"Well." Xia Feng nodded, "I can't catch up with the male rabbit, and don't catch up with the female rabbit. When I pass by, it will meet up by itself."

"No." Xu Qingqing said in surprise, "can't the female rabbit escape?"

"No." Xia Feng shook his head.

"Why?" Xu Qingqing wondered.

"Simple." Xia Feng smiled: "the opposite sex attracts each other."

Looking at Xu Qingqing: "I'm a man and so handsome. When the mother rabbit saw me, she was ecstatic and naturally welcomed me."

It turned out that he was talking nonsense. Xu Qingqing threw a smile and gave him a white look: "then you should be careful of the tigress. If you see you coming up, you will be happy."

"So you are a tigress." Xia Feng looked at her and smiled.

"Hum." Xu Qing raised his fist: "be careful."

With such a coquettish sentence, the anger in her heart seemed to have completely dissipated. At this time, the rabbit baked a fragrance. She couldn't help shouting, "it's so fragrant."

"Can you bake?" Xia Feng asked her.

Xu Qingqing said, "I used to have barbecues with my classmates and colleagues."

"Then you bake it." Xia Feng said and stood up.

"What about you?" Xu Qingqing asked hurriedly.

"Only a meat rabbit has no salt taste. It's not delicious. I'll get some delicious fruit."

"Don't go, I'm afraid." Xu Qingqing was afraid.

"It's all right." Xia Feng pointed not far away, "I'm right there. You can see me. In addition, I'll shout a song. Listen to it."

Roar a song?

Xu Qingqing blinked. She didn't understand, but then she smiled.

Because Xia Feng really roared.

"The wolf smoke rises and the dust flies..." Xia Feng's voice is not complete, but it is loud, which makes the mountains echo and the night birds fly.

Xu Qingqing was crazy with laughter.

Xia Feng picked some fruits and asked Xu Qingqing, "what's the matter? My eyes are clear and red. I'm crying."

"No." Xu Qingqing beat him: "I'll give you a smile."

She said and laughed again.

It's good to laugh. Xia Feng is intentional. He doesn't want to make the atmosphere too stiff with Xu Qingqing, because Xu Qingqing is not only beautiful and has a good temperament, but also has the courage to devote himself to his lover. This infatuation really moved him. Now the girls in the city are too secular. They only want all day and are willing to contribute too little. Why he dotes on Wang Zihan and them is because they are good girls.

Xia Feng sat down, pinched the picked fruit, squeezed out the juice and dropped it on the rabbit. Immediately, a special aroma came out.

"Ah, it smells good." Xu Qingqing couldn't help shouting: "what kind of fruit is it, so fragrant?"

Xia Feng looked at her and smiled, "don't worry, it's not poisonous."

"I hate it." Xu Qingqing beat him on the shoulder directly. "He's a girl. Don't be so straightforward."

Xia Feng laughed. Xu Qingqing looked at him and then smiled and said, "what kind of fruit is this? Can you eat it?"

"You can eat it." Xia Feng said, "it's called seasoning fruit. It tastes a little strange when you eat it alone, but if it's used with barbecue, it's very fragrant. Otherwise, rabbits have no salt and don't taste good."

"You know so much." Xu Qingqing couldn't help praising.

"Do you like me at all?" Xia Feng smiled.

"No." Xu Qingqing glanced at him and smiled again.

She has a light anger and a beautiful smile. She is very feminine. Unfortunately, she is a lover of many questions. She is so infatuated that she can devote herself to many questions. Xia Feng can only drool secretly.

After baking for a while, Xia Feng tore off a rabbit leg, pulled a piece of meat down, tasted it and said, "you can eat it. It tastes good. Have a try."

Then he handed the rabbit leg to Xu Qingqing.

Xu Qingqing took it over, tore it a little and tasted it. His face immediately showed a surprised look: "this taste is really good."

"Right." Xia Feng smiled. "It's called seasoning fruit. It's especially good for barbecue."

He tore off another leg and ate it.

Xu Qingqing is a beauty's intestines and stomach. She doesn't eat much. Having a rabbit leg is enough. She eats Xiangsi Wen, but Xia Feng is in turmoil. Xu Qingqing hasn't finished half of the rabbit leg yet. He has eaten the whole rabbit to a pile of bones.

"Wow, you really are." Xu Qingqing couldn't help exclaiming, but she didn't know what to say.

"What a food." Xia Feng added it to her.

Xu Qingqing giggled again and said, "your tolerance is really powerful."

She only ate half a rabbit leg. She couldn't finish it. She put it aside. Xia Feng said, "there's a stream over there. Do you want to wash your hands?"

The camp he chose, of course, was a place with water.

"Yes." Xu Qingqing is actually in a hurry, but it's hard to say. He just solved it by washing his hands.

When Xu Qingqing returned to the stone wall, Xia Feng did not know where to fold a few huge wild banana leaves. They were very large, two people tall, wider than a double bed, and the leaves were thick. They were just a natural mattress.

"Wow." Xu Qingqing couldn't help crying, "how did you find such a big banana leaf?"

"There's one over there." Xia Feng casually pointed to a banana leaf beside the fire and said, "you're over there, I'm here, and the middle is the boundary of Chu River and Han Dynasty. You can arch pawns, but the veteran can't cross the river."

Xu Qingqing laughed. Seeing Xia Feng lying down on the other side, she also lay down. The banana leaves are thick and elastic, with a faint fragrance. It's really more comfortable than sleeping in bed.

She couldn't help looking at Xia Feng. When she saw Xia Feng lying to the sky with his hands spread out and sleeping in a big character, she thought to herself, "this man really has some skills, like a Jianghu strange man in a martial arts film."

She read it in her heart and cried softly, "Xia translation, Xiao Xia."

"What's the matter?" Xia Feng opened his eyes and turned to look over.

Xu Qingqing said, "what's calling?"

There are all kinds of strange sounds in the mountains. She is a girl. It's normal to hear fear. Xia Feng comforted her: "it's okay, just some wild animals, and they don't have the courage. I really want to roar. They all have to shut up."

Then he suddenly opened his mouth and shouted, "shut up, whatever you call."

His voice was loud, and the roar, with internal strength, shocked the mountains to respond.

"Listen, don't cry." Xia Feng was proud, and Xu Qingqing smiled. After a while, she said, "but I'm still afraid."

Seeing Xia Feng looking at her, she said, "will you come over?"

Her meaning was very obvious. Xia Feng immediately frowned. Xu Qingqing was Xu Wenduo's lover. He didn't taboo this. He just felt that Xu Qingqing was infatuated with Xu Wenduo. How could he seduce him in a twinkling of an eye?

He blinked and said, "don't be afraid. It's okay. Let's talk again."

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