"The housekeeper is very good, very professional, and his daughter is particularly cute." when it comes to the three housekeepers, Guo Wenjia smiled, but she spoiled Xia Feng: "but without you, the house is always empty and too big."

"Sorry." Xia Feng apologized.

"No." Guo Wenjia immediately shook her head and held his hand: "it's very good now, very, very good, in fact..." she said with a slight hesitation: "If we were together every day, maybe we would be a little tired. We wouldn't expect you to come like this. Then you really came, so happy. How can we say that feeling? It's like looking forward to spring and flowers. When the flowers really bloom, it's worth everything."

A romantic woman, Xia Feng is not romantic enough. His response is to stop the car on the side of the road and put down the seat.

It didn't take long to wait this time. Five days later, Xia Feng received a call from Hart. The receiving place was in a small town in the middle of the United States, a little far from Mexico, thousands of kilometers, and two large trucks were parked in an abandoned factory.

"One car is worth five hundred million." Xia Feng shook his head and sighed.

He estimates that these goods may also be chips. The chips imported by China every year cost 230 billion US dollars, far more than the money spent on imported oil. However, science and technology are not as good as people, and there is no way to produce them.

If you can't even buy some high-end chips, they won't sell them to you.

But Xia Feng sighed and then threw it aside. He couldn't manage so much.

One person can't drive two cars. If he sucks the ring directly into the factory, he doesn't know whether there is a camera around. If there is a camera to take pictures of him, it will be too strange.

Magic eye has strong sensing ability, but it can only do nothing for living creatures and dead objects such as cameras.

This is another place where magic is not as good as technology.

"If you have to get an electronic sensing device one day, you won't be afraid." Xia Feng secretly remembered.

But now there was no choice but to come one by one. After dark, he drove one out first, went to a deserted place, sucked the car into the ring, and then came back to drive the second out.

Just returned to the factory, I suddenly received a call from Yao Dianshi: "Eagle, eagle, hunting dog, leave the goods and go quickly."

Xia Feng brought back the machine tool. The attention paid to Xia Feng was raised to an unprecedented level and a complete set of confidentiality procedures were obtained.

Xia Feng was nervous and asked, "leave the goods?"

"Yes." Yao Dianshi replied without hesitation: "people are more important than goods. Leave the goods and go quickly."

This is one billion dollars, one billion dollars. It's really good spirit to lose it when you say it. Xia Feng was very moved when he sighed. He really took him seriously.

"I'll try again." Xia Feng replied.

"No." Yao Dianshi was worried: "don't take care of the goods, go quickly."

Yao Dianshi was already anxious to jump over there. Because he attached importance to Xia Feng's line, a higher-level agent was enabled, but the notification was still a little late. At this time, the other party had already sent out and was coming to the abandoned factory where Xia Feng was located. Yao Dianshi was so anxious that his heart would jump to his throat. Xia Feng's line was too important. Once it was exposed, he would die.

Xia Feng was not as worried as he was. He took a look at a nearby falcon. There was no movement around for the time being.

He drove the car out. Not far away, the owl heard the sound, and a helicopter came in the distance.

Needless to say, this must be an American helicopter.

"You can get out of the plane just by playing." Xia Feng smiled, "unfortunately, you're late."

He got out of the car, sucked the van into the ring, and then he flashed into the ring.

At the moment he flashed into the ring, Yao Dianshi just called, but Xia Feng didn't receive it.

As soon as he couldn't get through the phone, Yao Dianshi suddenly froze: "it's over."

He did not know that in a room in the basement of the six party building, a cry sounded at the same time: "the signal suddenly disappeared."

"What's the reason? Is there something wrong with the satellite?"

"I don't know. There seems to be no problem with the satellite."

"Falk." American rude blurted out: "let them speed up and linger like a woman."

With the order of the six party building, the two helicopters that executed the arrest accelerated. In the north and south directions, more than a dozen police cars also came like the wind, but the two large trucks had already disappeared. After searching around 20 miles, the rabbits drove out a pile, but the two huge goods disappeared as if in the air, and the wheel prints could not be found.

Xia Feng watched the ring for a while and left with the ring. This time it was too far from Mexico. He simply went back to New York and slept with Guo Wenjia. When he woke up in the morning, he used the egg noodles made by Guo Wenjia himself. Then he flew to Mexico again.

Get off the plane, call a car, go to short Town, re enable a mobile phone and call Yao Dianshi.

During this period, he never called Yao Dianshi.

I didn't mean to make Yao Dianshi anxious, but wanted to try my best to maintain a sense of mystery.

Yao Dianshi was really worried. He didn't sleep last night and was fidgeting all day today. After reporting to the top, the top enabled the most senior latent agent, but there was no news. What was the situation? He didn't have a mind at all, which made him really feel like a year.

The mobile phone suddenly rang. He was startled and connected. Xia Feng's voice rang out: "brother Yao, the goods have arrived in Schott Town, the warehouse last time."

It's all right, and I delivered the goods.

Yao Dianshi was even more shocked by the strength of the organization behind Xia Feng and shouted, "I'll come right away."

He immediately took his assistant to drive over and saw Xia Feng. He excitedly held Xia Feng's hand: "brother, you are so awesome. I admire you."

Xia Feng smiled and was a little proud. Yao Dianshi checked the goods and immediately wanted to pay Xia Feng for his hard work. Xia Feng immediately refused and said, "our leader was very grateful for the domestic affairs last time. He specially ordered not to accept money. If you give money, brother Yao, it will blame me."

Yao Dianshi was excited and moved. He held his hand and said in a voice: "although you are nameless, the motherland remembers you. Thank you."

His excitement made Xia Feng feel a little embarrassed. Then he left, found no one to flash into the ring, stared at Yao Dianshi, loaded the goods on the large cargo ship, and then returned to the airport. Instead of passing through New York, he returned directly to China.

The passport Yao Dianshi gave him was used.

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