Xia Feng said with a smile, "I said that the veteran can't cross the river."

His words made Xu Qingqing giggle. Xia Feng also laughed and said, "sleep, it's okay."

As soon as he closed his eyes, he suddenly felt wrong. As soon as he opened his eyes, Xu Qingqing actually got up, then came by himself, and then lay down beside him.

Xia Feng turned to look at Xu Qingqing. Xu Qingqing's face was stained with a layer of blush, but there was a layer of water mist in his eyes. He smiled and said, "I'm a chess player. The queen can charge and trap the general."

"Ah?" Xia Feng was silly.

Seeing him like this, Xu Qingqing giggled, turned over, came to him, looked at him and said, "Xiao Xia, don't you like me?"

"Like it." Xia Feng nodded.

"Then hold me." Xu Qingqing said coquettishly.

Xia Feng put his hand around her.

Xu Qingqing looked at him and said, "do you think it's cheap for me to go to morrow? So you don't like me."

"No." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "I really admire you."

"Really?" Xu Qingqing looked at him with half faith and half doubt.

"It's true." Xia Feng nodded, looked at her sincerely, and said, "you don't hesitate to sacrifice yourself to help others. I really admire you."

He didn't ask a lot directly, just a hint.

Xu Qingqing looked at him, tears slowly poured up, and then lay down on Xia Feng's chest and sobbed.

Xia Feng knew that her mood was complicated, but she didn't know how to persuade. From small to large, Xia Feng only beat people, not persuade people, so she had to hold her.

Xu Qingqing said, "you were right. In the ancient history of the Han family, Ji Zhuo was married and made things by women. It was really a shame, but President Xu also had no way. He invested more than one billion here and couldn't start work in one day. The daily interest and depreciation expenses alone were astronomical, but......" she said here and looked up at Xia Feng: "I'm willing to sacrifice, but I still hope someone can pull me."

She paused for a moment, her eyes shining with gratitude: "so, although I hated you earlier, in the deepest part of my heart, I appreciate you."

At this point, her red lips came up and kissed Xia Feng.

At this moment, Xia Feng finally understood her mentality.

"Although she is willing to make sacrifices for Xu Wenduo, she is still a little sad that she does not resolutely refuse Xu Wenduo. I saved her from morrow. She was angry before, but now she is happy, so she did this to me."

He first thought Xu Qingqing was too reckless. Now he understood Xu Qingqing's mind and really appreciated him. Of course, he was not polite. He hugged her and kissed her back.

When Xia Feng roared earlier, the sound of insects and animals stopped, but slowly, various sounds came out successively. This is a daily thing in the mountains. It is impossible to change course because of Xia Feng's roar.

The next morning, Xia Feng opened his eyes. Xu Qingqing had woken up and was lying on his chest looking at him. Seeing him wake up, Xu Qingqing fainted with a beautiful face and said with a smile, "wake up."

"Well." Xia Feng nodded, "I wanted to sleep for a while. It was so hard last night."

Xu Qingqing's face was burning, but he giggled and said, "who told you to be like a bison, endless."

"This can't blame me." Xia Feng said wrongly, "you are so sexy and beautiful. How can I resist it."

"Ah," said Xu Qingqing shyly, "don't say anything." he put his red lips together and kissed him, so the war broke out again.

Last night, I didn't have time to ask Xu Qingqing about the red cherry blossoms. When I saw him again, Xia Feng was curious again. After that, I asked Xu Qingqing, "sister Qing, what are you doing with a red cherry blossom?"

He looked carefully. There was a little difference between Xu Qingqing's red cherry blossom and Dong Qin's. Dong Qin's cherry blossom had four flowers, while Xu Qingqing's cherry blossom had three flowers, one missing.

"It's just good-looking." Xu Qingqing's star eyes are drunk, and his language has a beautiful voice: "isn't it very sexy."

"Just good-looking, no other meaning?" Xia Feng was unwilling.

"What's more interesting?" Xu Qingqing was very charming at the moment. "It's not good-looking. Do you like it or not."

Xia Feng could only say he liked it. He thought to himself, "is it really just beautiful, and so is sister Qin?"

But there are always some doubts.

It's really time to pack up. It's noon.

Xia Feng went to catch a rabbit. There were seasoning fruits last night. Today, Xu Qingqing started to barbecue. Her craft is better than Xia Feng, but the seasoning fruits are crowded by Xia Feng. She doesn't have enough strength to squeeze out the juice.

After eating the rabbit, the two went to the stream to take a bath, but they didn't change their clothes.

After cleaning up, Xu Qingqing said to Xia Feng, "you really want to take me to live in the mountains."

"You don't have to live in the mountains." Xia Feng shook his head and nodded, "let's go east to Yaoshi family, but we will never return to kuabei family."

"However, if we can't talk about it, what should we do?" Xu Qingqing was still worried: "if we delay one more day, Tianyang heavy machinery will lose one more day."

"Does Tianyang heavy machinery have to rely on a woman to survive? It's better to forget it." Xia Feng was impolite.

Xu Qingqing knew he couldn't beat him, so he stopped talking.

Then he went over the mountain to the East. He really lived in the mountain for a month or two. He didn't have to change his clothes. Xu Qingqing couldn't bear it. Xia Feng's idea took Xu Qingqing to Yaoshi family. Yaoshi family and kuabei family are sworn enemies. They can't find Moro when they go to Yaoshi family.

Xu Qingqing is wearing high-heeled shoes. Xia Feng doesn't carry her today. She needs hand support. It's inconvenient. She can ride her neck directly.

Two more mountains were turned over. Below was a plain. There was a river across the plain. There were houses far and near, living along the river.

Near the mountain pass and on the left bank of the river, there is a huge ancient tree with a height of more than 100 meters and a large DBH. It is estimated that twenty people can't hold hands like Xia Feng.

Xu Qingqing rode around Xia Feng's neck and saw the ancient tree at a glance. He exclaimed, "Wow, that tree is so big."

"It's really big." Xia Feng not only looked at it, but also swept away his spiritual power: "I'm afraid there won't be thousands of years."

"It's a pity to die." Xu Qingqing looked sorry.

The ancient tree has branches but no leaves. It should have died long ago, but it is too big to stand down.

"Not all dead." Xia Feng sensed with psychic power, but knew that the roots of the ancient tree were still alive, but the tree body was too old and the trunk was too thick, so the vitality could not come up.

"Really? Let's go and have a look."

Xu Qingqing made a request.

It's too difficult to see such a huge tree. If you encounter it, you naturally have to pay a visit nearby.

Xia Feng hunched her down the mountain.

After turning over several mountains, when Xia Feng camel Xu Qingqing down the mountain to the edge of the giant tree, the sun is already West.

"Wow, wow, it's so high." Xu Qingqing looked up at the ancient tree and kept exclaiming.

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