"Isn't it? I'm really a little nervous." Dong Qin smiled with Yin Sha, and Yin Sha nodded and said, "I'm curious, too."

She stares at Xia Feng with bright eyes. As a media, she has heard a lot of such news, but the real person has never seen it. What she sees is some tricks. As Xia Feng said, there are too many swindlers in this set.

But Xia Feng believed that because there was an example of Wang Tielin, she just didn't see it. Of course she was excited to see it with her own eyes at the moment.

"Let me sit like this." Dong Qin let go of her hand. One hand was still on her belly and the other hand was on the sofa. She looked very relaxed. In fact, she was still a little nervous.

In fact, it's similar to people's photos. When people take photos, their bodies will be stiff and tight.

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded, pinched a sword finger in his right hand, and aimed at the outside ankle of Dong Qin's right foot across a tea table. When he was angry, Dong Qin called softly.

"What's the matter?" asked Yinsha.

"It seems that a stream of heat is pouring in." Dong Qin said and shouted, "ah, this stream of heat will go, ah ah."

She shouted repeatedly, and Xia Feng secretly shouted at the same time: "this woman cries, it's so beautiful."

His mouth said, "do you feel a hot line extending from the bend of the hind legs to the neck, through the head to the corners of the eyes."

"Yes, yes." Dong Qin nodded and said in surprise, "it's really like this. It's like a hotline."

"Really?" Yin Sha's eyes glowed with excitement: "let me check."

She took out her cell phone, checked it and shouted, "this is the sun bladder meridian. Look, is it right?"

She showed mobile phone to Dong Qin as like as two peas of Dong Qin looked at it.

"Wow." Yin Sha tilted her thumb at Xia Feng.

Xia Feng smiled and raised his fingers. With his gesture, Dong Qin's feet were raised.

"Ah." Dong Qin cried and said, "my foot, it moved by itself."

"You mean, your feet are out of control?" Yin Sha cried in surprise.

"Yes, it seems numb, and it seems that she doesn't feel it." Dong Qin looked at her feet and raised them a little bit with Xia Feng's gesture. She couldn't help but cry in surprise: "is this the guide?"

"Guidance is to use Qi to guide the human body." Yin Sha knows more, but it's the first time to see it with her own eyes. Moreover, Dong Qin can't cooperate with Xia Feng to commit fraud. For a moment, she was really surprised. She asked Dong Qin's feeling and picked up her mobile phone to take a video.

Xia Feng didn't care about her. He lifted Dong Qin's feet with air and lifted them to a straight position, so that Dong Qin's legs were suspended in the air. For about three minutes, he gestured down, and Dong Qin's feet fell down and fell to the ground.

Seeing Xia Feng's sword finger, Yin Sha said, "is that it? Do you want to guide?"

She thinks filming requires conflict and ups and downs.

Xia Feng smiled and said, "that's it today. In two days, we'll guide again. A total of three times should be enough."

"To guide three times, why not guide for a longer time?" Yin Sha was curious and unwilling.

Xia Feng guided Dong Qin's feet in the air. It's really magical. But if you make a video, you don't feel magical. There's almost no action, and there's no visual effect of martial arts movies.

"People's meridians should pay attention to balance. If they are too long at a time, they will become ill again." Xia Feng explained.

"That's reasonable." Yin Sha nodded and said, "but if only it were more wonderful. I watched some Taiji videos. More than a dozen people lined up, and the people in the back put their hands on the shoulders of the people in front. Then the Taiji master gently touched the people in the front, and the people in the back took all kinds of actions, flying, twisting and shouting. It's amazing."

"That's a lie." Xia Feng said with a smile, "if you want to shoot, I can cooperate."

Dong Qin also smiled and said, "I can provide a stage and a bunch of beautiful women."

"Forget it." Yin Sha smiled and waved her hand. "Sure enough, real things don't look good. Fake things can attract eyeballs." she asked again: "is that ok?"

"Mr. Dong, how do you feel?" Xia Feng asked.

"Don't call me president Dong, call me sister Dong." Dong Qin said, "now I feel this line, that is, the bladder meridian, hot, just like."

She thought for a moment and said, "it's like a hot water pipe. Xiaofeng, did you fill me with gas?"

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded, "guidance is to dredge the meridians with Qi. Now you feel the heat of a thread, which is the meridians."

"Wow, it's amazing." Yin Sha shouted, eager to try, as if she wanted to try, and asked, "is that it?"

"Light guide is not enough." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "we should cooperate with massage."

In fact, the light guide is OK, but he has another purpose. Besides, Dong Qin is not only beautiful, but also very good in shape. Under the package of the self-cultivation cheongsam, the body is very beautiful. If Xia Feng doesn't take the opportunity to touch it up and down, he will not be Xia Feng, but Liu Xiahui.

He looked at Dong Qin and said, "sister Dong, do you have a bed here? It's best to lie down, or on the sofa."

"There is a bed inside." Dong Qin has a suite in his office. He works outside and can rest inside.

She stood up and took Xia Feng in. There was a double bed with a light green mat. There was a faint aroma in the room.

"Lie on your back or lie on your stomach." Dong Qin stood by the bed and asked Xia Feng.

"Lie down." Xia Feng said, "bladder meridian is the largest meridian behind people's body. You should press and pinch the back."

Dong Qin took off her shoes and lay down on the bed. When she stood, she only felt that her body wrapped in cheongsam was wonderful. When she lay down, Xia Feng found that it was even more beautiful.

Xia Feng certainly couldn't stare and said, "sister Dong, first of all, this sutra extends from the foot to the front of the brain, so when massaging, that..."

Before he finished, Yin Sha broke in with a smile and said, "you should massage your ass. don't worry. I just pretend I didn't see it."

When she said this to her, Dong Qin blushed, looked at Xia Feng and said, "it's all right, Xiao Feng. You're a doctor. You can treat it anyway."

"Well." Xia Feng nodded, "sister Dong, relax your body. I'll help you loosen your waist first, then press it down from the back of your brain, pass through your waist, bend your knees, and finally reach your heels. This is a complete process."

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