Xia Feng heard the sound and went in. Zhao Rui was a double bed. These days, when the cold wave came, she spread white sheets. She lay on the bed with her long legs close together and her waist falling down, which was very round.

"What a beauty." Xia Feng praised him in his heart. He didn't dare to see more. He went to Zhao Rui and said, "sister Zhao, I'll give you a vent first, then loosen your waist and neck, and then loosen down all the way along the spine, and finally my feet."

"It's the same as yesterday, isn't it?" Zhao Rui nodded and said, "OK, I'm a patient now. You can press it wherever you use it. It's okay."

Xia Feng opens his palm and sends Qi to Zhao Rui. The Qi will have different effects due to different points. Moreover, Xia Feng's Qi is not ordinary Qi. His Qi comes from the magic eye. It is a kind of aura and spiritual. The same Qi can cause many different effects.

It can not only cause coercion, but also generate goodwill, that is, it can attract and repel each other.

His anger can make Zhao Rui like her, but it can also make Zhao Rui hate him when needed.

Of course, he won't let Zhao Rui hate him, but put his Qi deeper into Zhao Rui's body and let her kiss and attract him from her subconscious.

Today Zhao Rui actually had some ideas. Yesterday she couldn't help shouting. She was so ashamed. Today she knew something and thought, "can you stop shouting? I'm so ashamed."

Zhao Rui is a standard beauty. Her body is fit, not fat or thin. Pressing her hand on it is really wonderful.

Finally, the feet, Xia Feng's heart moved: "what a pair of beautiful feet, play."

Zhao Rui wore short silk stockings on her feet. Xia Feng thought together and grabbed Zhao Rui's right foot. She felt better across the silk stockings.

With Xia Feng's technique, she was like a beautiful snake who had been electrocuted and kept twisting and chanting.

Zhao Rui lay there, breathing carefully, and had fallen into a semi coma.

She could have slept like this, but she had to go to work at three o'clock. Xia Feng pinched his sword finger and was angry at her back waist life gate.

A minute later, Zhao Rui woke up and looked at Xia Feng. She said weakly, "it's hard. I'll have a rest."

At the moment, her face was flushed, and a thin layer of sweat on her forehead was as if she had just steamed a sauna. Her whole face was like a peach blossom in full bloom. It was really beautiful to the extreme.

Xia Feng was stunned and shouted, "no wonder she is called the first beauty in Linjiang. At this time, she is even more beautiful than sister Lin."

Xia Feng went outside to wash her hands. The beautiful woman's feet were fun, but after playing, she still had to wash her hands.

He wanted to smoke a cigarette, but it is estimated that a woman like Zhao Rui would dislike smoking. Even so, he made a cup of tea and drank it slowly.

Zhao Rui lay down for about five minutes, mainly because Xia Feng was angry with her. With strength, she got up and went into the bathroom. The gentle water column sprinkled on her body, but she couldn't comfort her shy and hot heart at all.

Xia Feng appeared in front of me. Although he looked general, he was so trustworthy, especially his eyes were clear, which made people feel special kindness.

Zhao Rui took a bath for nearly 20 minutes before she came out. She changed into a tender yellow suit. Her pretty face was slightly red and radiant. The whole person looked like a spring Jasmine in spring March, which was unspeakably tender and bright.

"Ah, it's three o'clock." she didn't dare to look directly at Xia Feng. At the moment, she was really guilty. She pretended to look at her watch and didn't look at Xia Feng's eyes.

"Let's go and don't be late." Xia Feng can actually guess her psychology, but he pretended to be unaware and stood up immediately.

Two people go downstairs together and get on the bus separately.

They didn't notice. In the osmanthus forest opposite, Dai Liang was holding up his camera and watching them with a telephoto lens.

Dai Liang refused to believe it. Xia Feng went to Zhao Rui's room. Now he saw Xia Feng and Zhao Rui come out together, and then waved goodbye when he got on the bus. He immediately knew that what he didn't want to believe had really happened.

Then he carefully observed Zhao Rui's face with a telephoto lens. Zhao Rui was radiant, flushed, with relaxed eyebrows and eyes and a faint sense of spring.

Wear beam chest brake time, such as being hit hard.

As a reporter, he is confident that he has a pair of eyes that are very observant of the world, including women.

On weekdays, Zhao Rui is arrogant and cold, just like ice and snow plum. Even her acquaintances and colleagues have a little smile on her face, and there is always a little cold between her eyebrows and eyes, so that people can't get too close to her.

Because of Dong Qin's mouth and the need to cure the disease, Xia Feng didn't see Zhao Rui's high cold, but Dai Liang and them have learned it many times. It's really like the fairy in the Moon Palace. It's high and cold. It's extremely hard to get close.

Dai Liang has been in and out of the stage for more than four years. He has also dealt with Zhao Rui many times. He takes the initiative to greet him every time, but Zhao Rui can't give him a lighter smile every time, but he has never really smiled at him.

Now, Zhao Rui in the telephoto lens is smiling at Xia Feng. It's the kind of smile that really opens herself.

If it's just a smile, forget it. The key is the spring between her eyebrows and eyes.

She stared at Zhao Rui's face with a telephoto lens until she turned and disappeared into the car. Dai Liang didn't put down the camera until her teeth were rattling.

Dai Liang scolded loudly, "Damn it,"

He uttered a cry of pain from the depths of his soul.

Another impulse to kill.

Because this man is Xia Feng.

Why? He is not handsome. He is not as tall as him and has no family background. Being a manager is actually a wage earner.

If he is a super handsome man, or a senior official, or a rich second-generation senior intellectual, he can't compare with him, he also recognizes it.

But Xia Feng is a migrant worker coming to the river. She looks rustic. Why should Zhao Rui fall in love with him? Isn't she ashamed?

Dai Liang was envious and jealous in his heart. He couldn't think clearly anyway. Looking at the thin figure on Xia Feng's car, he trembled all over his body, jumped up suddenly and quickly got on his car outside the forest.

He wants to follow Xia Feng and see what the devil this guy is. Zhao Rui actually stole him. He doesn't know that Xia Feng and Zhao Rui didn't get there.

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