Guangzhai suddenly stood up and said, "the tree god protects you and is invulnerable to weapons."

In the cry, he knelt down and paid homage.

There are many people in the house, most of them are the middle and high-level of Yaoshi family. At this time, they also worship. Everyone is very excited. How can they not be excited when they see the living God.

Heili was there in a daze. He looked at his gun and Xia Feng. His face was shocked, like a frog out shopping. As a result, he was struck by thunder and his brain was not clear.

Guangzhai looked up at him and shouted, "Heili, if you don't make amends to the envoy and ask the envoy to forgive you, I'll convene a clan meeting, abolish your position as patriarch and expel you from the Yaoshi clan."

After giving guangzhai this drink, Heili woke up. He didn't dare to doubt any more and knelt down for worship.

On one side, Xu Qingqing was surprised and happy, but he was also confused.

During the night's rest, Xu Qingqing finally asked his doubts: "are you really invulnerable?"

"There's no such thing," Xia Feng said. "I'm not an iron man."

Xu Qingqi said, "what's the matter? Why can't Heili's bullet hit you?"

Xia Feng said with a big grin, "because I escaped."

Xu Qingqi said, "no," I've been keeping my eyes open. I didn't see you move. "

"People's eyes have a blind spot." Xia Feng explained: "if the object moves too fast and the retina can't image, it can't be seen. My moving speed is faster than your eyes' imaging speed, so you look at me as if you've been standing there without moving, but in fact I'm moving."

He said, raising his hand: "look at my hand, watch it."

In his cry, he suddenly touched Xu Qingqing. Xu Qingqing saw that Xia Feng's hand didn't move, but the feeling on his body told her that Xia Feng touched her.

"Ah," she cried, still a little surprised.

Xia Feng touched it again and said with a smile, "do you see it clearly?"

Xu Qingqing shook his head and said, "I didn't see it clearly. Your hand is too fast. I watched it. Your hand hasn't moved."

"Now believe it." Xia Feng smiled and slowly stretched out his hand.

Xu Qingqing quickly hid and said, "you're really powerful, but it's still too risky. No matter how fast you are, you won't be as fast as bullets."

"It's not a risk." Xia Feng shook his head and said, "the bullet goes straight. I just look at his muzzle. Although the bullet is fast, his muzzle movement speed must not be as fast as my body method."

This is reasonable. Xu Qingqing was completely convinced. She looked at him and said, "Xiaofeng, you're really powerful."

A woman's sincere love makes Xia Feng very happy.

The next day, guangzhai presided over the ceremony of ancestor worship. Then there were soldiers in Daji family. Yaoshi family had more than 200000 people and tens of thousands of young adults. There was no shortage of people, but without guns, the whole family had only 5000 guns, so there were only 5000 soldiers.

However, another 10000 people were gathered this time, with spears and bows and arrows. At least a few people can compete with the quabe people.

Guangzhai was very excited, but Heili was still worried. Xia Feng noticed that Heili would peek at him from time to time.

If he was a sister, Xia Feng would comfort him. Even if he was a man like a cow, Xia Feng ignored him and followed the brigade after sacrificing the sky.

Xia Feng brought Xu Qingqing to Yaoshi nationality, who came over the mountain. In fact, there is a road between Yaoshi nationality and kuabei nationality. You don't have to climb over the mountain by taking shuangniu gorge. Out of shuangniu gorge is shenniuping, a large plain.

The Yaoshi clan was defeated last time, so they had to go back to the mountain, but they guarded the shuangniu gorge. Now they send troops and go directly to the gorge.

There is a small river not far from the entrance of the isthmus. The kuabei people have a sentry by the river. The Yaoshi people suddenly sent troops. The kuabei sentry was shocked and retreated immediately.

Xia Feng asked Heili to take 15000 soldiers across the river. For the time being, he stopped moving forward, but camped back to the river.

His decision made Heili more worried.

Standing in an array with water on his back is the death. Han Xin's destruction of Zhao is the death of the younger generation. Heili can't know who Han Xin is, but he is the soldier with the most military knowledge in the family. The strength of Yaoshi family is not as good as that of Kubei family. Although there are more than 10000 soldiers, there are only 5000 guns. Kubei family has more than 10000 guns. If it's a charge, it's standing in an array with water on his back, which can't be stopped , how many people will die.

But Xia Feng's performance yesterday made him dare not speak again.

Of course, Xia Feng knows Heili's worries. If he wants to do business or speculate about people's hearts and play tricks, Xia Feng really can't do it, but when it comes to military affairs, he's really not bad. Boys are interested in fighting and have read the art of war.

The Yaoshi clan doesn't say there are few guns, but there are 10000 guns. Xia Feng despises the soldiers of these semi primitive tribes, and the kuabei clan is almost the same. Although it is said that the kuabei clan has 12000 soldiers, it is also slag. Besides, he didn't think he really wanted to take the Yaoshi warriors to fight and bring the Yaoshi warriors out, just pretending to be powerful.

Shenniuping is very big. It's actually the original one. After crossing the river, it's still 50 or 60 miles away from shenniuwan, where Moro is now stationed. Moro got the news, responded immediately, gathered a large army, and forced the Yaoshi family on the same day. However, he didn't fight directly, but approached the Yaoshi family about 10 miles and set up the camp.

From this point, it can be seen that although Moro is crazy, there is no lack of caution. Like Heili, Moro is a soldier who grew up in the tribal war. They all deeply know that war will kill people. If they are shot, no matter who will die, they can't be careful.

What Xia Feng wants is his caution. If he really wants a guy to rush over, it's a trouble. Stop, it's easy to do.

After dark, Xia Feng said hello to Xu Qingqing and quietly left the camp.

There are many bison on Shenniu terrace. Xia Feng gathered them all. I don't know how many. It is estimated that there are at least thousands.

There are not only cattle but also lions on the Shenniu terrace. Several lions add up to forty or fifty lions.

There are also leopards, fewer, and more than a dozen.

The largest number is African hyenas. There are several large groups, which add up to more than 200. This kind of African hyenas is not a native dog in China. This kind of dog can weigh up to nearly 100 kilograms. It's really like calves. More than 200 are piled together, which looks more frightening than lions.

This is Xia Feng's greatest reliance.

But Xia Feng is still a little worried.

More than 8000 people of the kuabei nationality drove to the front line. When more than 8000 AK were swept up, it was too powerful. No matter how powerful the ox or the lion was, no matter how sharp the teeth were, they could not withstand the sweep of AK47.

"The snake can't do without a head. I'll solve Moro. Without the command, they will collapse naturally." Xia Feng thought so and called a wild horse to run to Shenniu Bay.

Outside the town, Xia Feng didn't enter the town first, but controlled a night bird and looked through his eyes.

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