Xia Feng didn't know this. He ate rice noodles with Yu Xinyu and said to send Yu Xinyu back, but he wasn't in a hurry. He couldn't send Yu Xinyu back now.

Drive to Yanjiang Road, get off and walk slowly. The sunset sets and the sky is red. Yu Xinyu shouted, "Wow, look at the clouds that day."

Xia Feng looked at her face, but Yu Xinyu didn't hear his response. Seeing him staring at his face, he was ashamed and said, "Why are you staring at me so much? Don't you know me?"

Xia Feng said, "Miss Yu, do you remember that year, we went on a spring outing and on the way back, some nights, the sunset also set. It's also such a sunset day. You say the same thing, the same look and the same beauty."

"What? I'm old. I was so young at that time." Yu Xinyu put his palms together and put them on his chin askew. "I remember I was 22 years old." she cried softly for a moment: "I've exposed my age."

"Do you still have any secrets for me?" Xia Feng suddenly stretched out his hand, hugged her waist, let her body close to his body, and his eyes looked at her eyes.

Yu Xinyu gave a cry and looked around. It was getting dark. It was vague a little farther away, and there were no people. Generally, people walking had not finished their meal and didn't come out.

This made her feel at ease. She looked up at Xia Feng and blushed, because Xia Feng's words were too shy. It meant that she had shown him everything. It was so shy. Shame was shame, but her heart was like fire.

She looked at Xia Feng's eyes and stretched out a finger: "there's another secret."

"What is it?" Xia Feng asked.

"I won't tell you now." Yu Xinyu smiled shyly.

Xia Feng couldn't help it any longer. He bent his head and grabbed her lips. Yu Xinyu put his hands around him and hung his neck.

This kiss is as long as a century.

It's completely dark.

Xia Feng was so hot that he hugged Yu Xinyu and got into the car and went directly to a nearby hotel to open a room.

Yu Xinyu's face was red, as if she was drunk. Xia Feng let her into the room and kissed her deeply again that night. He kissed every corner of Yu Xinyu again, but he respected Yu Xinyu. Yu Xinyu said no, so he didn't take the next step.

To Mr. Yu, he must wait until the melon is ripe.

It was almost ten o'clock before he sent Yu Xinyu home.

The next morning, Shu zhenzuo called Xia Feng. Liu Sanshou was willing to exit unconditionally and compensate twice for the losses. As for Lieutenant Li, he received some money from Liu Sanshou.

"See how you're going to do it. The instruction we received here is to cooperate with you unconditionally and make you satisfied." Shu zhenzuo's tone is sincere, but Xia Feng can actually hear a different meaning.

"He must be very strange. What did I do for the special office and let the special office treat me so special." Xia Feng could guess Shu zhenzuo's mind and laughed in his heart, but he didn't say anything. He said, "the contractor is honest. Then, according to his own words, double the compensation first, and then go away, even vice team Li."

If he handled it himself, it would never be so easy, but Xia Feng had to be high-profile. Everyone looked at it. If he did it too well, others would have ideas in his heart.

Sure enough, as soon as he said this, Shu zhenzuo's tone obviously changed and said, "Liu San's hands will do as you say. Lieutenant Li will also deal with it. Don't worry."

"Thank you, brother Shu, for drinking together when you are free." Xia Feng thanked Shu zhenzuo, then called Yao Dianshi and thanked him. Yao Dianshi also hated and said: "there are many things at the grass-roots level. It's so rotten. It's also a large number of your brother. If you change me and don't peel him off, I won't let go."

Xia Feng laughed at his words, but he was still happy in his heart.

Thinking about whether to call Liu Simin again, it's best to communicate. Later, I thought, "forget it, let them guess. Anyway, what they want is that I help them do things. When things are done, they won't worry about whether I'm a person or an organization. Min Min should not reveal my secret. She's so smart, and no one dares to force her to check her."

If you think so, put it aside.

In the afternoon, Lin Yan makes an appointment with Xia Feng. Xia Feng won't take the initiative to make an appointment with Lin Yan, but if Lin Yan delivers the goods to the door, he won't refuse.

When finished, Lin Yan ordered wine.

This is a five-star hotel requested by Lin Yan. In fact, this woman is very popular, but she really didn't have this condition before. Now she has climbed to xiafeng. When dating, she naturally has to accept it.

Xia Feng doesn't care. He has so much money that he doesn't know how to spend it. A woman is willing to help him spend it. He is very popular.

In fact, he is impetuous and boastful, but he has too many secrets and many things, but it's really hard to boast. Lin Yan's doing so makes him feel satisfied.

Lin Yan drank wine and asked, "that teacher Yu Xinyu is also your woman."

"Who told you?" Xia Feng turned to look at her: "monkey?"

"The monkey doesn't know anything." Lin Yan skimmed her mouth.

"Who told you that?" Xia Feng was curious.

Lin Yan giggled: "it's written on her face. When teacher Yu looks at you, you can see it with a little attention. Who else to say."

"Is it so obvious?" Xia Feng was surprised and surprised.

"You're really good." Lin Yan poked him in the chest: "not only Zhao ruiruirui, but also his own teacher. Fortunately, monkeys still treat Teacher Yu as a goddess."

"It is." Xia Feng said, "in our class, teacher Yu is a goddess."

"Then what?" Lin Yan smiled and trembled.

Xia Feng laughed and couldn't help showing the scene of last night. For a moment, he was excited again.

Lin Yan looked, angry and smiled and said, "your teacher Yu really exists like a God. Hey, by the way, did you take her video?"

"No." Xia Feng shook his head.

"Why?" Lin Yan asked. Seeing Xia Feng didn't answer, she immediately understood and said in surprise: "her weight in your heart is more important than Zhao Ruirui. You're afraid of hurting her."

Xia Feng didn't answer, but his expression was very obvious.

Lin Yan was so jealous that she almost wanted to ask, "how can I compare with her?"

However, he only made two circles in his stomach and swallowed it before he reached his mouth.

She knows her own family affairs. Regardless of her appearance, figure, fame and affection, she is worse than the eldest brother than Yu Xinyu or Zhao ruiruirui. If she really wants to compare, she is nothing more than humiliating herself.

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