Such a night makes Zhao Rui's mood fly.

Then Xia Feng played music. She danced on the grass. Later, she pulled Xia Feng up and danced together. Zhao Rui's head slowly leaned against Xia Feng's shoulder.

Xia Feng gently hugged her slender waist, smelled her faint hair fragrance, and felt drunk in her heart.

Zhao Rui began to talk about some of her things, when she was a child, when she was a student, and the joy and sadness after she entered the TV station.

Xia Feng listened to her quietly. He knew that what she needed now was an audience.

At about ten o'clock, Zhao Rui was a little tired and said, "let's sleep. Get up early tomorrow. We must get to the hot spring canyon before dark."

So they washed separately and went into their tents.

Xia Feng disposed of the fire and surrounded it with stones, so that it would not go out soon and would not catch fire. Of course, he doesn't care, that is, he is not afraid of cold, black, or any wild animals, but he should consider for Zhao Rui.

Zhao Rui is an urban woman. If the fire goes out too early in this barren mountain, she will inevitably be afraid.

Seeing that Zhao Rui went into the tent and lay down, he got into the tent and lay down. Suddenly he heard Zhao Rui's cry: "Xia Feng."

"Hmm?" Xia Feng replied, "what's the matter?"

Zhao Rui didn't answer him.

Xia Feng thought for a moment and said, "are you afraid?"

"Yes." Zhao Rui said softly.

Afraid of normality, although she is actually a confident woman in the workplace, a woman is a woman. It's normal to be afraid of Strange Wilderness and all kinds of strange sounds.

Xia Feng immediately got up with his sleeping bag and went into Zhao Rui's tent.

Zhao Rui drilled into his sleeping bag and looked at him with a slight look of shame.

Xia Feng knows her current psychology, that is, fear, but she is a little shy and worried about sharing a tent with Xia Feng.

Xia Feng deliberately didn't go to see her, but stretched out his feet and drew a line on the ground: "this is the 38th line. Those who cross the line, hit hands, feet, head, and directly put bricks on."

Zhao ruiluo smiled: "when you used to study, was it particularly barbaric?"

"What is barbarism?" Xia Feng shouted with his neck high. "I've always been reasonable. I never want others to occupy an inch of the table, but I will never allow the enemy to occupy an inch of our table. People don't offend me, I don't offend, and if people offend me, I will offend."

His face was awe inspiring, and Zhao Rui almost burst into anger with a smile.

With such a smile, the embarrassment was gone, and the worry ran out of the nine night cloud. Xia Feng lay down and Zhao Rui said, "Xia Feng, tell me about your childhood."

"When I was a child, I didn't blow it. It's really not an ordinary cow." Xia Feng began to blow it and talked about the interesting things in her childhood. From time to time, she made Zhao Rui laugh, and then talked about learning kung fu, especially going out with old worker Xiong to give people faith and all kinds of interesting things.

Zhao Rui was so interested that she didn't go to bed until more than one o'clock.

When Xia Feng woke up, it was already dawn. He felt a soft body in his arms and opened his eyes. It turned out that Zhao Rui didn't know when she got into his arms and was still sleeping.

Finally, he hugged the first beautiful anchor in Linjiang, and Xia Feng's chest was full of pride for a time.

At this time, Zhao Rui moved and woke up.

She raised her head and looked at Xia Feng. Xia Feng didn't speak, but looked at her with a smile.

Zhao Rui's face turned red and her eyes flashed, but then she raised her eyes and looked at him directly.

This is a woman with great strength in her heart.

Love is love, moths to the fire.

Hate is hate, draw a knife and split silk.

Timidity has never been her character.

Looking at each other, Zhao Rui climbed up and kissed Xia Feng's lips.

If last night, she was more or less worried about Xia Feng, all the obstacles disappeared after one night, and everything was so natural and natural.

However, when Xia Feng took the next step, she grabbed her hand. Xia Feng looked up and Zhao Rui looked at him with intoxicating tenderness in her eyes: "how about going to the hot spring Canyon first in the evening, otherwise we won't be able to catch up today."

At this time, Xia Feng certainly won't force her a little.

For a while, Xia Feng looked at Zhao Rui. The face in front of him was so beautiful.

Xia Feng said, "Ruirui, you know, I used to watch you broadcast the news. I was thinking that her lips are really beautiful and her voice is really good. If she can make such a good voice, her lips must be very sweet."

A smile filled Zhao Rui's face: "have you kissed now? Is it sweet?"

Xia Feng thought for a moment, licked his lips and said, "the taste is unknown. We have to taste it again."

Zhao Rui giggled and let him linger for a while. Xia Feng reluctantly let Zhao Rui go because he was on his way. There was still a residual fire in the stove. With firewood, he blew up the fire, burned water, boiled noodles and set off immediately.

Today is different from yesterday. Yesterday, Xia Feng walked behind Zhao Rui and had to secretly see Zhao Rui's twisted hip. Today, it's not necessary. If you want to see it, you can see it directly. When you go uphill, you even push her directly.

It doesn't count to take advantage. Zhao Rui occasionally has awards. In some places, Xia Feng directly holds her up, and she will give Xia Feng a sweet kiss as a reward.

People are in good spirits at happy events. In addition, Xia Feng has eagle eyes to guide the way. Before 3:00 or 4:00 in the afternoon, they enter a canyon. After walking for another half an hour, they see a waterfall on the cliff, which is like white practice.

"It should be there." Zhao Rui cried happily.

She hurried ahead. Xia Feng said, "slow down and be careful to fall."

"No." Zhao Rui turned back and gave him a sweet smile, but accelerated her steps.

Turn a corner, get under the waterfall and see a pool.

The pool is not big, the water surface is about 100 square meters, surrounded by stones and trees, and the water is white sand.

The most bizarre thing is that the water surface is always filled with a light layer of water vapor, as if the small pond is a shy woman, always covered with a light veil.

"There is a hot spring under the pool. The closer it is to the left, the hotter the water is. On the far left, the water can scald eggs." Zhao Rui explained to Xia Feng: "the more you go to the right, the colder the water is because of the waterfall, and because of the combination of cold and heat, there is a layer of water all year round. Isn't it very beautiful?"

"It's really beautiful." Xia Feng exclaimed, "like a bride."

"You're right," Zhao Rui cheered. "I've been thinking about my bride for three years, and I'm finally going to get her."

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