Xia Feng swept on the strong man's head without much effort, but the strong man also fainted.

Dong Qin saw Xia Feng's Qigong yesterday and knew that he had real Kung Fu, so these people she found were really good players, but she never thought that Xia Feng's Kung Fu was so strong that she stunned her two men with two moves.

As soon as her face changed, her peach blossom eyes were naturally charming, but now she was angry. She stood up and shouted, "let's go together."

At her command, the two strong men on the other side of the sofa and the security guard at the door rushed forward and backward. Even she took two steps ahead and made great efforts.

Xia Feng noticed her move and was secretly surprised: "has she practiced it too? Yes, no wonder she has such a good figure."

In my heart, my men kept moving forward, but suddenly turned around and just met the security guard behind. The security guard raised his arm obliquely and hit him obliquely.

Xia Feng knew at a glance that it was a traditional chopping and hanging practice, and it was well practiced. Its strength was quite strong. The whole arm was like a steel whip, which was more powerful than a simple fist.

But Xia Feng was faster than him. Before his arm fell, Xia Feng kicked out directly.

Xia Feng is not as tall as the security guard. The security guard is more than one meter eight. He is only one meter seven. In fact, one meter seven is still a little short, but anyway, his feet are always longer than the security guard's arms. Of course, the most important thing is that he is faster.

Therefore, the security guard's arm didn't come down. His foot arrived first and kicked it on the security guard's belly. The security guard flew four or five meters backward. He rolled several times underground and hit the iron door. Then he stopped.

The security guard hugged his belly with both hands and shrunk like a cooked shrimp. He made a painful cry in his mouth and couldn't get up again.

When Xia Feng kicked out the rear security guard, the two strong men in front of him had also rushed over. Xia Feng squatted down without waiting for his body to turn around, sweeping his legs back. The nearest strong man swept his feet into the air.

The other one didn't sweep, but Xia Feng's body was already in front of him. Without Huaqiao, he punched him directly in the chest.

This fist actually made the strong man fly. The fist strength seemed to be heavier than the foot strength. The security guard sprayed blood in the air and fell to the ground. He rolled with his chest in his hand and stopped moving.

As for the strong man who was swept down, it was simpler. Xia Feng took advantage of the situation and kicked him on the head. The strong man fainted.

The front and back five strong men took less than two minutes to knock them all down. Three fainted and two didn't. one hugged his belly and one hugged his chest. They could only chant in pain there.

Xia Feng turned to look at Dong Qin and said with a smile, "a few small flies have been solved."

He said as he walked towards Dong Qin.

Dong Qin's face changed greatly and stepped back two steps: "what are you going to do?"

"What do you say?" Xia Feng smiled. "What did we do yesterday? Didn't you want me to come today?"

At this time, Dong Qin had retreated to the side of the sofa. Seeing him approaching, she stepped on the sofa and seemed to turn over and escape to the back of the sofa, but this was actually a fake action. She got on the sofa, squatted slightly, gave a sudden scold in her mouth, jumped up, swept her legs in the air and swept over Xia Feng's head.

She actually practiced Kung Fu, but Xia Feng knew at a glance that she practiced not traditional Kung Fu, but the so-called Taekwondo.

Dong Qin practiced very well, and she did a very good fake. She jumped up on the sofa and swept her legs. If Xia Feng was obsessed and didn't guard against it, she might have swept her.

This woman, Xia Feng, looked at the photos and thought she was very powerful. By now, she really understood it.

Apart from others, Xia Feng knocked over five strong men in the blink of an eye. She is a woman. In this case, she still wants to turn over. This kind of heart and wisdom is also cruel. It can't be found in ordinary women.

But it's half useless to meet Xia Feng.

She jumped into the air. Xia Feng simply squatted. When her feet swept, she turned around and pushed her hands gently on her hips.

Dong Qin's body soared into the air. There was a sweeping force. When it was swept away, the force was still there, and there was no resistance. After giving Xia Feng such a push, she flew out and fell on the sofa.

At the end of the sofa, her upper body had stretched out, which was equivalent to her stomach lying horizontally on the armrest of the sofa, her feet falling on the sofa, but her upper body fell to the ground. However, she supported her hand and the sofa had a certain height, and her face didn't hit the floor.

Dong Qin put the armrest of the sofa on her back and almost breathed. With a sound in her mouth, she supported her hands on the ground. When she was eager to get up, she suddenly felt a pain on her back and a heavy weight pressed on her.

She turned her head desperately, but it turned out that Xia Feng raised one foot and stepped on her back. Xia Feng was looking at her with a smile.

"Let go of me." Dong Qin earned a little, still refused to admit defeat, and looked at Xia Feng ruthlessly: "otherwise, you'll kill me."

"It's impossible to kill you." Xia Feng shook his head with a smile.

Xia Feng couldn't help but slap her ass and tut tut praised her: "sister Dong, seriously, this is the sexiest thing on you. Tut Tut, it feels really good. I haven't played enough. How can I be willing to kill you."

"You bastard." when he said this, Dong Qin scolded: "you play and don't say you won't play, but after you play, you took photos to threaten me. I tell you, unless you kill me, I won't give up with you."

As soon as she said this, Xia Feng was immediately embarrassed.

Previously, Dong Qin lured him over without saying a word and asked his men to do it. He was a little angry. If there was anything wrong and where he was dissatisfied, at least say a word first, so he was not polite.

Now that Dong Qin said it, he knew the reason. At the same time, he also understood that Dong Qin's bedroom must be equipped with monitoring.

He had never thought of this before. Now he thought of it and understood that Dong Qin had misunderstood, but anyway, it was his fault.

"No, what do I threaten you to do?" Xia Feng understood the reason why Dong Qin started, so he couldn't step on her again. He loosened his feet and helped her up.

Dong Qin sat on the sofa and coughed twice, but her eyes were still staring at him: "don't you want to hold me, what are you doing taking my photos?"

"It's not a threat, but you're too beautiful. I'll leave a souvenir." Xia Feng explained with a smile: "this is a bad problem for me. It's similar to brother guanxi, but don't worry. I learned from brother Guanxi's lesson. Even if I take photos, I won't let them show their faces. You have monitoring. Naturally, I saw it. When I took your photos yesterday, I specially put on underwear for you."

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