Xu Qingqing looked up and saw the boats on the river. The unique canoes in this place came one after another, and countless people came on the land.

"Ah." Xu Qingqing cried out in fright.

"Don't be afraid." Xia Feng comforted her: "get dressed quickly."

"Who are they?" there were more and more people. Even the sound of footsteps fell like thunder, which could cause such a sound. At least tens of thousands of people rushed here. Xu Qing was really frightened.

"It should be from Yaoshi clan." Xia Feng was also a little shocked, mainly because there were too many. Xu Qingqing thought it was tens of thousands of people, but Xia Feng borrowed an eye and saw that it was at least more than 100000.

"Don't be afraid." he hugged Xu Qingqing.

While he was talking, the crowd stopped. An old man with feathers on his head and a wooden stick in his hand came out. He stopped and knelt down more than two steps away from Xia Feng Xu Qingqing.

As soon as he knelt, all the people behind him, whether on land or in a canoe, knelt down.

The old man shouted, "the God of Yaoshi family, Wu guangzhai, led the whole family to visit the messenger of the tree god and ask for God's blessing."

Xu Qingqing knew a little Zulu language. When he heard the old man named guangzhai, he was stunned, but Xia Feng could understand, because he had already known what was going on by borrowing his eyes and ears and listening to the discussion of the crowd.

The ancient tree is the sacred tree of Yaoshi family. Yaoshi family worships it year after year. They all think that the sacred tree is dead. As a result, the tree is covered with green shade overnight. They think it is a miracle and a divine metaphor. Especially when they find two Xia Feng under the tree, they regard them as envoys of the sacred tree.

Xia Feng understood their ideas. He was just amused at first, but looking at the dark crowd, including many soldiers with guns, he suddenly had an idea in his heart: "it's not a way to hide with Qingqing. Simply in the name of the divine envoy, encourage the Yaoshi family to fight with the kwabei family and take back the land of the mine. Then you can start work at will."

With this in mind, he put on a pretentious hand and said to guangzhai, "we are ordered by the divine tree to bless the Yaoshi family. At the same time, we will use our divine power to help you defeat the kuabei family and take back your land, cattle and sheep."

He spoke pure Zulu language, and with his internal power, his voice was not high, but it was like Hongzhong Dalu, which spread far away, and even made people's eardrums buzzing.

Yaoshi people were very excited because of the miracle of the resurrection of the ancient tree. Seeing Xia Feng's miraculous work and such words, they were thunderous with joy for a time.

God Wu guangzhai was so excited that his old face lit up and worshipped again and again. On behalf of the Yaoshi family, he thanked the divine tree for its blessing. Then he carried the wooden couch and asked Xia Feng to go up and carry them back.

Sitting on the couch, Xu Qingqing was still a little confused. Xia Feng whispered his ideas to Xu Qingqing. Xu Qingqing immediately expressed support, but worried: "I'm afraid they won't listen to you."

"Nothing, look at me." Xia Feng is very confident.

Yaoshi family has a large settlement near the middle reaches of the river. There are also some houses with reinforced concrete structure. There is electricity, but there is no telecommunications base station. The place occupied by the kwabei family is originally Yaoshi family. There is a telecommunications base station there. It was built in China. Yaoshi family was defeated and fled here. It is worse here.

Guangzhai invited Xia Feng and Xia Feng to the most gorgeous building, that is, a small three-story building, with a huge terrace in front. This building is usually where guangzhai lives, and the square is where he meets at ordinary times.

When Xia Feng and Xia Feng were carried over, Heili, the head of Yaoshi family, also came back after hearing the news.

As his name suggests, Heili is very majestic, but he looks at Xia Feng and Xia Feng with suspicion in his eyes, not as excited as guangzhai.

It is said that Xia Feng is the messenger of the tree god to help the heinian family recapture the land occupied by the kuabei family. Heili said, "there are 12000 soldiers in the kuabei family, and we only have 5000. Can God double our soldiers?"

This is a very intelligent guy, not as good as guangzhai.

Guangzhai believed in God and the ancient tree came back from death overnight. He must believe such a miracle.

But black force only believes in the strength of the battlefield. Ten thousand people must be better than five thousand. If they are killed, they will not be resurrected.

If Xia Feng can bring the dead back to life, he must believe it.

Xia Feng smiled and looked at Heili: "don't you believe in God?"

Black force did not avoid his eyes, looked directly at him, and said after a while, "I hope to see a miracle appear on the envoy."

"This guy has murderous spirit in his eyes. He should have killed many people. He doesn't believe in evil." Xia Feng nodded secretly.

He stood up, went to the middle of the hall and said to Heili, "pull out the pistol on your waist and see if you can hit me."

Black force's eyes coagulated: "you said let me shoot?"

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded, "can you hit me within this distance?"

Black force looked at him, a grim smile flashed from the corner of his mouth, and Huodi pulled out the gun.

"No." guangzhai exclaimed and hurriedly stood up to stop.

Xu Qingqing also lost his voice and exclaimed.

Xia Feng and Heili are only five meters apart. At such a close distance, Heili must shoot one by one. Xia Feng is too risky.

Xia Feng looked at her, shook his head and smiled to let her not worry.

How could Xu Qingqing not worry, but somehow, she trusted Xia Feng very much at the moment. Her hand was twisted in front of her chest, and finally she didn't jump out to stop it.

Guangzhai stopped in front of Heili and said seriously, "Heili, do you want to go against the divine will of the tree god?"

Before Heili answered, Xia Feng said, "guangzhai Dawu, please don't stop him. I'll let him see the power of the tree god with his own eyes."

Guangzhai looked back at Xia Feng. Xia Feng suddenly stretched out his hand and put his palm on him. As soon as he pushed, guangzhai felt an invisible force coming, pushing him back involuntarily and sat on the chair.

"Ah." guangzhai lost his voice and exclaimed. Looking at Xia Feng, his eyes immediately filled with extreme surprise. His hands closed his chest and said, "great tree god, invisible divine power."

Heili was also a little surprised. Looking at guangzhai and Xia Feng, it was obvious that he was skeptical.

"This guy is really a material to be a leader." Xia Feng nodded secretly, looked at Heili, smiled and said, "what are you waiting for?"

He was so confident, but Heili hesitated. He held the gun, but he didn't move for a long time.

Xia Feng suddenly shouted, "shoot."

As soon as he drank, he carried a unique mental method. As soon as Heili's body shook, he suddenly raised his gun, raised his hand and shot, and shot all the bullets in the gun in one breath.

As soon as the gunshot rang, Xu Qingqing lost his voice and exclaimed. A miracle happened. After all the bullets in the Heili pistol were fired, Xia Feng always stood there, motionless. There was no wound on his body. Instead, the wall behind him was splashed with bricks and stones.

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