The factory director looked at Xia Feng in surprise and said, "Xiao Xia, do you want to..."

Xia Feng snorted and said, "Yichang is disgusting. I want to get them and get back the cutting tool technology. As long as there is a material formula, our production cost should be much lower than that in the West. We will supply it cheaply, but we won't supply it to Yichang. I'll trample them to death."

"Can you get the material formula?" the factory director asked with surprise and joy.

"I can get it," Xia Feng said, pulling tiger skin to make a coat.

The factory director was stunned: "special handling? I seem to have heard of it. Do you know special handling?"

"Well." Xia Feng nodded, "I know the special people. Through them, I may be able to get the material formula of knives."

"That's great." the factory director was surprised and happy: "Xiaoxia, if you get this technology, you must give priority to our cement plant. Our plant has no core technology and core products, so it's so bad. We used to be a big factory. At that time, Yichang was a fart in front of us."

His words made Xia Feng laugh: "this time, I let them continue to become a fart, big fart."

"Good, bold." the factory director patted him on the shoulder and laughed.

Then he came to Xia Feng's ear: "the special office seems unusual. I've heard it. It's said that the level is very high. Do you really know their people?"

"Well, I know one of their directors." he glanced at the factory director: "but please keep it a secret. It's not easy to find out."

"I know, I know." the factory director nodded repeatedly. He looked at Xia Feng in surprise: "I know the director of the special office. No wonder you are so capable."

Xia Feng, an advertising manager, is so powerful that the factory director has always been difficult to understand. Now he seems to have found a reason.

Xia Feng smiled and didn't elaborate.

He has too many secrets and can't say many things. Now he picks up what he can say and shows a little bit. Looking at the surprised eyes of the factory director, he is still very proud.

The factory director went back by high-speed rail, but Xia Feng didn't go back to Lingcheng with him, but went directly to the capital.

However, Xia Feng's high-speed railway left first. The factory director sent him away, held his hand and said, "Xiao Xia, please."

"I will try my best." Xia Feng still dare not guarantee.

If you get a set of knives, it's not a problem at all. It's hard to say the material formula. He doesn't know anything about this. God knows he can't get it. He just held back a fire and tried hard. He can't get it. There's no way.

He didn't know. The factory director behind him looked at his figure and his eyes were full of excitement: "it's unexpected that this boy actually knows the special person. It seems that the cement plant is really saved."

On the high-speed railway, Xia Feng received the information from Yao Dianshi. The industrial tool industry, that is, the black tulip technology in the Netherlands, is the strongest. The service life of domestic similar tools is generally less than 10000 hours, while that of the black tulip company can reach more than 30000 hours, which is several times worse, especially in some high-end tools.

"No wonder those two guys are unscrupulous." Xia Feng thought of the two foreigners before. He couldn't help humming and sighed. If his technology is not as good as others, he will be bullied. He wants not only your money, but also your people.

After the high-speed railway, Xia Feng didn't go to the hotel or call Liu Simin or Yao Dianshi.

When he got out of the station, he called and went to the airport. Then he found a place where there was no one near the airport and dodged into the ring.

The Royal envoy ring entered the airport and found the Dutch plane. He was not in a hurry tomorrow morning. He opened a jar of wine in the ring, drank some wine and slept. He woke up at 6 o'clock the next morning, stared in the terminal, followed the passengers to Holland and got on the plane.

The ring has no navigation system, so you have to hide in the ring and fly.

As for why he hid in the ring instead of flying directly to Holland, he wanted to create a sense of mystery for the special people.

Even if it hinders Liu Simin, the special office should have investigated him, because Shu zhenzuo said last time that the reason why he stayed in Linjiang was to turn Xia Feng into the organization. After the organization checked Xia Feng, the special office certainly knew.

But Xia Feng is overseas. What's going on? They don't know what kind of mysterious organization there is behind Xia Feng. They only know that the mysterious organization behind Xia Feng is extremely powerful. It can transport goods and save people. They do everything they can to get machine tools. They say they can get them.

This ability is amazing.

Then, the people behind Xia Feng showed great goodwill. They not only responded to requests, but also returned half of the money they paid. This kind of patriotism raised the special office's view of the so-called mysterious organization behind Xia Feng to a higher level, so they gave Xia Feng extra standard treatment.

Xia Feng is very satisfied with this situation, and maintaining a sense of mystery is the best way to maintain this situation.

When the plane arrived in Amsterdam, Xia Feng got off the plane, went outside and gave out the ring.

The black tulip company was in a small town called flywheel. Xia Feng hit the flywheel, got off the bus, and then hit it again in front of the black tulip company.

Find the land and take your time.

He found a place where there was no one, flashed into the ring, and the imperial envoy's ring entered the black tulip company.

The black tulip company is very big, but the factory area is a little old, and the office buildings are also relatively old. Unlike China, there are brand-new high-rise buildings everywhere. The Netherlands is also an old capitalist country. The old brand means to seize the first hand. In any field, you can eat the largest piece of fat, and often eat very easily.

Later, if you want to eat, it's difficult. Even if you're on the table, what you can eat is often residue.

In Yao Dianshi's information to Xia Feng, the black tulip company is relatively black. They will authorize or sell the eliminated technology to Huaxia, but the latest and most advanced technology is tightly in their hands.

If it's just like this, there's nothing to say. The most irritating thing is that some developing Huaxia families often buy their obsolete technologies and develop them for a period of time. After a long time, they finally have a market, but they will suddenly launch new technologies.

In the face of their new technology, Huaxia will either be eliminated and give up the hard-earned market, or pay a higher price to buy their new technology, and the hard-earned money will be sent back to the black tulip bag.

The black tulip company played this trick very skillfully.

In fact, not only black tulips, but all western countries are old hands in this trick.

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