Song Yao was startled by Rong Chu's words. After being stunned for a moment, she asked: "What did you say?"

Rong Chu looked at her and said: "It was Li Chang who sent this message. He knew that you had been paying attention to this matter recently, so he delivered these words."

Both of them were startled. Song Yao glanced at Rong Chu and asked: "Do you need me to go with you?"

Song Yao said: "If you want to, come."

She swallowed a mouthful of saliva. She had met with him yesterday, and he had died today. The governor had sent her a message, so there was nothing wrong with it. However, what did she say about what happened yesterday?

With that in mind, he followed Rong Chu to the front hall. When Master Jie saw someone, he immediately bowed and greeted them respectfully, "It's still early in the morning, why is the Prefecture Overseer here?"

The Prefecture Overseer arched his back. He was old, and it seemed as if he couldn't even straighten his waist. Even if he stood up straight, it felt like he was bowing his body. This bow felt like he was admitting his wrongs.

Your Highness, forgive me, but I did not know that you were here, and only wanted to find Miss Song to ask a few questions.

"Ugh …" "This …" He glanced at Song Yao, and then said: "It's like this, today we found out that Printing House Owner was dead, and carefully checked and found out that he saw Miss Song yesterday. The others have all asked her their questions, and only she was left."

"Oh." Rong Chu replied, looked at Song Yao and said: "You went to printing shop yesterday?"

Song Yao pursed her lips, she said in her heart: "Yesterday was just a whim, so …"

Song Yao asked in surprise, "Eh?" Seeing Rong Chu staring at her, she immediately understood and said: "Your Highness knows me well enough, you have guessed everything."

Rong Chu said: "You should give up your heart, what you wrote is useless, go on and on, who will give out that thing for you, don't they want to give you money and get him to help you?"

Song Yao was depressed in her heart as she mumbled unhappily, "Why is it not good? I am crying with every word, I just want Jiang Feng to write a new book, write a new book properly, what fault do I have?"

Rong Chu scoffed, then said to the Prefecture Overseer: "Ask away, maybe she is unhappy that she did not print this letter to her."

His tone was light and indifferent.

"You misunderstand. It's just a simple question, this official did not suspect the Miss Song's intentions."

Song Yao was worried about the death of the boss, and said: "Hmph, Your Highness, you wish for me to commit a crime, right? "If Lord Zong wants to ask, then go ahead. I can do whatever I want, so I'm not afraid of anything."

When did you go to see the Printing House Owner yesterday? At that time, there was something wrong with him. How long have you met him for?

Song Yao looked at him, and then said: "You have too many questions, I went to printing shop after lunch yesterday, and stayed for about two hours, and what Your Highness said was, I want to write a letter to Jiang Feng, and I don't know who he is, so I can only ask him to help me imprint it. This way, I will be able to send it to everyone, and at least Jiang Feng will have a chance to see it."

The Prefecture Overseer was stunned for a moment before he said: "This is indeed a good method. Did it succeed?"

Song Yao shook her head and said in disappointment: "The boss said that she has never done this kind of business before. It is too troublesome, and not pleasing to the eye. After all, the content of the letter I wrote was to speak ill of Jiang Feng, so there was a big problem with the price.

"Oh, oh." The Prefecture Overseer responded and then said: "What a pity, then has there been anything wrong with him during this process? Or did he tell you something especially wrong?"

Song Yao shook her head: "That's not true, we are just discussing business, and separated before we had even finished discussing."

The Prefecture Overseer nodded, "Oh, then do you still want to see him again?"

Song Yao said: "No, from when I returned yesterday afternoon to when Your Highness woke me up early in the morning, I have never left this place."

Prefect: "…" He suddenly swayed his body and bent down even more. "So …" So you and Your Highness are... It's this relationship, it's... This official was too rude. This matter shall end here. This official shall not let anyone disturb you. "

Song Yao, "? What did you say? "What kind of relationship?"

She looked at Rong Chu, and seeing that Rong Chu was ignoring her, she said: "What are you doing, it's so strange."

The Prefecture Overseer thought that she was unwilling to admit it, and said: "Since this has nothing to do with Miss Song, we should not disturb you any longer.

He bowed once more towards Rong Chu, and turned around with the intention to leave, but was immediately stopped by Song Yao, who said: "Wait, there's nothing wrong while I'm talking to him. But before I saw him, I've discovered something strange."

"What is it?" The Prefect immediately asked.

The Prefecture Overseer sighed, "Sigh, who said no. I shouldn't have dealt with it myself, but the official reporting officer …" He glanced at Rong Chu but did not finish.

Rong Chu then asked: "Who is it? Just tell me. "

The Prefecture Overseer then said: "Yes... It's the Seventh Prince … "

Song Yao was confused. "Ha?"

Rong Chu paused for a moment before replying, "You mean Seventh Brother? How could he be involved with the boss? "

"The Seventh Prince has always liked to read books and listen to stories," the Prefecture Overseer replied. "He spent most of his time in the teahouse, staying with many authors. He naturally became more familiar with the Printing House Owner."

Hearing him say that, Rong Chu nodded her head, "So that's how it is. And how did seventh brother find out? "

"He was killed with a single slash, and it went right through his neck. He should have died on the spot." The Seventh Prince said that he had made an appointment with him and that he would go to get his book in the morning. When he opened the door of his room, he saw that he was lying in his room and had been dead for a long time. "

Song Yao said: "So that means, it was not an accident, but someone killed him."

"What's an accident? Why would an accident require so many people to do it?" It was just that he was usually tactful in his business and had never been involved in any kind of evil with others. He was baffled by the origin of this fatal disaster. "That's why you were treated as a suspect yesterday." He explained to Song Yao.

Song Yao nodded her head: "If that's the case, then I am indeed the most suspicious person, but I do not have that capability, furthermore, if I fail to sell, there is justice and justice, even if we cannot negotiate, I do not need to kill people, right?"

"Yes, yes, yes!" The Prefect answered.

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