After washing, Xia Feng came out and said, "factory director, it's like this. I'll invest in building a tool factory myself, and then provide the tools to the cement factory. What do you think?"

"Ah?" the factory director was stunned and said, "you build your own factory?"

"Yes." Xia Feng nodded, "but I only produce knives, not machines."

The factory director understood at once: "the cement plant is the same as Yichang?"

"More advanced than them. My cutting tool technology is the fifth generation. What they import is the fourth generation. In terms of price, I can be cheaper than what they import."

"That's OK." the factory director was also excited: "the cutting tools of Yichang are imported, and the motors are also bought from some domestic factories. In fact, they produce a casing and then assemble it. In this regard, our cement factory can do it completely, and it will never be worse than them."

But he was a little suspicious: "you really run a tool factory. Where is the factory? Won't you lie to me?"

"How could it?" Xia Feng had discussed with Dong Qin and malalian last night and said, "the tool factory is located in the cement factory. Isn't the mosquito repellent incense factory no longer produced? I signed an agreement with the factory. The factory rented the mosquito repellent incense factory to me. It can't be expensive."

"That's for sure." the factory director nodded immediately: "how about 10000 yuan a year? Not 1000 yuan, but on one condition, the cutting tools you produce must enable the cement plant to export the whole machine."

"This is absolutely no problem." Xia Feng knew his worry and nodded his head.

"When will your factory start construction?" the factory director asked urgently.

"Start construction today." Xia Feng discussed it last night. At this time, he said, "my mother is the director of the production plant, my aunt is in charge of sales, Nan Nan is in charge of finance, and the old plant of the plant uses mosquito repellent incense. The production line will be ordered today. Well, Nan Nan, you go to the bank to open an account later. The factory is called Dingding knife factory, and then buy a production line in the name of the factory."

"HMM." Hu Nan nodded.

After eating noodles, he went to the bank and set up an account. Xia Feng directly allocated 100 million to the account. The factory director followed him. He saw 100 million enter the account with his own eyes. He was completely relieved. He immediately went back to the meeting to investigate various cutting machines, set down the products to be produced by the cement plant, install the production line and buy motors. The cement plant gave him instructions from top to bottom.

The domestic cutting tool production line is still OK, but the only difference is the materials. Half a month later, the ordered production line was shipped. The manufacturer helped install and debug it. Xia Feng trial produced a batch of cutting tools with the formula of black tulip, and the first batch of cutting machines assembled by the cement factory were also produced. Install the cutting tools and try them. Sure enough, they exceeded the machines of Yichang in all aspects.

Seeing the comparison results, the factory director looked up to the sky and laughed wildly: "the long tassel is in hand today, and the green dragon will be bound tomorrow."

When the product came out, sales was a big problem. The factory director now only held Xia Feng's golden thigh and asked Xia Feng, "the outreach meeting in Linjiang has an excellent effect. Why not open it? Can you help me ask when it will open this year?"

"OK, let me ask." Xia Feng didn't dare to guarantee at the foreign exhibition and said, "let the salesperson in the factory run to the domestic market first. The domestic market is also large. Our products are suitable for the factory, and there must be a market."

"That's for sure." the factory director nodded.

In fact, Xia Feng doesn't have to say that the factory director has already taken action: "we should seize the domestic market, but we should make more money from foreigners."

"Let me ask first." Xia Feng had to answer him first. During this time, he was not free. Yao Dianshi came to him twice. There were a batch of goods in the United States and asked him to help. Then Wu Bing's shop was a little anxious.

Xia Feng can be unified and used in the ring, but not in reality. On the side of the cement plant, he must keep an eye on it. Now that the machine is produced, the sales can be done slowly. The technology is advanced, but the price is lower. He is not afraid that he can't sell it. So once the ring is stable, he immediately flies directly to the capital.

Last time, the special office did a good job. Now the special office comes to the door. Xia Feng must try his best.

After receiving the phone call, Yao Dianshi came to pick up the plane himself, met and shook hands warmly: "brother, I look forward to you."

Xia Feng smiled: "last time, I want to thank brother Qi and director Zheng."

Yao Dianshi laughed and said, "let's not thank you. Let's go and have a drink first. I feel deep and stuffy."

"OK." Xia Feng laughed.

Drinking the wine, director Zheng came and poured the wine himself: "Xiao Xia, I respect you. Those machine tools have solved the big problem. Several units thank me. I can't tell you. I've put it all in my pocket. Now I'll give it back to you one by one."

What he said was interesting. Xia Feng smiled and had a drink with him.

Drinking wine and talking about the goods this time, because there is a guarantee in the delivery of goods, I specially paid a lot of money this time and directly bought one billion goods. Of course, I don't dare to take risks. I must have Xia Feng's horse.

"No problem, it's on us." Xia Feng patted his chest and promised.

What director Zheng wants is his guarantee, but his strong confidence makes director Zheng pay more attention to the power behind him. Drinking wine, he probes around the bend.

Xia Feng certainly understood, but he pretended to be confused.

He is a man who likes to open a dye shop as long as others give him a third of face. If there is such an organization behind him, he may really tell the truth. Unfortunately, he doesn't have it, so he can only go around.

Director Zheng was disappointed, but there was no way, but in short, the wine was good.

The next day, Xia Feng flew directly to New York. Yao Dianshi took another plane.

Now, the special Office attaches great importance to Xia Feng's line, which is set as top secret, and does everything possible to prevent Xia Feng from being openly involved with the personnel of the special office.

Xia Feng didn't go to Guo Wenjia first. After waiting for a day, Yao Dianshi called, but it wasn't Yao Dianshi who met. It was another middle-aged man, of course, a special office staff, who took Xia Feng to find an American.

The American's name is hart. Connect with Hart. Hart prepares the goods. Xia Feng waits for him to call and then contacts Guo Wenjia.

Guo Wenjia picked up the plane, dressed in bright yellow cheongsam, white high heels and special drilling.

Seeing Xia Feng, Guo Wenjia trotted two steps and jumped into his arms. Xia Feng hugged her slender waist and kissed deeply: "Jia Jia, you look good in your cheongsam. It's just a scenery. Many people look at you."

Guo Wenjia is affectionate: "I just wear it for you."

Xia Feng was so affectionate that he kissed her deeply again.

On the bus, Xia Feng asked, "are you used to living in the villa? How about the housekeeper?"

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