Seeing that the one who called himself Young Master had left, Song Yao then went over to the other person and asked: Who is this?

"You don't even know this person? "This is …" He stopped and turned to look at Song Yao, frowning: "Who are you? Who let you in? "

Song Yao shook her head.

"Then why did you come here to watch the show?" That person was a bit impatient. He reached out for someone and said, "Let her out and let everyone in. What if the book's script is stolen?"

The man replied, "Yes, boss" and was about to go and pull Song Yao.

Song Yao held onto the gold, and waved it in front of the man: "These are your rewards, do you want them?"

That person glanced at her, then turned to his subordinate, who had just been called over, and said, "Go back to your work. It's none of your business."

When no one was around, he asked, "What kind of business are you going to do?"

Song Yao replied: Let me ask you a few questions, as long as you can answer them satisfactorily, they are yours.

"It's that simple?" Are you lying to me? " That person said in disbelief.

Song Yao clenched the gold in her hand tightly: To ask such a high price, of course it's not a simple question, it's just whether or not you want this gold.

This gold ingot was even borrowed from Rong Chu. It was because he heard that the owner of this place loved money as if it was his life, that was why he made such a plan.

The man looked around, then said to her, "Come with me."

Song Yao paused for a moment, then asked: "What about her?" She pointed at Chu Xing.

The person said, "She stays here."

Song Yao responded with an "En" and turned to give Chu Xing a few words of warning. Then, she followed the owner.

When they arrived at the backyard, the person asked, "What do you want to ask?"

Song Yao said: "I want to ask you, if I myself do not know how to write a book, can I write one?"

The man was startled and turned to look at Song Yao. After a while, he asked: "What nonsense are you talking about? If you don't write it, how can I help you? "

Song Yao placed the gold ingot on the stone table beside him: "Isn't it enough to snatch others' gold?"

"Nonsense!" "What are you talking about?"

Seeing that, Song Yao sighed: "Forget it, then I will go look for someone else."

She picked up the gold from the table and said in disappointment, "Sorry to bother you. Goodbye."

She turned and counted her steps. When she reached the seventh step, the man said, "Wait!"

"Hmm?" She turned her head.

That person said, "It's not impossible, but if you really were to do it, your gold ingot wouldn't be enough."

Song Yao was suspicious: "I am just producing a book, is the gold not enough? I just want to be popular with others, that's all. Aren't you being too black-hearted? "

The man sneered. "You sure know how to play dumb." He sat down on the stone bench and leaned against the table behind him. "I'll find a big hand for you, and with your new name, big hand's book will usually be very easy to sell. I'll help you spread the news a little more, and the deal between you and me will be a one-time one, but if you succeed, then all the sh * t you write will be fragrant, and you'll earn a lot more money than this gold ingot."

"How could that be?" Song Yao was speechless, "Is the reader a fool? Can't you read the contents of the book? You say that people will look at what's written as sh * t, isn't that a lie? "

"It's up to you whether you want to believe it or not. I'll say it here. If you really want to do this business, then take out more money. If you don't, then this thing will just go away."

Song Yao tsked, "This is all I have. If I need more, I will have to consider it."

"One day's time. Come and find me tomorrow, I won't pick you up again."

Song Yao said: "Aren't you being a little too hasty? Moreover, even I am not sure if what you said is true, unless there has been a successful precedent before, only then would I believe you."

Song Yao asked: "Who is it?"

That person said, "Who told you to do it before I told you to? If you don't do it, what if you bite back?"

Song Yao said: "How could that be?"

The man laughed sinisterly and said, "That's all I have to say. You decide whether you want to do it or not."

Song Yao pursed her lips, held the gold in her hand tightly and said: "I'll do it."

That person asked, "Have you decided?"

Song Yao nodded firmly.

That person said, "Come here tomorrow and bring two hundred taels of silver with you."

Song Yao said in surprise, "Two hundred silver? "Since there's so much, you might as well go steal it!"

That person said, "It's too late for you to go back on your word."

Song Yao asked again: "Then did the precedent you mentioned last long enough?"

The person looked at Song Yao in disdain, "What that person wants is a name, not money.

Song Yao clenched her teeth: "I can't do it tomorrow, I don't have enough money, can you wait for me for two days?"

That person said, "Tomorrow. Otherwise, the transaction will be annulled."

Song Yao sighed: "Okay, then I'll try my best."

She turned around and was about to leave when that person said, "This matter is already considered to be devoid of conscience in the circle. Be careful to speak of it, don't let any news of it leak out."

"I know." Song Yao said.

What could she say now? It could only prove that her brain was real and that there was no evidence to prove anything else.

Leaving the printing shop, he coincidentally met Rong Chu on the street. Song Yao went up to greet him, and laughed at him for a while. Then, he remembered to greet Rong Chu.

Fu Qing and Chu Xing both wished that they could escape from that place.

Rong Chu did not mind, and asked: "Where did you go?"

Song Yao told him what happened just now, and Rong Chu said, "This is indeed interesting, we should now find out who that 'unintentional' is."

Song Yao said: "That's what I meant too."

The group returned to the Bright Moon Restaurant. Song Yao walked for a day, and went back to soak in a hot spring to rest. Unexpectedly, Rong Chu ran to her room again.

"What do you think about the seed?" he asked Song Yao.

"What do you mean?" Song Yao asked.

"Then who put the seed there? An intentional reminder? Or something else? "

Song Yao thought for a while and said, "Probably not. If there was anyone else, Master would have already discovered it. "As for cooking auntie, if you're looking for someone, you should be asking yourself, right?"

Rong Chu did not say anything. Song Yao then said: "Being able to germinate is a good thing, it proves that the probability of it happening is very high. Right now, the most important thing is to find a way to sprout, isn't that right?"

"Yes." Rong Chu replied casually.

Song Yao patted his shoulder and said, "Rest assured, I will definitely succeed."

Rong Chu looked at her, extended his fan and knocked on her head: "I'll believe you this time."

Song Yao held her head and cursed at Rong Chu.

He slept soundly at night, so much so that he woke up very late in the morning. However, Rong Chu had already arrived early.

Seeing her open the door, Rong Chu entered. He was unhappy: "Why did you enter so early in the morning …"

"Printing House Owner is dead." Rong Chu interrupted her.

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