng and said, "next year, it's still according to last year's price, not a penny."

Yu Xinyu was delighted and looked at Xia Feng, but Xia Feng looked at Mo Cong and didn't move.

Mo Cong no longer looked at Yu Xinyu, but looked at Xia Feng and spit out two words: "two years."

Xia Feng still didn't move, but his eyes fell down, as if he was impatient.

Mo Cong gritted his teeth: "three years."

Xia Feng raised his eyes, smiled, took out his mobile phone and turned on the hands-free. Then he dialed Ma Xueqin: "sister, have you eaten yet."

Ma Xueqin's soft voice said, "eat, and you."

Xia Feng said, "I've already eaten. At the moment, President mo of Huanyu commerce and trade is inviting me to dinner."

"How's the night snack over there?" Ma Xueqin made a pun. Of course Mo Cong could hear it and looked tight.

Xia Feng looked at him and said with a smile, "it's not bad, mainly because Mr. Mo is very sincere."

"That's OK." Ma Xueqin also smiled: "I asked someone to check in the afternoon. There are many problems in their company. Tell him what should be supplemented and what should be punished. Let him pay more attention in the future."

"OK." Xia Feng promised, "I'll tell you, elder sister, you're down here. Rest early and drink less wine."

"Yes, I'm running down here. I'm so tired that my feet are going to break." Ma Xueqin's tone is sweet. She obviously didn't expect Xia Feng to turn on the hands-free.

Xia Feng said with a smile, "I'll come back and give you a massage."

"OK." Ma Xueqin's voice was filled with joy.

He said two more words and hung up.

Xia Feng looked at Mo Cong and didn't speak, but he just turned on the hands-free. Mo Cong naturally understood his meaning and let him listen. He also understood the meaning of Ma Xueqin's words. He won't continue to check this time. Let him be careful next time, that is, as long as he doesn't die, he won't check him again.

"Brother Xia, thank you." Mo Cong said happily, "I mean what I say. The raw materials of Shuntong factory for three years don't rise by a penny compared with last year's price. Come on, I respect you."

Xia Feng then took the cup: "Mr. Mo is too polite."

Yu Xinyu was nearby, but she was still dizzy. She just heard that Mo Cong promised not to raise the price for three years, but she was still dizzy about the transaction in the middle. She didn't quite understand it.

Be obedient, but she can't. just like the last time I went to the loan, she couldn't understand what people said.

She is really only suitable to be a teacher. She is qualified in the ivory tower of the school, but she really can't break through in the business sea.

However, fortunately, she has Xia Feng to rely on. She will subconsciously think of looking for Xia Feng if she encounters anything slightly difficult. Xia Feng really didn't disappoint her, even overjoyed. She didn't raise the price for three years. This money alone has to be tens of millions.

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