Zhao Rui impatiently put down her backpack and went to the bag to get her swimsuit. She wanted to come here to soak in the hot spring. Naturally, she brought her swimsuit. She even told Xia Feng to bring his swimsuit. Of course, Xia Feng also brought it. Xia Feng has sharp eyes. Seeing that what she took out of her bag is a yellow swimsuit, and it's three-point, she immediately likes to tilt her mouth. Now she has eyes.

Although I kissed and chewed it this morning, it's still refreshing.

Zhao Rui took out her swimsuit and pushed him on the back. "I'm going to change my clothes. Turn around and don't look."

I didn't ask him to go away. That's the welfare inherited this morning.

In fact, Zhao Rui is willing to let him accompany him to the donkey trip, which means very obvious. Xia Feng has left a deep mark on the bottom of her heart after the massage these days, and her heart door has already been opened.

In this donkey trip, as long as Xia Feng performs a little better, she is 100% satisfied, and Xia Feng performs quite well all the way. Therefore, everything is natural. Change clothes, of course, don't avoid Xia Feng.

Zhao Rui changed into a swimsuit behind Xia Feng, but Jiao shouted, "don't turn around now."

Then he jumped into the hot spring and soaked in the water. Then he smiled and said, "you can turn around."

Xia Feng turned around and saw that most of her body had been soaked in the hot spring. She immediately pretended to be disappointed.

Zhao Rui giggled and threw water on him: "I hate it. Don't do that. You quickly change your swimming trunks and come down to the hot spring. It's so comfortable."

Xia Feng changed his swimming trunks into the water and couldn't help shouting, "ah, the blisters are so comfortable."

"Comfortable." seeing that he was under the water, Zhao Rui put down her hand and said, "this is a middle line. Go this way, be hot, go this way, be cool."

"Well, let me have a try." Xia Feng went to the waterfall first, because the temperature today was 17 or 18 degrees and he was in a hurry, so he was actually very hot.

The more you go to the waterfall, the cooler the water will be. Under the waterfall, you will feel cool and very comfortable.

"How about it?" Zhao Rui said and followed. She got up and most of her body came out of the water. The clear water, coupled with the Yellow swimsuit, lined her body more white, and Xia Feng was almost stunned.

Zhao Rui looked at the waterfall curiously. She didn't hear Xia Feng return. She looked down at his straight eyes. She was ashamed and happy. She smiled and splashed water on him. "I hate it. Don't stare at others like this."

"Dare you throw water on me?" Xia Feng pretended to be vicious.

Zhao Rui giggled and ran away, and Xia Feng chased. The farther away from the waterfall, the hotter the water was. After two-thirds of the pool, there was a bulge in the middle, as if it were a natural partition.

However, the whole hot spring is not divided into two. The uplift is not so long. It only stretches out more than ten meters from the Bank of the forest, but these ten meters form a migration Bay on the other side, and the water in the migration Bay is the hottest.

Zhao Rui escaped the partition and went to the other side. Ah, she shouted, "Wow, it's so hot here."

She went under the water and retreated a little. The partition bulge was still a few inches away from the water, just like the back of a sofa, on which people can just sit.

"Hot?" Xia Feng asked, stretching his feet over the partition. As soon as his feet entered the water, he obviously felt the rapid increase of temperature.

"It's really hot," he shouted.

"I just came from the cold water side. I need to get used to it." Zhao Rui said, sitting down a little, and then she shouted, "you can also sit down. My colleague who took the picture called this terrace."

After hearing her words, Xia Feng looked really like.

The partition is more than ten meters long, and the highest part is about two or three inches from the water, just like a ridge.

The two sides as like as two peas, a limestone limestone ladder, is exactly the same as terraced fields. Each ladder is about twenty to more than 30 centimeters apart, extending from the back to the bottom and extending to the bottom of the hot spring.

"This is good." Xia Feng couldn't help praising: "this is naturally a hot spring. Did the fairy in the sky come to soak in the hot spring and specially transform it?"

"It's possible." Zhao Rui giggled. She was obviously in a very good mood.

In the city, at work, we always wear all kinds of masks. Only in the mountains can we put everything aside and return to our true self.

"I'll look and see where the fairy is?" Xia Feng said. Zhao Rui giggled.

"Hey, I heard the fairy's laughter. Wow, listen carefully. It's worthy of being a fairy in the sky. I must find her." Xia Feng pretended to look for her, and then saw Zhao Rui. His eyes widened and shouted, "Wow, fairy."

Zhao Rui smiled and fell askew into the water. Her body slipped down again.

At this time, she was sitting at the third level. Most of her body was immersed in the water and only her shoulders were exposed. However, the water was very clear and transparent, so she couldn't cover it at all. Instead, she added temptation to her body with the help of the water.

"Fairy, let me touch some fairy spirit." Xia Feng also sat down and leaned over.

Zhao Rui giggled and said, "the immortals are separated from each other. You ordinary people, unreliable near fairy."

"Don't be stingy, let me touch some fairy spirit." Xia Feng was shameless, his hands were open, and the blind man felt the elephant: "I'll touch it, okay?"

"Not good." Zhao ruijiao smiled and hit his hand, and then wanted to escape. Xia Feng stretched out his hand and hugged her waist.

"Ah." Zhao Rui smiled and fell into his arms.

"I've caught it." Xia Feng cheered, "Mom, I've caught a fairy. Then what should I do? Do I want to eat her?"

He opened his mouth and exposed his teeth. Zhao Rui laughed crazy and rolled in his arms.

The atmosphere slowly became ambiguous. Zhao Rui stopped laughing and fell in Xia Feng's arms to breathe.

She looked up quietly and saw Xia Feng looking at her with bright eyes. She was a little shy and her eyes dropped slightly, but then she raised them again and looked at him bravely.

This is a woman with great strength in her heart. She dares to love and hate. What she wants, she will pursue bravely. What she doesn't want, she will never force herself, and others can't force her.

Xia Feng hesitated.

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