Xia Feng's eyes naturally aimed at Xu Lingshu. Noticing Xia Feng's eyes, Xu Lingshu didn't dodge. Instead, she straightened up, raised her chin slightly, looked at Xia Feng and said, "are you pitying me?"

Her sensitivity as an artist even saw through Xia Feng's mind.

Xia Feng was worried and hurriedly said, "no, sister Xu, I really like you, but I also respect you. I'm willing to be your friend instead of making a deal, but I'm worried about hurting your self-esteem, so, ah, I don't know what to say."

When he talked about the back, he couldn't go on. He was a little incoherent for a while.

Xu Lingshu looked at him as if he were a landscape. She was dissecting him.

She understood him, chuckled and saw Xia Feng get out of bed. She walked two steps closer and said, "are you married?"

Xia Feng didn't hide it and truthfully replied, "I'm going to get married on the eleventh day."

"That's good." Xu Lingshu smiled again, approached, suddenly stretched out his hand, hooked Xia Feng's neck, looked at his eyes, and said, "I've been divorced once, you know, I swear I won't marry again in my life. Even if you have a marriage object, don't worry about anything."

She said, gathered together, kissed Xia Feng's lips, blushed and said, "hold me to bed."

Her lips were moist and soft, with a faint aroma. Xia Feng subconsciously hugged her waist. When he heard this, he was anxious and said, "sister Xu, I am sincere. I respect you and am willing to help you as a friend, but I never thought about making this a deal."

Xu Lingshu looked at him with sharp eyes. She seemed to see through him. Then she smiled and said, "your body is more honest than you."

Xia Feng blushed for a moment and shrunk back a little, but Xu Lingshu put his hand around his neck and he couldn't retreat.

"Sister Xu," he cried, not knowing what to say for a moment.

His embarrassment made Xu Lingshu laugh even more. She kissed him again and squatted down

Xia Feng was excited and didn't last long

"Sorry." Xia Feng was in a hurry and didn't know what to do.

"It's all right." Xu Lingshu didn't think so. She stood up and said, "I'll just go back to my room and wash it."

She went to the door, but turned back: "you have to refuel. I'm hard to chase."

Said, giggled, opened the door, but suddenly screamed.

"What's the matter?" Xia Feng was surprised and hurried over.

However, he immediately knew the reason. It turned out that Guo Meng had arrived outside the door at some unknown time. Xu Lingshu suddenly opened the door. She couldn't avoid it for a moment and came face to face.

"Ah." Guo Meng also screamed, pointed to Xu Lingshu's face and said, "your face..."

Then he turned red and ran away.

Xu Lingshu's face was like fire. She looked at Xia Feng and said shyly, "dead dream, I really have no face to see people now."

In a cry of shame, he ran back to his room.

Xia Feng stayed for a long time and couldn't help laughing silently. He just felt that he was happy all over.

Although I didn't get Xu Lingshu completely, it was a great feeling.

He thought that he and Xu Lingshu would have no fate. As long as he finished the final formalities and paid the agency fee tomorrow, he would leave.

In any case, he will not get Xu Lingshu with a trading attitude.

Unexpectedly, Xu Lingshu solved this problem with her artist's unique ideas.

"I will make you moved. I must catch up with you and get you completely." Xia Feng swore to Xu Lingshu's door.

When Xia Feng got up the next morning, Xu Lingshu and Guo Meng were already in the restaurant. Fortunately, there was no embarrassment like Xia Feng thought. They gathered together and didn't know what they were talking about. They giggled and laughed from time to time.

That's good. Xia Feng was afraid that Xu Lingshu was really ashamed last night, and then Guo Meng would leave.

He didn't have any idea about Guo Meng, but was afraid that Xu Lingshu would be too lonely in the castle alone after he left.

"Good morning." Xia Feng said hello first.

Xu Lingshu turned his head when he heard the sound, with four eyes in a pair. Xu Lingshu blushed and responded: "good morning."

Guo Meng also replied, "morning..."

Before he finished, he suddenly giggled.

"Dead dream, you still laugh." Xu Lingshu was ashamed and worried, grabbed her and scratched her.

Guo Meng rolled on the sofa with a smile and said, "spare me. I didn't laugh at you. I mean, he can learn painting from you. Don't. He's really going to die. Spare me and don't dare again."

Xia Feng looked on the side and couldn't help laughing.

After breakfast, before long, Zhu Xiaobai came. Xia Feng paid the balance of the agency fee. Zhu Xiaobai thanked him and apologized to him: "I'm sorry, Mr. Xia, our boss said he wanted to invite you to dinner, but he suddenly felt sick and fainted, so he entrusted me to invite you to dinner at noon to express his gratitude."

Xia Feng asked casually, "fainted? Don't worry?"

"It's all right." Zhu Xiaobai shook his head and said, "he is habitual insomnia. He can't sleep at night and has no spirit during the day. Sometimes when he holds a meeting, he falls asleep. If he is busy and can't keep up with his energy, he will suddenly faint. We've seen it several times."

"His insomnia is very serious." Xia Feng frowned.

"Isn't it?" Zhu Xiaobai also frowned and said, "our boss is very nice. It's this insomnia that makes him look haggard."

"Didn't you see a doctor?" Xia Feng asked.

"Yes." Zhu Xiaobai shook his head and said, "I've seen both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine. It's useless. Previously, sleeping pills were used. Later, sleeping pills didn't work. I didn't dare to eat too much at one time."

"Hey, can Qigong be cured?" Guo Meng interrupted: "let Xia Feng get angry and cure it."

"Mr. Xia can also do Qigong?" Zhu Xiaobai asked, looking at Xia Feng curiously.

"Practice for a few days." Xia Feng said modestly. An idea suddenly came into his mind and said, "Miss Zhu, why don't you meet your boss sometime and let me have a look."

"That's great." Zhu Xiaobai nodded and immediately took out his cell phone to make a call.

There are many Qigong swindlers. Zhu Xiaobai originally came out of China. Of course, he knows. The reason why he is so happy is that Xia Feng shook his hand and paid 100 million.

People who can pay 100 million euros or euros readily disdain to lie to you.

Zhu Xiaobai called and said to Xia Feng, "the boss woke up and said to invite Mr. Xia to dinner at noon. Please take a look at his illness. I don't know if it's ok?"

"OK." Xia Feng nodded, "no problem. We'll go there later."

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