Rural Female Detective

C153 Do you know him?

Do you know him?

Standing at the entrance of the courtyard, Song Yao looked at the thatched cottage in front of him. The flowers in the hut were drenched in the rain, and probably because it was autumn, they all looked lifeless.

That's right, who was sitting in the courtyard in the rain? Was he crazy?

Song Yao looked at him, and asked word by word: "Do you know, Aunt Shen Su?"

Song Yao kept her umbrella and opened the door, then walked in.

The room was not big, and there was even a leak in some places. There was a table, a bed, a table completely filled with ink and paper, and beside the table was a bookshelf with a lot of books on it. There was almost nothing else in the room.

She took two steps and found a small unlit stove in the corner with a pot of cold tea on it.

"What did you say?" Jiang Feng finally couldn't hold back and asked.

Song Yao turned around to look at him, leaned the umbrella on the side of the table, and said to him: "Do you know her? That girl called Shen Zhui. "

Jiang Feng suddenly walked over and gripped her shoulders tightly, "Where is she?" Where is it? Are you all right? Were they bullied? How are you doing? "

Song Yao stared at him for a while, then asked: "Is she your sister?"

Jiang Feng was startled.

Song Yao continued, "Is it because of her that you have always refused to seek justice for yourself. Are you afraid that once you act recklessly, there will be people who will harm her?"

Jiang Feng slowly let go of her help, supporting himself unsteadily with the table at his side with his feet. He slowly crouched down and finally sat down on the ground. After a while, he resigned himself to fate and asked, "You know about it already?"

Song Yao crouched down and shared a glance with him, but there was still some wetness to her body. "If I say that I can help you save her, would you tell me the truth?"

Jiang Feng looked at her for a long time before he suddenly started laughing out loud. After laughing, he looked at Song Yao with his bloodshot eyes, and said, "Go."

Song Yao paused for a moment, then anxiously said: "You don't believe me? Or do you not believe that I have found your sister? "

Jiang Feng said, "Don't be silly, do you know who the other party is?" "As a girl, what can you do about things that even the officials can't manage?"

Song Yao was stunned.

Jiang Feng said again, "Didn't the Printing House Owner just die in vain?" It's been a few days. Have you seen any progress? Did you see anyone running around? Don't be silly, you and I, what can we do? As long as Shu Su is alive, and as long as she is alive, I don't care about anything else. "

He looked at the half-finished script on the table and suddenly reached out to tear up the things. "I don't want them, I don't want them. What do you want it for? Is there anything more important than human life? My parents are gone. I can't lose her. I can't. "

He suddenly turned around to look at Song Yao and said, "Go, quickly go. I don't know who will be staring at me. Even if I'm late, you will still get involved. No matter how late you are, you will still …"

"Seventh Prince has a lot of people, right?" Song Yao said without batting an eyelid.

Jiang Feng paused and looked at Song Yao in shock. Song Yao took off the jade she received from Rong Chu and asked: "Do you know what this is?"

Jiang Feng raised his head and stared at her for a few seconds before his legs suddenly gave way and he fell backwards.

Last time she threw herself into Rong Chu's embrace, and this time she laid on top of the large body she liked. If it wasn't for this scene, Song Yao would probably be very happy.

The two were both a bit embarrassed, but it was Jiang Feng who spoke first, "Are you alright?"

Song Yao said from her seat: "I'm fine."

After a long period of silence, Jiang Feng finally said, "I can't help it, I can't beat him at all. His house has been turned into a mess, and even his only sister has been taken away. I'm worried and afraid, and I can't even plead with him." I even thought of hanging myself, but I thought it would be cruel for her to leave the girl alone in the world. "

Song Yao said in understanding, "You siblings are the same kind of people, so you are afraid of implicating each other. When I saw her, seeing that she looked like you, I wanted to ask her if she had anything to do with you, so I asked her where she was at home. She was probably afraid that she would implicate you by doing something wrong, so she lied and said that she had been sold to the mansion, but she couldn't remember where her home was. "

Jiang Feng clenched his fists and asked after a long while, "How is she?"

Song Yao said: "It's not good, it's not bad. You're always on tenterhooks, how can you live by your side comfortably?"

Jiang Feng straightened his body and turned to look at Song Yao. He suddenly stood up and knelt down, and said to Song Yao: "I beg you, please save her."

Song Yao had never been knelt before in her two lifetimes. She was afraid that she would lose her life, and immediately kneeled down and said: "What are you doing? Get up! "I said that I would definitely help you if I helped you, but why are you doing this to me? I'll be scared to death if you do this to me."

Jiang Feng looked at her and kowtowed heavily, "Many thanks to you."

Song Yao also immediately kneeled on the ground and returned the greeting.

When Gongsun Xiao pushed the door and entered, he saw Song Yao and Jiang Feng with their heads held high and their butts stuck out, no one knew what they were doing.

"You all …" He wanted to say something, but stopped. Song Yao immediately rolled over and got up, and said in shock, "Why are you here?"

When he entered, the bright moon behind him withdrew its umbrella and said, "Chu Xing, when you go back to the pavilion and tell us that we're all scared to death, since our master isn't here, I can only look for Hou … Young Master Gongsun is here. "

Song Yao patted her forehead: What's there to be afraid of, just look at his scholar body, it can even float when the wind blows, what can she do to me, seriously.

Gongsun Xiao coughed and asked curiously: "Just now, what were you doing?"

Song Yao said: "It's nothing, a big bug just came out from the house, we caught it."

"Oh oh oh" Gongsun Xiao acted as if he understood, "Do you still have bugs in the rain?"

Song Yao pulled Jiang Feng up and said, "Of course, it's not like your place. Leaning against a mountain and surrounded by trees, there's naturally insects."

Gongsun Xiao nodded. "Oh, oh, that's reasonable. Right, have you guys finished? "

Song Yao looked at Jiang Feng, and saw that he did not seem to want to continue speaking in front of so many people, he said: "It's over, I'm about to leave, let's go."

Gongsun Xiao nodded and said, "Then let's go."

Song Yao then looked at Jiang Feng and said, "I will come again."

Jiang Feng nodded.

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