After the meeting, Xu Wenduo took Xia Feng and Lin Ju and drove to the quabe family to see Moro.

The kuabei people live together, but fortunately, there is a bit of modernity. There are some cement houses, which are not suitable for thatched houses or large tents. However, the houses built are scattered, one east and one west, in a mess.

As the patriarch, Moro lives in a small five storey foreign building. There are walls outside to form a yard for the eldest son. There are armed guards at the door. He looks very fierce, but Xia Feng only glances at it and turns his mouth secretly.

Loose discipline.

Lin Ju was familiar with this place. He said hello and went straight in. He parked the car in the yard. Armed men led him in and sat down in the building. A girl offered drinks, not tea or coffee, but a green liquid. Xia Feng's magic eye knew that it was squeezed out of the fruit of a plant, but he didn't know the name. He took it and tasted it, sour and sweet, It tastes good.

After a while, morrow came downstairs. Morrow was in his thirties, tall and strong, with a scar on his forehead, which made his face look very fierce.

Lin Ju introduced Xu Wenduo to Moro. Lin Ju has been here for a long time and knows some Zulu language, but it is not enough to act as a translator. If Xu Wenduo greets Moro, he has to ask Xia Feng to translate.

Morrow is very difficult to deal with. There are no bends. In a word, the mine of Tianyang heavy machinery wants to exploit, with $1 billion a year, half of which is charged with arms. After that, he said he had something to do. He got up and left.

Lin Ju said to Xu, "this guy is an earth hat. He doesn't reason with you because he is a local snake."

"HMM." Xu Wenduo nodded and said, "let's go back first, and then find a way."

Xia Feng noticed his expression. There was not much anger. He nodded his head and said, "he's really stable."

When he came back, he had another meeting. The result of the discussion was that he continued to go and talk tomorrow. He had to talk about it. Morrow was nothing more than a point of benefit, so he tried to satisfy him.

In the evening, Xu Wenduo went to Xu Qingqing's room again, and Xia Feng saw another good play.

The next day I went again, but I didn't see morrow this time, but Xu Wenduo took the gift, a box of Red Star Erguotou and a box of cigarettes, but he accepted it impolitely.

Xu Wenduo sat with Xia Feng for a long time and drank a large jar of drinks. Moro never showed up. He had no choice but to come back.

Xu Wenduo was a tough man and said, "we'll go again tomorrow."

It's hard to do industry. It's even harder to do industry abroad. Xia Feng can only sigh.

On the third day, I went again and brought a box of cigarettes and a box of wine. This time, I saw morrow. Today, morrow seemed in a good mood, with a little smile on his face. He also took Erguotou out and had a drink with Xu Wenduo and others.

After drinking, he took out a picture and said, "give me the woman in the picture, and I can reduce the mining fee to $20 million a year, half of which can be offset by arms."

One billion is reduced to 20 million, which is too much. Xia Feng thought he had heard wrong and confirmed it again before giving Xu Wenduo a translation.

Xu Wenduo also showed a happy look in his eyes, but when he took the picture, his face changed greatly.

Xia Feng sat next to him and looked at the picture. He also changed his face.

That photo was actually the scene when Xu asked many people to walk out of the airport. I don't know who secretly took it. There is only one woman in the photo, Xu Qingqing.

What morrow meant was to ask Xu Wenduo to give Xu Qingqing to him.

This guy actually moved his heart, but Xia Feng first looked at Xu Wenduo's face. Xu Wenduo is the leader of the group. He doesn't need to be angry. What's more, Xu Wenduo and Xu Qingqing are still lovers. No one would be so generous to give his lover to morrow. Anyway, if it were Xia Feng, he would never do it.

Xu Wenduo had an obvious act of inhaling. He was obviously angry. It was forced to suppress his anger.

"Chief, this is not allowed. This lady is a Chinese citizen. She has independent personal rights and is not an accessory of me or the company. If you want to pursue her, she can do it if she wants, but it is absolutely not for exchange." Xu Wenduo said this with strict righteousness, but with a certain flexibility, not a blunt refusal or contradicting morrow.

Xia Feng nodded secretly. He couldn't say such a thing.

He translated many questions to morrow word by word.

Moro smiled and showed his semi primitive barbarism again. He waved to Xu Wenduo and said, "nothing in the world can't be exchanged."

He said, standing up: "this is my last condition."

With that, he turned and left.

Xu Wenduo had to come back with Xia Feng.

In the evening, Xu Wenduo went to Xu Qingqing's room again. Xu Qingqing already knew Moro's request. Xu Wenduo hugged her and comforted her: "don't worry, it's impossible, I will never promise."

"However, Moro is the kind of uncivilized barbarian. He is single-minded and doesn't agree to his conditions," Xu Qingqing worried.

"Nothing but." Xu Wenduo shook his head and said, "I'll think of other ways to make you sacrifice. It's absolutely impossible."

When he spoke firmly, Xu Qingqing was moved and hugged him.

Xia Feng nodded and thought, "at least at this point, Xu Wenduo is still good."

The next day, Xu Wenduo took several people to the quabe family. This time, the door guard refused to let them in. He said that the patriarch had ordered them not to come unless he brought the agreed woman.

Xu Wenduo insisted for a long time, but the guard ignored him. He smoked one by one, but he was not allowed to enter the door.

Xu Wenduo had to bring people back.

How can we talk if we don't let them in? This is a little troublesome.

There was nothing we could do when we came back to the meeting.

In the evening, Xu Qingqing took the initiative to enter many rooms. They hugged and kissed for a while. Xu Qingqing said, "otherwise, I'll go to the quabe family."

"How can that be?" Xu asked angrily.

Xu Qingqing hugged him and said, "don't be angry first. Listen to me."

"I won't listen." Xu asked and waved.

He was obviously upset. He stood up, lit a cigarette and walked around the room. He was tall, but now he was like a trapped animal in a cage.

Xu Qingqing looked at him, sighed and said, "president Xu, I know you love me, but have you ever thought about it? Now the situation is unstable. The boss was ill and you should have taken over as the general manager. As a result, one of them came down. In the middle, people still don't know how many hands they have played. Even if it's your current position, how many eyes are staring at you."

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