There was no way to scold. Zhou Xun said he was on a business trip, so he had to wait.

Hua Yuna was a little worried over there. She asked a group of models to eat rice noodles on Sunday. The effect was not great, but the whole line began to warm up on Monday. On Monday, Wu Bing's store returned to more than 5000 and nearly 6000, and Lin Yan and Zhang Qiang's store was almost 5000. On Tuesday, it was a little higher. Wu Bing's store was more than 6000 and Lin Yan and Zhang Qiang's store was more than 5000.

This sales, in addition to breakeven, barely makes a little profit.

Xia Feng finally breathed out.

In fact, he doesn't care. His money came easily and he lost millions. It should be verified again that he really can't do business.

He was worried about Wu Bing and them. They quit their jobs. If the shop didn't make money, their life would become a big problem.

Originally, Xia Feng wanted Zhao ruiruirui to write another microblog, but he learned this lesson. Millions of advertising expenses drifted away. He knew he couldn't do it, so he first asked Dong Qin for advice.

Dong Qin's idea is different from that of him. Friends can help, but they can't take all the profits and losses. They should be prepared for their own choice. Xia Feng can't make money for them.

Dong Qin suggested that we do this for a while. Zhao ruiruirui's card should be put aside for a while.

Try it. First, see if these stores can open without Zhao ruiruirui. Second, try the attitude of Wu Bing. If they are angry and don't want to do it, they can simply take back their equity. It's easy to deal with them, whether they leave or Xia Feng pays wages and employs them.

Every time Xia Feng photographed Dong Qin's spirit, she photographed sister Zhou and malalian together. Malalian had the same view as Dong Qin.

However, Xia Feng thought about it and still felt bad. He listened to them completely. He said in the group that he would do it for a month first and let Zhao ruiruirui send a microblog a month later.

Seeing this, Lin Yan chatted with him privately: "you are really a good man, but Wu Bing and Zhang Qiang are happy. The monkeys have a problem with you."

Xia Feng was a little depressed and said, "what about you."

Lin Yan gave him a smiling face: "I don't care. I'm your woman. You have to take care of me anyway."

Xia Feng was speechless.

By Wednesday, I hadn't seen Zhou Xun. The factory director was really angry. After dinner that day, the factory director said to Xia Feng, "go out for a walk."

"OK." Xia Feng followed him out and went out of the room, but he heard a woman's cry: "let go of me, please, I'm just a waiter."

Xia Feng looked at the sound and saw two foreigners holding a waitress and dragging them into their room.

The waitress held the door in her hand and didn't want to go in. The tall foreigner suddenly picked her up. The waitress screamed and struggled: "no, help."

Seeing her scream, the short foreigner went to cover her mouth and smiled: "play, it doesn't matter. We'll give you euros."

He spoke Dutch. The waitress couldn't understand it. She screamed and struggled desperately. Xia Feng was very angry. She rushed forward, suddenly stopped and said to the factory director, "factory director, take a picture with your mobile phone."

He also took out his mobile phone and took two shots first.

When he saw such a thing before, he would rush up immediately. The reason why he wanted to shoot it first this time is that Yu Xinyu's reaction to the special office made him realize that he is very special in the eyes of the special office.

He and the so-called mysterious organization behind him were highly valued by the special office, so he was given super standard treatment.

Xia Feng knew about Yu Xinyu. As long as he didn't go too far, the special office would help him no matter what trouble he caused.

But it was this super standard treatment that made him self-respect.

The face is given by others and lost by themselves. The special office values him, but if he acts recklessly, even if the special office looks at the so-called mysterious organization behind him, it will wipe his ass. at least Yao Dianshi and others will be uncomfortable.

But if he makes trouble and takes care of it, there's nothing to say. As long as he asks for help, the special office will give him a pocket.

So, mind your own business, but take the reason first. That's why Xia Feng left the evidence first.

"OK." the factory director was just upset. Xia Feng was willing to fight. He really took out his cell phone and began shooting.

"Let me go." when the factory director started shooting, Xia Feng took his cell phone, rushed over, grabbed the tall foreigner's red hair and pulled it back.

"Ah." the tall old man howled like a pig, let go of the waitress and put his head in his hands.

The short foreigner scolded, put on a pose and punched Xia Feng in the face.

This guy seems to have practiced boxing, and he should have done well. He has a stable posture and great boxing power.

But he was unlucky to meet Xia Feng.

Xia Feng didn't dodge. He hit him with a fist and was hitting him in the face.

"Ah." the short foreigner howled like a pig, hugged his hands and stepped back.

But Xia Feng didn't just let him go. He took a step forward, slapped his hands, and then suddenly raised his knee. One knee hit the stomach of the short foreigner.

"Oh, my God." the short foreigner squatted down with his stomach in his arms.

When the tall foreigner saw that Xia Feng was so fierce, he was frightened and turned to escape. Xia Feng flashed, caught up, grabbed his hair again and pulled it violently.

"Ah." the tall foreigner cried out in pain and fell to the ground.

Xia Feng was still unwilling to rest and kicked him twice.

"Stop." suddenly heard a violent drink, several people rushed up, led by a middle-aged man in his forties, full of wine.

"Lao Zhou." seeing the middle-aged man, the factory director shouted in surprise.

It turned out that Zhou Xun was the middle-aged man full of wine.

Zhou Xun looked at him and ignored him. Xia Feng stepped back. Zhou Xun hurriedly went to help the tall foreigner and called in English, "Mr. cowall, are you okay?"

When the tall foreigner saw Zhou Xun, he shouted angrily, "we have been attacked. I want to complain about him."

The short foreigner was still squatting there. Zhou Xun went to help him. The short foreigner waved and said, "don't touch me, my intestines are broken."

His words greatly changed Zhou Xun's face, glared at Xia Feng and said, "who are you? Come on, call security and catch him."

The factory director hurriedly said, "Lao Zhou, this is my man."

"I don't care who he is." Zhou Xun didn't give him face at all. He said fiercely, "it's unreasonable to beat a foreign friend. He must pay a price."

With his cry, several security guards rushed up and jumped at Xia Feng.

Xia Feng laughed and kicked out several security guards one by one.

He was so rampant that Zhou patrol was angry and shouted, "call the police, call the police."

"Report." Xia Feng sneered, "if you don't call the police today, you're my grandson."

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