This may not work, but Xia Feng is not in a hurry. Anyway, Malawi and his party can't end in three or two days. As a translator, he has close to many natural conditions. Take your time and there will always be a chance.

Malawi is rich in natural resources, with many mountains, rivers and minerals.

Chinese people need minerals, so they bring their own funds, hoes and their own hands. They come here to mine, and then transport the minerals back by themselves. They also have to pay the local government or tribal forces.

Although the local government or tribal forces don't care about anything and just sit down and collect money, they often make trouble.

Tianyang heavy machinery invested in Malawi is a copper cobalt mixed mine. The first phase has actually been completed, but just when it was ready to be put into operation, a coup took place in Malawi, the old president was ousted, exiled overseas, and the new president came to power.

When the new president comes to power, everything starts again. What was agreed before doesn't count. We should talk again.

In fact, it's normal to say that the old president's people are full and step down. The new president's people have come to power and haven't yet. Of course, the previous ones can't count. The Tianyang heavy machine is going to start, so we must fill the appetite of the new people.

Xia Feng and others got off the plane and drove straight to the mining area.

The mine of Tianyang heavy machinery was originally controlled by a tribe called Heiniu, but now it is controlled by a tribe called quabe. The leader of the tribe is the new president. If Tianyang heavy machinery wants to start work now, it must get the consent of the chief of the quabe tribe.

How can the kwabe agree? It's very simple. Give benefits, how many benefits, how to give a law, and how to satisfy the new chief. This is the task of Xu Wenduo's line of work.

When I went to the mining area, I met the mine manager Lin Ju. Lin Ju is a middle-aged man in his forties. He is medium-sized. He may have been exposed to the sun. His bronze face makes him look older than his actual age.

Lin Ju briefly introduced the situation. The chief of the kwabe nationality is Moro. He is a strong military man with an armed force of more than 10000 people. Moro's request for Tianyang heavy machinery mine is one billion dollars a year, half of which is paid in dollars and half of which is filled with arms.

Hearing that one billion dollars a year, Xia Feng's chin almost fell off his feet. His mouth is too wide.

He quietly asked Xu Qingqing, "one billion dollars a year. How much is the annual output of Tianyang mine worth? Billions?"

"Nothing." Xu Qingqing shook his head and said, "it hasn't been mined yet. Even if it is mined, it will be hundreds of millions of ore a year at most."

"Isn't that mining at a loss?" Xia Feng exclaimed.

"Ask for a price and pay it back on the spot." Xu Qingqing was experienced and didn't care. "But it's not easy to pay back the price. The people here are very rude. If one is bad, they may shoot."

Xia Feng said, "I'm afraid president Xu's trip is not easy."

"Yes." Xu Qingqing nodded, "but President Xu can talk about it."

Then he looked at Xia Feng and said, "you still need to do your best as a translator."

"Didn't say anything." Xia Feng nodded.

"HMM." Xu Qingqing saw that he deserved to be happy. He smiled and said, "president Xu is generous. As long as you do your best, he will never treat you badly afterwards. By the way, I'll prepare some information for you and you can get familiar with it more, so as not to panic and suffer losses when you meet people here for the first time."

Xia Feng won't panic, but he thanked Xu Qingqing.

Live in the mining area at night. There is a fence outside the staff dormitory area, enclosing a large yard. Inside, there are many staff dormitories. Many people brought here live in an independent three storey building.

Xia Feng and several people live on the second floor, while Xu Wenduo and Xu Qingqing live on the third floor.

After entering the house, Xia Feng controlled a night bird and searched the third floor.

Xu Qingqing is very beautiful. Xia Feng must have a peek.

However, to his surprise, he saw something better. Xu Wenduo and Xu Qingqing were in the same room. They were very close.

Xu Qingqing, the so-called assistant, actually works as a secretary, but Xia Feng didn't see that Xu Qingqing and Xu Wenduo are very close. They seem to have a normal working relationship. It turned out that they came in private as lovers.

"They are all movie emperors." Xia Feng sighed.

The night bird controlled by Xia Feng stopped on the windowsill. Of course, he was not polite. He looked through the bird's eyes and jumped in his heart: red cherry blossoms?

With this jump, he was distracted and couldn't borrow the bird's eye. He hurriedly stabilized his mind and borrowed the eye again.

As like as two peas, Xu Qingqing's right belly is tattooed with a red cherry blossom, which is almost the same as Dong Qin's. "She also has red cherry blossoms. What's the matter?" Xia Feng saw it clearly and was stunned for a moment.

Chen Xin didn't hesitate to spend a lot of money to ask him to verify whether there were red cherry blossoms on Dong Qin, which made him always feel that there was another conspiracy, and Dong Qin did, but he couldn't ask. Later, there was nothing special, so he didn't take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, there were red cherry blossoms on Xu Qingqing, which made his doubts turn over again.

After about 20 minutes, he finished his work and talked for a while. Xu Wenduo immediately went back to his house. Xu Qingqing seemed tired and didn't get up again to wash, so he went to bed.

The night is quiet, but Xia Feng's heart is difficult to calm for a moment.

Xu Qingqing has something to do with Xu Wenduo. It's not strange. What's strange is the red cherry blossoms on Xu Qingqing.

"Why does she also have red cherry blossoms? Do you like them, or is there another reason?" Xia Feng thought secretly: "if it's just an ordinary tattoo, why must Chen Xin find out whether sister Dong has red cherry blossoms."

He thought of Chen Xin's explanation and said that he was looking for a person who had red cherry blossoms, as if he were looking for his long lost daughter.

Xia Feng really believed it before. Now he saw red cherry blossoms on Xu Qingqing. He immediately knew that Chen Xin was lying.

"It's impossible. Xu Qingqing is also the man's lost daughter." Xia Feng snorted: "that woman is really a fox spirit, so there's no truth."

Pooh, but he thought: "what does this red cherry mean? Sister Zhuo is in Linjiang and Xu Qingqing is in Beijing, thousands of kilometers apart. What is the relationship between them?"

I remember the novels I've read before. There's a safflower club in the book.

"They won't all belong to the safflower club." thinking so, she smiled: "Xu Qingqing can be Li Zhiyuan, a little scholarly, and sister Dong can play camel ice..."

Thinking about the plot in a mess, I went to sleep.

The next morning, Xu Wenduo held a small meeting first. Xu Qingqing took notes. Xia Feng paid attention to her and Xu Wenduo. Their relationship seemed very normal without any ambiguity.

Xia Feng couldn't help sighing again: "sure enough, they are all movie emperors."

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