Of course, Dai Liang's vision is really good. Zhao Rui has really sprouted her spring heart, but she hasn't implemented it.

He was good at driving. He firmly followed Xia Feng's car and followed the company. Of course, he wouldn't go in. He parked his car on the side of the opposite road and waited in the car.

As a reporter, sometimes he is very busy, sometimes he is very leisurely. In addition to the interview tasks notified by the stage, Dai Liang only needs to hand in five acceptable manuscripts a month. No one cares what he usually does, so he has a lot of time.

At half past five and nearly six, Xia Feng came out with a foreigner. Dai Liang didn't know Tucker, but Linjiang's economy was developed, and there were many foreigners.

Xia Feng and the foreigner drove their cars, and Dai Liang followed Xia Feng's car.

After a while, I stopped in front of a florist, bought flowers, came out, but threw them into the trash can.

"Nervous, buy flowers and throw them away?" Dai Liang didn't know what was wrong with him. Suddenly he thought, "did you fall out with Zhao Rui, so he threw the flowers away."

Thinking of this, he was very happy. Xia Feng's car went out for another section and stopped outside a restaurant. He got off the car and didn't enter the restaurant, but called there.

"It seems that you don't give up, or you want to ask Zhao Rui." Dai Liang thought. He also stopped the car opposite, looked at it quietly, and prepared a camera to take pictures at any time.

About twenty minutes later, the two cars came in front of each other and stopped beside Xia Feng's car. Two people came down from the first car, one was Wu rujun, the other was a big man. Dai Liang recognized it at a glance. It was Wang Tielin.

Dai Liang's reporters over the years are not for nothing. He can still know a lot of people on the scene in Linjiang.

The next car came down with a family of three, a man and a woman, holding a four or five-year-old girl.

Dai Liang doesn't know the woman, but he knows the man. It's Shi Yundong.

"This guy has so many contacts?" Dai Liang really didn't like Xia Feng before. Now he's surprised to see that Xia Feng not only knows Mr. and Mrs. Wang Tielin, but also has a relationship with Shi Yundong.

When they entered the restaurant, Dai Liang was hungry himself. He was a little cruel and didn't go back. He casually found a shop, ate something and continued to squat. He wanted to touch the bottom of Xia Feng, and the other wanted to stare at whether Xia Feng would go to Zhao Rui at night.

Xia Feng didn't come out until more than 8 o'clock. Then they went to a club. They didn't leave until more than 10 o'clock.

Wang Tielin and Cheng Jian's car left, but Xia Feng's car didn't. He called and leaned against the door to smoke.

"What is he doing on the phone if he doesn't go to Zhao Rui?" Dai Liang thought secretly. He didn't know what the hell Xia Feng was doing.

About twenty minutes later, a red BMW drove over and two girls came down. Wearing beam eyes, they lit up. Although the two girls' appearance and temperament were not as good as Zhao Rui, they were tall and had a super good figure.

But what really made Dai Liang stare away was that the two beauties went to xiafeng. Xiafeng stretched out his hands and hugged the two beauties' waist at the same time.

The two beauties not only didn't object, but seemed to be asking him something. They seemed to think he was drunk.

Xia Feng smiled. He was obviously not drunk before, but now he seems to be pretending to be drunk. He not only hugged him, but also stretched out his mouth to kiss. He was not as tall as two beauties, but he kissed. The two beauties not only didn't resent it, but took the initiative to hook their heads and let him kiss.

If it's one, forget it. These are two, two such beauties. Let him hug and kiss openly? And bend over and let him kiss?

If Dai Liang didn't really know who Xia Feng was, he would really think he was the richest childe. This treatment is too cow.

"I'll go. It's not an eye opener." Dai Liang almost scolded.

Xia Feng was satisfied. The two beauties helped him into the BMW. The shorter beauty drove his car and left one after another.

After drinking some wine, there were two beautiful women driving a BMW to pick up.

What kind of world is this? Dai Liang almost can't make complaints about it.

He was stunned for a while before driving to keep up. It was not that he was slow, but that he was too unexpected.

After arriving at the community where Xia Feng lived, the car in front entered the underground garage. There was a charge at the door. The railing was put down. Dai Liang didn't have to follow in. He got off the bus, handed a cigarette to the charging security guard and asked, "the beauty in the car in front lives in this community?"

If you ask the boss in front, the security guard generally won't answer, but it doesn't matter if you ask a beauty, because people will think you want to chase a beauty.

Sure enough, the security guard looked at him and said, "handsome boy, you want to catch up with the beautiful women in front. Give up your heart. People have a master. See the BMW in front first. A powerful guy on the BMW wrapped up the beautiful women in the front and back cars."

"No." Dai Liang actually saw it before and pretended to be surprised: "one person packs two. Those two are not ordinary beauties."

"Yes," security obviously wants to make complaints about it. "I heard that they are all supermodels. That face, that figure, that big long leg, click on it, you don't believe it. Tomorrow morning, the guy comes out running with two beauties every morning."

Then he looked at Dai Liang with some sympathy: "go back, handsome boy. It's no fun. It's better to find an ugly one and be clean."

Dai Liang also pretended to shake his head sadly and returned to the car. He didn't have to follow him tonight. Xia Feng went back and hugged two supermodel beauties. He didn't have to guard.

"This man is just a small manager. He can raise supermodels, and it's impossible to raise two at a time?" Dai Liang was puzzled for a moment.

But the most difficult thing for him to understand is that Xia Feng can actually soak up Zhao Rui. Although the two supermodels are beautiful, Linjiang can still find many.

But who is Zhao Rui? The first beautiful anchor in Linjiang and the real first flower in Linjiang. If Xia Feng only has two money, it is impossible to catch up with Zhao Rui.

"I must uncover his bottom." Dai Liang was more and more curious about Xia Feng and secretly made up his mind.

He was really a little energetic. The next morning, at 5:30, he drove to the outside of xiafeng community. Sure enough, around 6:30, xiafeng came out for a run, one left and one right, followed by the two beauties last night.

Linjiang has no winter, and the minimum temperature is generally about 10 degrees. Once the cold wave passes and the sun comes out, even in winter, there are more than 20 degrees. Today is like this, about 16 or 17 degrees, so the two beauties wear thin. Fortunately, they are long clothes and trousers, one white and one red. That figure, that dynamic and beautiful.

Xia Feng wore short sportswear. He was short and ran between two beautiful women. In Dai Liang's eyes, it was a toad sandwiched between two swans.

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