Rural Female Detective

C152 The Identity of Shen Tzu Su

"That's a good name."

These words were said by many. He sat on the chair and looked at Xiao Ci, praising: "Why don't you use this name? If I knew your name, I wouldn't have casually married you."

Song Yao looked at him, and then turned to Xiao Ci and asked: How long have you been serving your master? Where did you live? Also, have we met before? "Why do I feel like you look as if I've seen you before, especially your eyebrows, which always seem familiar to me."

Xiao Ci sneaked a peek at Chu Xing who was behind her, and shook her head: "This servant has never met you before.

She hesitated, biting her lower lip as if she didn't know whether to say it or not.

Seeing her like that, Song Yao said: "It's not convenient for me to say anything, I was just casually asking, it's just that I find you pleasing to the eye, it's just that you're a bit intimate with me."

Xiao Ci secretly heaved a sigh of relief and bowed to Song Yao, then stood behind Rong Shen.

Rong Shen frowned and said, "Why can't you say anything? "What secret is your hometown?"

Xiao Ci held onto the corner of his clothes with his head and said in fear, "That's not it … That's not it, it's just that I... I left home when I was young and was sold here and there. I can't remember where my home was. "

Rong Shen understood. "So that's how it is."

When Song Yao saw her pale face and fluttering eyes, she was extremely nervous. She took a look and she seemed to be scared, but her tightly clenched fists made Song Yao become extremely curious about her identity.

"Here, try this." "This is my favorite. Try it."

Song Yao thanked her and said, "Then I won't stand on ceremony," then she placed the pastry into his mouth. The pastry was delicious in his mouth, the sweetness had a hint of bitterness, after eating it, she became a little tired, as though she had put too much syrup, some of it was inverted, but the aftertaste of tea could no longer be felt.

She hurriedly drank a cup of tea to calm herself down, frowned, and said: "What's wrong with you? "Doesn't it taste good?"

Song Yao said: "It's a little too sweet, do you like sweet food?"

Rong Shen seemed a bit embarrassed as she said, "I don't really like it, but because the taste is a bit light compared to other flavors, I unconsciously want to add a little more sugar."

Song Yao said: "Why are you like a child? Only kids like to eat candy."

Rong Shen immediately straightened his back and said with a serious expression, "How am I a child? I'm already 15 this year, my mother …" Mother is already planning to arrange my marriage. "

Song Yao laughed: "Yes, yes, yes, if you become a bride, then you will be an adult."

As she ate the pastries, her face was filled with satisfaction.

She sighed in her heart. Jiang Feng, oh Jiang Feng, why didn't you come out and wash off your grievances? Obviously …

When Song Yao thought of this, something suddenly flashed past her mind, and she suddenly raised her head to look at Xiao Ci, who was standing next to Rong Shen. Although Xiao Ci's head was lowered, as Song Yao just happened to be sitting there, she could coincidentally see her face.

No wonder she'd felt that they were familiar. These eyes were a bit more similar than the eyes that Jiang Feng had used to fish.

She suddenly remembered that Fu Qing had mentioned that Jiang Feng had a little sister who was still in the fishing industry. She didn't know where she had gone off to, could it be that it was such a coincidence?

Xiao Ci seemed to feel that he was being watched, he raised his head carefully and looked at her doubtfully.

Song Yao was stunned by her clear and terrified eyes. She suddenly felt a burst of bitterness in her heart, and quickly turned her head away, feeling extremely flustered.

"Why have your eyes always been on the servant girl beside me? She's not bad indeed, but how could I not be good enough for her?"

Song Yao forced a smile and said: "You must be joking, it's just that I think that she looks very similar to a friend of mine."

"Oh? Does he look like your friend? What kind of friend? Can you show me? I'll see if I look like her, so that you won't lie to me. "

Song Yao replied: How could I have the guts to lie to you?

Rong Shen's hands paused. After a while, he said, "What did you say …"

"Seventh Prince, you are too obvious. Who in the capital doesn't know that the Seventh Prince is the Qigu? Isn't this pastry shop specially opened for you?"

He stood up and looked at Song Yao unhappily.

Song Yao also stood up and said: "I'm sorry, I also hid this from you. Chu Tao is my friend's name, my surname is Song, my name is Song Yao."

Rong Shen's expression suddenly changed. He pointed at Song Yao and said, "You said … Who do you think you are? "

Song Yao looked at him for a long time before saying: "I won't disturb you today. I still have things to do, so I'll be leaving first."

She waved the umbrella in her hand and said, "Thank you very much."

When she reached the door, she heard Rong Shen ask from behind her, "Are you from the Second Imperial Brother?"

Song Yao stopped and turned to look at him, then said: "No, I'm me, not anyone's person, what I do only represents my position, it has nothing to do with anyone else."

Before she left, she looked at Xiao Ci again, and then said: "Goodbye, Seventh Prince."

Coming out from the "Blue Cloud Floating Light", Chu Xing let out a long sigh, "Miss Song, you scared me to death, and you actually revealed my identity just like that. Aren't you afraid that the Seventh Prince will harm you?"

Song Yao did not reply. She just kept walking, and when she was about to reach the Bright Moon Restaurant, she suddenly changed directions. Chu Xing did not react for a moment, and chased after her to ask: "You … Where are we going? "

Song Yao received the umbrella from her and said: "I'm going to visit Jiang Feng. I don't have much time, you should return to the tower first."

She did not wait for Chu Xing's reaction after she finished speaking, she turned and left.

Chu Xing was startled for a moment. She wanted to chase after him, but there was no one around.

Song Yao ran very quickly in the rain. She had some contradictions, she didn't think that Rong Xin was such an evil person, but if Xiao Ci was really Jiang Feng's sister, then she would definitely not be able to escape. It was impossible for her to not know of Xiao Ci's origins, after all he was serving himself, so how could he be so careless.

If it was really like that, then all of his performances today were undoubtedly acting. Then if it was really like this, then her concern for Xiao Ci today, had already put him in a dangerous situation.

When she thought here, she suddenly stopped and raised her head to look at the umbrella in her hands.

Could it be that Rong Shen's performance today was all an act?

She stood there thinking for a long time. Finally, she tightened her grip on the umbrella in her hand. Regardless of whether it was an act or not, she still had to continue investigating this matter.

Plus, she didn't believe it. She was pretending to be good today.

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