Xu Qingqing said: "That's a coincidence. Let's confirm it directly. The company has a large investment project in the Republic of Malawi and is negotiating. This time, the senior management of the company will lead the team and need to strengthen the translation force. If you are willing to go, the salary is 15000, plus five insurances and one fund. In addition, you will buy a personal accident insurance with a total amount of 2 million, and the travel subsidy is three times that of China, Well, that's about it. "She said, smiling at Xia Feng:" would you like to? "

What she meant was to hire Xia Feng directly. It's not surprising that Zulu is a small language, and few people know it. Even if they learn it, they often enter the Ministry of foreign affairs. Few of them come to Tianyang heavy machinery to apply. The cold corridor is a clear proof.

Xia Feng hesitated. His destination is not to go to Africa.

Seeing his hesitation, Xu Qingqing said, "if you have any other requirements, you can also mention them."

It seems that Xia Feng is really thirsty for talents. Xia Feng moved in his heart and said, "if I don't directly join Tianyang, but just act as a temporary translator and calculate the money according to the number of days, can I?"

"Well," Xu Qingqing hesitated and said, "I'll ask for instructions."

She made a phone call, then agreed and said, "the above agreed. 1200 yuan a day, including food, accommodation, car travel, but there will be no other subsidies, but it can help you buy a personal accident insurance with a total amount of 2 million."

"Yes." Xia Feng didn't think much more. He promised to come down first. If he could contact Qiao Jianyi later, it would be all right if he didn't go. In case Qiao Jianyi really had an accident, he had to go and find a way to get close to Xu Wenduo. At that time, Xu Wenduo would open more words and protect Qiao Jianyi. That's also good.

"Then we are colleagues." he nodded and agreed. Xu Qingqing looked very happy, stood up and shook hands with him, and then helped him go through the formalities.

Xia Feng returned to the hotel and called Qiao Jianyi again. He still couldn't get through, which made him more worried.

In the evening, Liu Simin called: "Sir, do you want me to sleep with you?"

Xia Feng understands that Liu Simin is just flirting with him, but she can't stop flirting, because he doesn't dare. Now as long as he dares to promise, Liu Simin really dares to send it to the door for him to eat. This woman is very decisive. She doesn't dislike Xia Feng, so she can definitely do it.

Xia Feng said, "no, brother nine, uncle nine, you'd better forgive me."

In exchange for Liu Simin giggling.

I teased Liu Simin for a long time, but a phone called in.

Xia Feng then said, "Minmin, I have something to talk about next time."

"Don't hang up on me," Liu Simin said angrily.

Xia Feng had to coax her: "my friend is looking for me. I'm sorry."

"No, you dare." Liu Simin lost his temper. Xia Feng was afraid that the phone was called by Qiao Jianyi. Regardless, he said he was sorry. He hung up and connected, but it was not Qiao Jianyi, but another male voice: "are you Mr. Xia Feng?"

Xia Feng was surprised and said, "yes, who are you?"

The male voice said, "a friend named Joe asked me to tell you, please."

With that, the other party hung up.

"Hello, hello." Xia Feng said two times, listening to the blind voice on the phone, but he was stunned.

A friend surnamed Qiao must be Qiao Jianyi. Qiao Jianyi doesn't call himself, but let others call. It only means one thing. Xia Feng's guess has come true. Qiao Jianyi must have had an accident.

The meaning of the so-called "please everything" is also very obvious. All Qiao Jianyi's hopes are now pinned on Xia Feng.

Xia Feng was a little flustered at once. He came out for only a year and really didn't have this experience.

Now that Qiao Jianyi has been arrested, is it still useful for him to approach Xu Wenduo? Although Qiao Jianyi asks him, is there time?

Xia Feng couldn't get a clue. She had no choice but to call Ma Xueqin again and tell him about Qiao Jianyi.

Ma Xueqin had experience in this and said, "Qiao Jianyi must have had an accident. It's estimated that he will hold on and won't let go until you catch him."

Speaking of this, Ma Xueqin stopped and said, "but I don't think it's necessary for you to get involved again. He's already had an accident. It's meaningless for you to get involved again. As a friend, you've done your best. He can't make it by himself. That can't blame you."

"However, he still asked someone to please me. If I let go now, I'm afraid it's not very good." Xia Feng hesitated.

Ma Xueqin sighed and said, "you are really a good man. Then try it. It won't do any harm to know a lot of questions anyway."

As soon as she said this, Xia Feng decided, so she applied for the translation of Tianyang heavy machinery, and it is possible to follow Xu Wenduo about going abroad.

Ma Xueqin heard the music: "you are really good."

Hearing her praise in such a charming voice, Xia Feng was also proud and said, "I'm not fierce. Did you know today?"

Ma Xueqin giggled.

After chatting with Ma Xueqin for a long time, Xia Feng turned off and charged when his mobile phone ran out of power. However, Ma Xueqin helped him analyze it, so he had confidence in his heart.

Anyway, it's no harm to know a lot of questions. If you can help Qiao Jianyi, you can help him. If you can't help him, he tried his best.

The negotiation of Tianyang heavy aircraft was very urgent. On the third day, Xia Feng followed the delegation on the plane.

Xu Qingqing also followed. Xu Qingqing can speak Zulu language a little, but he is not proficient. The main force must be Xia Feng.

The leader was vice president Xu Wenduo.

Xu Wenduo is in his forties. He is tall and glowing. Xu Qingqing introduces Xia Feng. Xu Wenduo shakes hands with Xia Feng and says, "Xiao Xia, it's going to be hard for you this time. Please take a lot of trouble."

"I don't deserve it." Xia Feng said modestly, "I must try my best."

Xu Wenduo was obviously satisfied with his statement. He came up with his other hand, patted his hand and said, "if this negotiation can be a complete success, the company will not treat you badly."

Xu Wenduo gave him a very good first impression. He should be a person who has the courage to do things and dare to make decisions. Xu Wenduo brought a group of eight people this time. Xu Qingqing is an assistant, Xia Feng is a translator, and several others were mobilized by various departments. It looks like a bit of a good soldier and strong general. Fine or not, strong or not, Xia Feng doesn't care. His main goal is to make many friends.

Qiao Jianyi's initial idea was that Xia Feng attracted Xu Wenduo's attention and gained Xu Wenduo's trust in men, but Xia Feng found that Xu Wenduo was in good health. Even if he couldn't catch up with Qiao Jianyi, it wouldn't be too bad. In short, he didn't need to rely on drugs.

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