At 11:30, Zhu xiaobaidai Road, Guo Meng drove her new BMW. Xu Lingshu didn't drive it. She sat in her car with Xia Feng. Xu Lingshu wanted to sit in the co driver's seat. Guo Meng pulled the door and didn't let in. He giggled: "just sit in the back seat. I promise I won't look."

"Dead dream, you owe to clean up, don't you?" Xu Lingshu smiled Feixia, but Guo Meng locked the door. She had no choice but to sit in the back seat. Guo Meng was funny. She just got up and didn't sit down. Guo Meng suddenly started the car.

"Ah." Xu Lingshu screamed and threw herself into Xia Feng's arms.

Guo Meng giggled. Xu Lingshu was ashamed. He got up and pinched her: "you're dead today."

"Ah, brother-in-law, help." Guo Meng screamed.

Xia Feng smiled and put his hand around Xu Lingshu's waist.

Xu Lingshu is still purple today, with purple half sleeves on her upper body and light purple trousers on her lower body. She pours so hard to pinch Guo Meng. Her body collapses tightly, and her waist looks very thin and very attractive.

Xu Lingshu half threw herself on the back of the car and pinched Guo Meng. Xia Feng hugged her. She sat back and sat on Xia Feng's leg.

Xu Lingshu blushed and earned a little: "let go."

Her blushing face, like flowers in the morning, is so beautiful that Xia Feng feels that Xu Lingshu like this has a strong breath of life, rather than the cold and inaccessible goddess of literature and art in the past.

Xia Feng felt a sudden impulse in his heart at the moment. He not only didn't let go, but put his arms around him and bowed his head to kiss Xu Lingshu's lips.

"Woo." Xu Lingshu pushed it twice, but it didn't use much force and was not firm.

After a while, Xia Feng loosened. Xu Lingshu's star eyes were half open, and her wet red lips were slightly open. It seemed that she was a little distracted. She looked very attractive. Xia Feng couldn't help kissing her again.

Xu Lingshu lost again.

Unknowingly, the car stopped and arrived at the restaurant.

Xia Feng just let go of Xu Lingshu. Xu Lingshu woke up and hurriedly arranged her clothes. Guo Mengluo in front smiled.

"A dream of death." Xu Lingshu looked back at Xia Feng and Xia Fei's cheeks, beautiful and amazing.

Such a Xu Lingshu, like a fairy relegated to the world, is unspeakably cute.

Xia Feng couldn't help shouting, "I'll have dinner later and buy some clothes. Don't be purple."

"HMM." Xu Lingshu answered in a low voice, and unexpectedly agreed.

Zhu Xiaobai's boss is also a Chinese. His name is Hu Hua. He is in his thirties. He is tall and thin and wears a pair of glasses. He gives people a sense of politeness, but he does look a little haggard.

Hu Huaxian was already waiting. He shook hands warmly and sat down. Hu Huaxian expressed Xia Feng's gratitude for taking care of his business. The intermediary fee for a 100 million transaction is not low.

After chatting, Hu Hua asked, "Mr. Xia, Miss Zhu said you can do Qigong. Can you cure my insomnia?"

At the first sight of his illness, Xia Feng saw it. It was just hard to mention it before. At this time, Hu Hua took the initiative to mention it. He nodded and said, "President Hu, your disease is actually not serious. It's just that you have too much pressure. You may work too late at ordinary times, and some heart and kidney don't pay."

"Yes, yes." Hu Hua nodded repeatedly: "in recent years, the economic situation here is not very good, the pressure is relatively large, and my living habits are not very good. I often work overtime until midnight, and sometimes even stay up late directly, because I have a feeling that I can have inspiration at night, but over time, I can't sleep."

He said, looking forward to Xia Feng: "Mr. Xia, can you cure me with Qigong?"

"Do you believe in Qigong?" Xia Feng smiled at him.

"Of course." Hu Hua nodded, "I also came out of China. My mother also practiced Qigong, but their work was banned later. I practiced it myself after insomnia."

"No effect, right?" Xia Feng smiled.

"Yes." Hu Hua nodded a little embarrassed, "maybe I don't practice well."

Xia Feng asked this because he knew that most people don't believe it, because domestic Qigong swindlers are really smelly streets, and businessmen like Hu Hua who come abroad to mix will not easily believe people.

"I don't know what kind of skill you practice, Mr. Xia?" he seemed to be very curious and asked Xia Feng, "why don't you teach me to practice, and I can pay the teacher's fee."

Xia Feng smiled slightly. Businessmen often speak falsely. If Hu Hua believes he can Qigong, it's better to say that Hu Hua is flattering him based on his strength of one hundred million. As for what to worship teachers, it is also based on this foundation.

At this time, a pot of soup just came up. Xia Feng said, "let me play a little trick."

He said, pinching a sword finger and pointing to the soup.

In summer, the Tang Qi was originally weak, but Xia Feng raised his finger, and the hot air rose up, forming a thick fog. Xia Feng's fingers moved gently, and the thick fog suddenly turned into a woman, with long sleeves floating and dancing on the soup basin.

That situation, as if the following is not a pot of soup, but a pool of clear water, a fairy, dancing on the water, immortal, beautiful and moving.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." Guo Meng couldn't help exclaiming. Zhu Xiaobai and Xu Lingshu had almost the same expression.

Hu Hua's eye is a little deformed because of myopia. At this time, eye Qing stares hard. Looking through the lens, she even has a feeling of protruding outward.

About a minute or so, Xia Feng stopped, the woman formed by the thick fog dissipated slowly, and the thick fog dispersed immediately.

"It's amazing." Guo Meng clapped first.

"It's really amazing." Hu Hua also exclaimed.

He really didn't believe it before, because he was telling the truth. His mother practiced Qigong, and he practiced more than one kind of Qigong himself. Those Qigong words were magical, but he didn't feel it at all. On the contrary, he didn't say it because of his strong intention. His insomnia worsened and his head became dizzy and swollen.

But Xia Feng's skill completely overturned his inherent cognition. He was excited at once and shouted, "Mr. Xia, what kind of Kung Fu are you? Can you teach me? I'll worship the teacher right away, okay?"

Not only him, but also Zhu Xiaobai and Guo Meng stared at Qing, but Xu Lingshu smiled on one side without much excitement.

She had seen Xia Feng's Qigong in China. Of course, she knew it was true, but she never knew that Xia Feng was still so rich and would help her regardless of everything.

She originally thought that Xia Feng just took a fancy to her body and wanted to keep her. As a result, Xia Feng's words last night let her know that he was unconditionally helping her.

She was so moved that she opened her red lips for him. Only when Xia Feng kissed her in the car today would she be moved and let him kiss.

Now, looking at Xia Feng's performance, she is not excited, but a particularly kind feeling.

She is proud of him because she has the position of this man in her heart.

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