Xia Feng said, "I want to kiss you, can I?"

Just kiss, he asked.

Wang Zihan blushed, his eyes drooped and didn't answer, but his hand supporting Xia Feng had no strength.

Xia Feng kissed directly.

Wang Zihan's hand was pressed and kissed for a while. Instead, he stretched out his hand and hooked Xia Feng's neck.

However, when she felt Xia Feng's hand reaching into her clothes, she grabbed Xia Feng's hand and shouted shyly, "no, Nana will come down later."

At this time, Hua Yuna shouted upstairs, "Zihan, Zihan."

Wang Zihan quickly sat up and said, "Nana called me. I'll go up and have a look."

Xia Feng had to pretend to let go of her with a sad face. His expression made Wang Zihan smile shyly, stretched his head, took the initiative to kiss Xia Feng on his lips, giggled, ran upstairs to the corridor, but turned back and smiled at Xia Feng.

Shame is like fire, and people are as delicate as flowers.

Before long, Hua Yuna came down with Wang Zihan and said to Xia Feng, "Xia Xia, we're going shopping and buy some winter clothes, otherwise we'll freeze to death when we get off the plane in Paris."

The two women are dressed to go out. Hua Yuna is dressed in a red suit and a white knitted sweater is added outside. Wang Zihan is a purple sweater with white leggings, and a red thin belt is tied around her waist.

They are both models with first-class figures. Although these clothes are simple, they are unspeakably bright on them.

"You can't buy winter clothes here near the river." Xia Feng asked while appreciating their costumes.

"There are also some." Wang Zihan nodded: "the cold wave has come these days. There may be no winter clothes, but there will be some autumn clothes."

"No matter." Hua Yuna waved, "anyway, go shopping first and come back to online shopping if you don't have one. Ah, it's only a few days away. Hurry up, otherwise it's too late."

He said to Xia Feng, "I hate it. You don't go shopping with us."

Wang Zihan hit him: "Xia Xia has something to do. You have to raise and accompany Xia Xia. How can Xia Xia take care of it?"

"What a good wife and mother." Hua Yuna retorted, "but it seems that you don't only support me, but you also have a share."

"Hate it, let's go." Wang Zihan blushed, looked at Xia Feng, pulled Hua Yuna and went out.

Xia Feng smiled and shook his head. He was in a good mood. The unexpected breakthrough with Wang Zihan made him very happy.

Of course, I felt sorry for Wang Zihan and let her reluctantly accept his flowers, but there was no way. He really couldn't take them back.

At this time, it was only two o'clock. It was still early. I wanted to call Chen Xin. Think about it and forget it.

"Don't worry, that woman is a goblin and has to guard against her." when it comes to fists, Xia Feng today is not afraid of anyone in the world, but when it comes to intrigues, he knows his own family affairs and is really not good at it. A woman like Chen Xin is full of cunning eyes. If she is not good, she will fall in. Therefore, he has always been particularly wary of Chen Xin.

After playing the game for half an hour, Dong Qin called again and said, "Xiaofeng, are you free, come here?"

"So urgent." Xia fengle.

In fact, he is also a little eager. Dong Qin has a very good figure. Now he still has some unfinished business.

"Free, I'll come right away." Xia Feng hung up the phone and drove over.

Dong Qin was not in her office today, but in the basement. A security guard led the way, and Xia Feng followed in.

The basement has a large space. There is a parking lot in the middle. There are houses on both sides. The security guard took Xia Feng into one of the houses.

The room is so big that it can catch up with the classroom in the previous school.

Dong Qin sat on the sofa. On both sides of the sofa stood two men, both in their twenties and over one meter eight.

Dong Qin's dress today is also different. It's cooling down. She wears thicker. Outside her upper body is a bright leather jacket, inside is a green small collar shirt, and her lower body is a leather pants, which wraps her small feet carefully.

Such bright leather tights have a fatal temptation to men. Xia Feng couldn't help but heat up when he saw them.

However, he felt that this posture was wrong today. He was stunned for a while, said hello and said, "sister Dong."

Dong Qin's face was a little cold. Looking at her, magic's eyes were also cold and said, "come in."

Xia Feng went in and the door behind him closed. Listening to the noise, it was an iron door.

Xia Feng looked back. The security guard also came in. He stood at the door with his arms in his arms. He didn't pay attention. At this moment, he found that the security guard was the same height and strong, not under the four strong men standing next to Dong Qin.

Xia Feng saw clearly that Dong Qin didn't want to date him today, but had another plan.

Xia Feng was happy, smiled and looked at Dong Qin: "elder sister Dong, what are you singing? Playing so big? So many people?"

Seeing Xia Feng smiling, Dong Qin looked gloomy, as if she could scrape off two or two frost.

Xia Feng secretly shouted, "this is her image. She is really a powerful woman."

Dong Qin tilted her chin and said, "let him close his mouth."

The two strong men on the left side of her sofa came to Xia Feng when they heard the speech and hit each other left and right.

Obviously, after seeing Xia Feng's Qigong yesterday, Dong Qin didn't despise him. As soon as she came out, there were two.

But if you are barehanded, don't say two, just 20, it's not enough.

When the two strong men came to Xia Feng, the one on the left took a step ahead and shook his hand, but what really moved was not his hand, but his foot. He kicked Xia Feng's belly.

This is a practicing family, and it must be practicing traditional Kung Fu to have these Yin moves.

To say that his empty move is indeed more insidious, but he is against Xia Feng, so it is useless.

When he used his feet, Xia Feng directly used his hands and flashed out with his left hand on the strong man's temple.

The strong man fell down with a thump and fainted directly.

Another strong man was stunned. Xia Feng stunned his companion with one move, which obviously surprised him, but he didn't shrink back. Instead, he shouted, punched his chest, took a step forward, and hit Xia Feng directly at the door.

This is a boxer. He is well protected and has strong boxing power. The people Dong Qin found are all good players.

If Xia Feng, who got the magic eye before, plays one by one, even if he can win, it is estimated that it will take half a day. If he plays two, he will lose. He used to dominate the cement plant. When he went out, he knew that there were many well trained people outside.

One mountain is higher than another.

To deal with those who practice boxing, it's better to use Chinese traditional Kung Fu. Xia Feng's body is low. With a familiar old move, he sweeps his legs and makes a plop. The strong man sits on the ground with a butt pier.

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